Grandpa to the rescue! Well, dad is more like it. When driver (and owner of a Kansas-based trucking company) Trent McCain recently posted pics of his daughter’s doll on Facebook it took social media by storm.
Why? Take a look at what this super-thoughtful dad did for his daughter.
Originally posting the photos on his personal page, the truck driver said that the pictures, “caused quite a bit of laughter,” and was asked to re-post them to the company’s business page. When his 9-year-old daughter Joselyn ask the driver to babysit “Abbie” (her doll), the dad agreed. McCain told Inside Edition, “The next day, I didn’t think she’d remember.”
McCain posted on Facebook, “This morning before I leave, she reminds me I’m babysitting today. Well being the good “Grandpa” I agree to take her.”
And, that’s exactly what he did! Not wanting his daughter to think that he carelessly tossed the doll aside or stashed her away in the truck, McCain took (and posted) pictures all day long. The little girl sent her dad baby care instructions all day long via Facebook. Dad (that’s ‘grandpa’ to doll) sis exactly as he was told, caring for Abbie as he worked.
He made sure Abbie was safe, strapping her in with a seatbelt.
He made sure Abbie was well fed, giving her a Coke and a Slim Jim (okay, maybe not well fed – but, at least fed).
He took Abbie out of the truck, letting her do a little work (as much as a doll can).
He even took Abbie for a visit with great-grandpa (that’s Joselyn’s grandpa).
Pose after pose, it sure seems like Abbie and her ‘grandpa’ had one fun day!
Of the photos, he told Inside Edition, “We thought it would be fun to show Joselyn that we were doing our job and babysitting Abbie.”
How did Joselyn react to her dad’s social media shares? Like most mums (especially when a grandparent is babysitting), the little girl wasn’t entirely sold on McCain’s job as caregiver. Joselyn’s mum Jodi said, “Joselyn didn’t approve of the snack.” Understandably she thought that the beef jerky and sugary drink weren’t exactly healthy eating. Jodi added, “She thought she maybe needed a milk.”
It’s not just the McCain’s who have found Trent’s day with Abbie absolutely adorable. The post already has more than 91,000 shares, 215,000 likes and 24,000 comments on the company’s Facebook page!