
Comedian Recreates Celebrity Instagram Photos in a Hilariously Real Way


Kendall Jenner has 45.9 million followers on Instagram. By the time you read this, that number has probably increased exponentially.

We all seem to simply adore seeing those um – candid? – pics of celebs just hanging. Of course, we also all know just how posed and not-so-true most super-celeb IG posts are.

Comedian Celeste Barber started the #CelesteChallengeAccepted project, recreating these popular pictures as a real person. The result? Hilarious photos that will get you giggling (at the very least).

Who did she take on?

Kendall Jenner. Her heart hair pic raked in more than 3.4 million likes (and most of us are happy with something like 34).

DIVIDERMiranda Kerr. Poking fun of Kerr’s crazy beautiful lingerie pose, Barber post, “I fell down.”

I fell down. #celestechallengeaccepted #mirandakerr #funny tap for rug details. A photo posted by Celeste Barber (@celestebarber) on

DIVIDERCindy Crawford. Barber’s re-do of Crawford’s hot shot is laugh out loud real.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! From Me and Cindy 👯 @cindycrawford #celestechallengeaccepted #funny #bffs #cindycrawford

A photo posted by Celeste Barber (@celestebarber) on

DIVIDERJennifer Lopez. J.Lo looks pristinely perfect in this mummy moment. Bottle hand, crying kid in the other, Barber shows what most of us really feel like.

Whatever gets you through ladies. Whatever gets you through. #celestechallenge #jlo @jlo #funny #parenting A photo posted by Celeste Barber (@celestebarber) on

DIVIDERKylie Jenner. Barber’s take on Jenner oddly eating her sister Khloe’s book includes a homemade read titled, “Picture Book for Insecure People” and the post, “Available at most average book shops.” Right!

DIVIDER50 Cent. Models and female pop celebs aren’t Barber’s only subjects. “Chillin’ in da crib” takes on a slightly different meaning in her post.

Chillin’ in da crib @50cent style. #celestechallengeaccepted #50cent #funny #auntykaren A photo posted by Celeste Barber (@celestebarber) on

DIVIDERKim Kardashian. Gold suit? Sure, why not?

DIVIDERGigi Hadid.
The young model looks magnificently made-up with her a.m. cup of coffee, as Barber keeps it real with some 24/7 Nutella.

Livin the dream @gigihadid #celestechallengeaccepted #funny #gigihadid

A photo posted by Celeste Barber (@celestebarber) on

DIVIDERDemi Lovato. Barber’s post says it all, “Don’t you hate it when you are trying to have a shower fully clothed and #vanityfair turn up with a camera.” Leah Michele. Sexy swimming while sleeping – or not?


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