Being Pregnant

Constipation During Pregnancy: Let’s Quickly Get to the Bottom of it All


Constipation during pregnancy. Not something I’d even thought about before becoming pregnant if I’m honest. I was promised a glow. Not problems pooping.

Yes, constipation during pregnancy is just one of the MANY things no one really likes to discuss when you mention you’re having a baby. Sure, people cannot WAIT to ask you about the gender or name choices and they LOVE to share their own birth stories. But no one seems to mention how hard it is to poop (pun intended, ladies).

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Pregnancy brings so many changes to our bodies. Thankfully constipation is a relatively easy fix. Source; Bigstock

But yet here we are. Pregnant, constipated and most likely NOT glowing. The good news is we’ve discovered a product that can effectively move things along and prepare your body for birth without the “build-up.”

It’s called Prunelax and, whether you’re pregnant or are simply struggling to poop, then it’s definitely for you! 

constipation during pregnancy - Prunelax
Say hello to your colon’s best friend – Prunelax! Source: Supplied

Let’s get things moving!

Simply put, Prunelax is a naturally derived laxative. Take it, wait 8-12 hours and, ta-da, you can poop! It’s naturally derived, effective, predictable and you don’t have to insert anything anywhere except your mouth. If you’ve experienced the horror that is an enema or suppository before, then this will be a welcome surprise. #TMI

The magic behind Prunelax to relieve constipation is the Senna leaves (mostly). This naturally derived laxative works in just 8-12 hours so take it at night and have relief by sunrise, just in time for your morning cuppa.

There are a few different options for Prunelax too – there’s Prunelax Smooth, which comes in a natural fruit paste. Simply take one teaspoon at night and off you go. This is ideal for those who don’t like swallowing tablets.

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Source: Supplied

There are also Prunelax Extra Strength tablets which are small, easy to swallow, vegan and gluten-free. Each tablet contains 15mg of Sennosides B per tablet which, compared to other laxatives, can be up to double the amount. The Extra Strength formulation means you don’t have to take as many pills to see (and feel) a result.

This is great news not only for our bowels but our wallets. Prunelax can be up to double the strength of others on the shelves but costs the same. Actually, it’s slighter cheaper than many of the others!

This works out to massive savings, especially if you do need to use Prunelax often.

This medicine may not be right for you. Read the label before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.

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Senna leaves for the win! Source: Supplied

Who can use Prunelax?

That’s another great thing about it – you CAN use it whenever you need it. It’s naturally derived, can be used for up to 7 days and is suitable for #AllTheMums. Pregnant. Post-partum. Mums of newborns, mums of toddlers, mums of tweens and teens.

It’s a great thing to have on hand if you are feeling constipated and are looking for something effective and discreet to quickly clear things up.

Constipation during pregnancy isn’t fun, especially as you near your final weeks. One of the biggest concerns I had in those final days was pooping. Because odds are, if you can’t poop before labour, you’re probs gonna poop during labour. #AgainTMI.

constipation during pregnancy meme
Source: Youtube

Prunelax can take the pressure off. After all, you’ve got enough pressure going on thanks to the baby about to make its way out of your ladybits, thank you very much.

Constipation during pregnancy and postpartum too 

But you know what’s even worse than constipation during pregnancy? Constipation AFTER pregnancy.

Yup. The first post-partum poo.



Again, not something people tend to discuss in their newborn bubble. Sure, everyone wants to know all about your adorable newborn but no one wants to talk about the fact you haven’t pooped in days!

Prunelax Smooth is your rescue remedy for this too. A teaspoon at night and you’ll be ready to party by morning. And by “party” we mean “return to the couch with an ice pack and cabbage leaves and pray that today your child sleeps longer than 7 minutes at a time”.

But, hey, at least you’re not constipated anymore!

Fun fact: Prunelax is for EVERY mum

If you’re one of the lucky ducks that don’t have a problem with constipation during pregnancy or beyond, then you’re missing out on all the fun. No, not really.

But you should consider yourself lucky because most women will experience constipation during pregnancy, post-partum or at another stage. It affects one in five Australians, men, women, etc.

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Don’t suffer constipation in silence. Source: Bigstock

Why oh why constipation?!

Pregnant women are especially prone to constipation simply because our insides are being reshaped in ways we didn’t even think was possible thanks to the baby taking up most of the space down there.

Yes, it’s common but also can be quite painful and uncomfortable which is why having Prunelax on hand is a must. The next time you’re at the chemist, pick up Prunelax for those “just in case” moments.

It costs less than $20 and will have you feeling like yourself again in no time! Look for the purple package.

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Source: Supplied

Take Prunelax at night for gentle relief at sunrise and if you’re pregnant, pop a pack in your labour bag. Trust us, your bowels will love you for it!

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Prunelax constipation during pregnancy
Prunelax is available in tablet or gel form.  Source: Supplied

This is a sponsored post for Prunelax

This medicine may not be right for you. Read the label before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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