
Emma Wiggle to Host Virtual Birthday Party for Kids who Missed Their Birthdays


Over 700,000 Aussie children under six have missed out on celebrating their birthday due to current health guidelines in relation to social gatherings. That’s 700,000 kids who settled for a family party or virtual birthday party rather than a big bash they may have been hoping for.

It’s disappointing for these kids but we all know how resilient kids are and how necessary social distancing is at this stage.

But never fear! Emma Wiggle is here to save the day and ensure our little ones still get a birthday party! Best&Less has teamed up with the Yellow Wiggle to host Australia’s biggest, bestest virtual birthday party. This is such a good idea and sure to be a fun little morning, especially for kids who love singing, dancing and, of course, Emma Wiggle!

Party online with Emma 

Although the party is especially for kids with birthdays in March to June, all kids are invited so save the date for Saturday 16 May 2020 at 11am AEST. 

“Who doesn’t love a children’s party? Together we can make this the biggest, bestest party ever! Can’t wait to see you all there!” said Emma.

emma wiggle birthday party
Photo: Supplied

You will need to RSVP before 10 May through the Best&Less website. Once you register you will get confirmation on the online platform to use and how to join the party.

The details 

Australia’s Bestest Virtual Birthday Party

Date:     Saturday 16 May
Time:    11:00am-11:30am AEST
Venue:  Your home for this Virtual Online Party

Virtual parties are the new cool

Although there is talk of COVID-19 restrictions easing in some states, social distancing will most like be in effect for a few more weeks/months which means virtual parties will be the norm.

If you’re looking to host your own virtual party, check out how to host a virtual party for tips, tricks and our top picks for performers and party favours.

We’ve also got some great ideas on hosting games night and baby showers virtually in our digital magazine – DOWNLOAD FOR FREEReal Mums Guide to Surviving Isolation.

While we’re at it … did you see their new handwashing song?


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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