
Am I the Only One That Thinks Easter is the New Christmas? What’s Next?!


This week I found myself dropping an obscene amount of money on chocolate Easter eggs, hot cross buns, gifts for those who are too young for chocolate and Easter greeting cards for relatives. SAY WHAT?

Easter is getting bigger and BIGGER every year. More Easter decorating, more chocolate, more hot cross buns – more of Easter everything.

It’s fair to say that my Easter haul stung my purse nearly as much as my ruled-by-consumerism soul.

Easters of past

Somewhere between my own childhood Easter weekends and my own children’s Easters, the weekend has turned into an event. Easter ALWAYS played second fiddle to Christmas but now it seems both these holidays are on an equal playing field. I can’t be the only one who grew up finding a few chocolate Easter eggs in the garden on Easter Sunday and calling it a day?

Easter decorating to EPIC Levels

One look through stores and it becomes abundantly clear that decorating your home for Easter is now a thing. We’re talking EASTER TREES, Easter themed tableware, napkins, ornaments and DOOR WREATHS people – and that’s just the tip of this milk chocolate, foil wrapped iceberg. I mean, didn’t I just put the Christmas tree away last month?

Easter decorating
Glue gun required. Images via Pinterest.
Easter decorating
File this under #tablegoals. Image via Bed Bath ‘N Table.

And Then There’s The Easter Haul

It seems gone are the days of a few chocolate eggs in the garden. A simple egg hunt and the promise of Easter Bunny is no longer the be all and end all. Nope, it’s perhaps time to amp it up and await the sugar crash.

If social media is any kind of indication, kids these days seem to be on the receiving end of mega Easter themed hauls. We’re talking Easter pyjamas, toys, books, chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs and ALL THE BUNNY THEMED THINGS. Which admittedly, are super cute but perhaps (dare I say it) a little OTT. That’s over the top for those playing at home.

mum central
All the Easter Bunny themed things. Image via Seed.

Do You Feel The Pressure?

I’m willing to own the fact that perhaps I’ve previously just been an Easter scrooge, my Easter vibe starts and finishes with chocolate and hot cross buns. Though I admit, it’s VERY tempting to deck the lunch table in a Pinterest worthy Easter spread!

Easter chocolate bunnies

Tell us how do you Easter – are you of the token Easter egg hunt camp or are you of the go hard or go home, decorate EVERYTHING variety?

Entertain the kids with these 12 cute and TOTALLY FREE Easter printables all weekend long and don’t forget to give our white chocolate and raspberry hot cross bun pudding for an Easter dessert!


South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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