
Share Your Favourite Ways to Cook with Fresh Pineapple & Win a Pure Gold Prizepack!


Hands up if you love to cook with fresh pineapple! Oh that sweet goodness on your plate, the natural way to sweeten up any dish without adding sugar!

To celebrate all things food and especially pineapples, we’re excited to launch PHASE 2 of our Pure Gold Moments Giveaway.

You might recall we took a pretty memorable trip to meet the Pure Gold Pineapple farmers last month and busted a few pineapple myths while we were there. In case you missed it, here’s our top myths (and take note as you’ll need to know them!)

FACT 1: Pineapples are NOT only a summer fruit! Pineapples sold without a crown are NOT second quality, they are the PURE GOLD variety which are the PERFECT WINTER FRUIT – beautiful and sweet ALL YEAR ROUND!

FACT 2: It takes two years to grow a pineapple. YEP! From planting to harvest, you can expect to wait around 24 months for these babies to be big enough and ripe enough to eat!

FACT 3: Pineapples are ripest on the day they are picked.  The farmer picks it at it’s prime so from then on the pine is only going to deteriorate. Don’t let it sit in your fruit bowl waiting for the colour to change – EAT IT NOW!

FACT 4: Once cut, pineapples will last for two weeks in an air-tight container in the fridge! That is, if they last that long! So cut them up, pop them in the fridge and dish them up to the kids next time they’re looking for something sweet to eat!

Pure Gold Pineapples are sold in ALDI, Woolworths, Coles, Harris Farm, IGA and most local green grocers.

divider-3So let’s give a huge virtual high five to the team at Pure Gold Pineapples for giving one lucky reader our PURE GOLD PRIZEPACK containing:

    • a $500 Kitchenware Direct voucher to spend on anything for your kitchen – pots, pans, gadgets and gizmos – you name it!
    • a Pineapple a week for a whole YEAR!
    • a pineapple peeler and corer

PLUS, you’ll go into the draw to win a $1,000 Westfield Gift Card!

Imagine the shopping! Not sure where to start? How about some new clothes, shoes, handbags, a TV or even a spa visit?!


enter-to-winTo enter, simply complete the entry form below and tell us in the comments below your FAVOURITE WAY TO EAT OR COOK WITH FRESH PINEAPPLE! Do you cook it, eat it raw, add it to a stew, top a pizza or cook it in your favourite sponge cake?

  1. Comment below telling us how you love to cook or eat raw pineapple.
  2. Upload your photo using the Gleam widget below or post it on Instagram using the hashtags 
#PureGoldMoments and #PureGoldPineapples.  It’s simple to link to existing Instagram and Facebook posts from within the app so give it a go and you could be a winner! If you use Instagram or Facebook, be sure to enter your details here to validate your entry.
  3. 10 of the best photos will be selected as finalists to go into the draw to win the grand prize.

BE sure to SHARE with your friends as the more that enter, the more chances you have to WIN!

Win a $500 Kitchenware Direct Voucher and a Pineapple a Week for a Year!


Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.


  1. Nicola James Reply

    I always have to have a delicious fresh pineapple fritter if I am having fish and chips. It goes back to happy childhood memories sitting on Manly Beach fighting off the seagulls, laughing,summer and family! Delicious!

  2. kcjfamily9 Reply

    Pineapple Upside-Down Cake. This classic dish (when made well!) is one of my favourite desserts. It’s much better with fresh pineapple. Also, the ingredients required are fairly basic, making it easy on the wallet.

  3. Bianca de Lima Reply

    I don’t get to eat pineapple coz my 2 year old is addicted to “Pineole” (as she calls it). She will eat it any way it comes but prefers it fresh and in her mouth as quickly as possible.

  4. Pina Colada HAHAHA…. Juiced pineapple with some chunks with in a pitcher with ice is so cooling in summer, or added to a kebab with chicken and capcicum, the grill on the BBQ.

  5. Brianna Taylor Reply

    I LOVE makibg toasted ham pineapple and cheese sandwiches. Simple but an absolute go to quick lunch for a busy mum!

  6. Angela Dennis Reply

    My favourite way is fresh with all the delicious golden juice dribbling down my face

  7. Donna Joy Leysley Reply

    I love to freeze it in small pieces then make a smoothy with Almond Coconut Milk, Frozen Pinapple, Pinappe Juice and a few ice cubes.. chuck it in the blender and YUMMO !!!!

  8. Bianca Bonakey Reply

    I love it on the bbq .. Best way to add it to a salad later

  9. Sharon Shaz Kley Reply

    I love pineapple upside down cake, the Pineapple with golden syrup and brown sugar tastes Devine

  10. catherine helbig Reply

    Love using them in the 2 ingredient pineapple cake and also grilled yummmm

  11. Belinda J Burns Reply

    oh my lordy i love freshly cut pineapple on an english muffin with tomato paste as a base sauce, topped with fresh ham and cheese – grill it baby~~~

  12. Char grilled Pineapple off the spit cut fresh onto the plate is just a fantastic way to end a heavy meal.

  13. I love eating fresh pineapple. When I visited Darwin, a friend cut it up for me. I ate the whole thing. When I visited Cairns, my family would get ice cream. I would get a takeaway container of pineapple. In W.A. we don’t have an abundance of fresh pineapples. If we did I would be cutting it up and eating the whole thing.

  14. Leanne Baker Reply

    We love to eat our pineapple with meat,
    It’s a combo that just cannot be beat.
    Thick and hearty ham steaks with melted cheese,
    Topped with juicy fresh pineapple that’s been cut with ease.
    Grilled until they’re a nice golden brown,
    Brings a touch of Hawaii to my home town.
    Pair it with a side of slaw,
    It has the kids wanting more.
    Healthy and fresh and very tasty,
    Quick to make if your feeling hasty.
    I highly recommend you give it a try,
    If you’ve never had it before you will wonder why.

  15. I love slicing fresh pineapple and fresh paw paw and then marinading them in a lime and honey syrup for an amazing taste sensation. Even one of my children (who is the only one of 4 to dislike fruit) will; eat this with gusto!

  16. Barbara Fehmel Reply

    I Love to cut up into small squares fresh Pineapple and saute it with Chicken mince in a fry pan then ass all the juice of the Pineapple and thicken it with cornflower.

  17. Jemma Teal Reply

    Pineapple cut into cubes and skewered and grilled lightly on bbq then dusted with icing sugar…melt in the mouth!

  18. Pineapple, watermelon, mint and ice in the blender- delicious!

  19. Hubby and I love pineapple blended into our breakfast fibre smoothie 🙂

  20. I love to to have pineapple pieces with diced cheese pieces and corn for a salad.

  21. I absolutely love to grill sliced pineapple with ham stakes perfect combo, so delicious and really easy to make

  22. Shenee Jackman Reply

    Pina colada cupcakes! Tasty drink turned into a cupcake! Yummy

  23. Lynnette Bull Reply

    Pineapple fritters with a dusting of cinnamon and sugar.

  24. I actually don’t do a thing to them. I stand there at the kitchen counter and peel them and eat them. I love them just the way they are.

  25. Angela Tennent Reply

    Pineapple with chicken and bbq sauce on a pizza is devine

  26. Heather Hopley Reply

    Cut the pineapple in half, lengthwise… cutting the top in half as well, keeping it attached. Scoop out the pineapple fruit without damaging the pineapple skin. Chop the pineapple flesh up, add chopped bananas and passionfruit pulp. Place the chopped tropical fruit mix back into the pineapple “shells”. Cover these with wrap and place in freezer till frozen through. Then top each pineapple (filled with tropical mix) with meringue. Place meringue topped frozen pineapple halves into a very hot oven to brown the meringue. Serve this delicious tropical treat and listen to all the “wow”s.

  27. Gillian Streeter Reply

    Nothing better than a fresh slice of pineapple cooked on the bbq with a drizzle of Balsamic vinegar. My Gran used to have fresh pineapple sandwiches. Would love to win this prize!

  28. Nicola Thomson Reply

    Pineapple kebabs chargrilled on the bbq with maple syrup and coddled cream is a delicious summer treat

  29. Michelle Green Reply

    I love love love love love making my famous upside-down pineapple and coconut cake for my family and friends. It’s always a favourite.

  30. Glenda McDonnell Reply

    Pure Gold Pineapples, just looking at them gives me that “Tropical Feeling” what better way to enjoy them, than combined with cool cucumber and the spicy flavours of Thailand in a delicious light salad …. well maybe caramelised with a big scoop of ice-cream, comes a very close second 🙂

  31. Ian Cowling Reply

    Kids love pineapple fresh AND on homemade Hawaiian pizzas, but the adults in the house LOVE Brazilian grilled pineapple… cup of brown sugar and couple of tsps cinnamon in a bag with cut pineapple and shake. Whack them on the barbie with your meat and after cooking 4 mins each side, you’ll have some magnificent caramelized pineapple. Yum!

  32. Lorraine Reid Reply

    I absolutely Love Pineapple! Fresh pineapple is great, but my absolute favourite is Battered pineapples. A perfect blend of sweet and savoury!

  33. Pineapple Sorbet for the kids, Pineapple Mojito is my personal fave….

  34. Jody Smith Reply

    Chopped up in a fruit salad and the fruit salad served within a cored and emptied pineapple.

  35. Simply just chopped up as per the cutting instructions stuck on the pineapple. They don’t last long enough to cook with in our house, husband 2 small children plus myself all loving pineapple. Im sure our 5mth old baby will love it too when she starts eating it

  36. We love making oineapple chips! Cut the oineapple really thin, speay with coconut oil and cook in the oven yill lovely and crisp!

  37. I live making pineapple and coconut ice cream – it tastes like summer!

  38. 78DaysofSummer Reply

    if its a really good one, down the hatch it goes! otherwise if i can resist i love a fresh smoothie made with pineapple, coconut, and banana 🙂

  39. Hollowed out, cut up, mixed with icecream, nuts and a dash of rum and then placed back into the pineapple shell to serve.

  40. jody buhagiar Reply

    I love it fresh and on the barbi as pork and pinapple kebabs 😀

  41. Pamela Singleton Reply

    I love pineapple anyway it comes, but it is so delicious served as a fritter with crumbed chicken, Banana fritters, chips and Peas, best Chicken Maryland ever.

  42. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapples, BBQ Pork, Egg, Prawns Fried Rice is my family’s favourite recipe. I put fried rice in Pineapple shell for fun. Australian Pineapple has excellent quality to create all kinds recipes. They are very tasty.

  43. Nicole Woods Reply

    In smoothies, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties.

  44. Claire H Simmons Reply

    love to have fresh pineapple with shaved coconut and ice cream

  45. Ineedacoffee Reply

    On pizza, i mean home made pizza is best and not aussie without pineapple

  46. My favourite recipe for pineapple is a partly sweet, partly sour, moist and juicy pineapple upside-down cake.

  47. I love using them to cook with. When used in a marinade they impart a surprisingly complementary flavour to steaks while simultaneously tenderising the meat.

  48. Nazesh Kanwal Reply

    I like pineapple and macroni salad with some light cream on it

  49. I love to throw a few slices on the barbie and serve them with barbecued chicken skewers. Delicious!

  50. Elizabeth agha Reply

    I love eating them freshly cut. Natural is best and sweetest.

  51. Karina Lee Reply

    I love a good Hawaiian pizza with heaps of pineapple on top. At least I can get my fruit for the day served up on a pizza.

  52. margie sincoe Reply

    The old favourite of ham, cheese and pineapple toasted sandwiches can’t be beaten.

  53. Elizabeth Jackson Reply

    I love using Pineapple in Cakes, it works magic and tastes divine. I even used blitzed pineapple Into a paste & use it in a syringe. When making Cupcakes, cut a little hole in the pineapple Cupcake, and fill hollow using the syringe to fill with pineapple puree. sit top bake on and pipe with a Mixture of toasted coconut, 2tbsp of pineapple puree, icing sugar, Marscapone cheese & whipped cream. If using a full size cup just do the same but on a bigger scale of course. Another option is a pineapple teacake. Make a butter cake, when cooked, use skewer and stab holes all other. Blitz some pineapple add to saucepan with a couple of tbsp of orange Juice & I tbsp castor sugar. Reduce to a glaze, Pour over warm cake. Allow to cool.

  54. Stav Mataia Reply

    I love using Pineapple while cooking my classic Pineapple upside-down Cake. It’s my absolute favourite desserts. I love cooking with fresh pineapple as it gives it a fresh and tropical tangy flavour, and It really does incorporate that Hawaiian flair.

  55. Dawn Taylor Reply

    I love pineapple sliced, with just the peel taken off, yum. It’s so beautiful on toasted tropical triangles, (not fingers because you get too many crust corners)1 or beautiful chicken and pineapple skewers grilled with coconut, oh yum, we just live, and eat lots of pure gold pineapples in my home. They are always just right to take home and eat.

  56. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Fresh Pineapple and Mixed Berries with Coconut Milk and Coconut Sugar are fantastic summer smoothie for hot summer day. It has rich nutrition for health benefits.

  57. Sharynleigh Reply

    Fresh pineapple cut into pieces and added to my carrot cake recipe is my favourite way of using pineapple.

  58. Teressa Clark Reply

    Fresh cut pineapple or in a vanilla cake mix for a magnificent pineapple cake mmmmm yummy!!!

  59. Brooke Parker Reply

    Pineapple Fritters. When you bite into them the juiciness and the sweetness is so good to. I also love to just eat them on their own. The sweet tangy taste is amazing.

  60. Nikki Cashion Reply

    I love pineapple in my tuna mornay and also grilled on top of hamsteaks

  61. Sam Minshull Reply

    I love it the way nature intended, fresh chunky pieces with fresh melons, strawberries, grapes and blueberries! the pineapple is the Key taste to perfect a fruit salad!

  62. Lara Haynes Stewart Reply

    On our homemade pizzas or chips & pineapple fritter nights

  63. Find the freshest, juiciest pineapple and blend with frozen watermelon and a few leaves of mint. Serve in a chilled glass and enjoy! Simple, refreshing and delicious, it will have you dreaming of summer!

  64. Pineapple cake 🙂 an oldie but a goodie,perfect for summer and everyday events 🙂

  65. Cindy Nickels Reply

    Thin slices of fresh pineapple, marinated in ginger syrup for a few hours in the fridge, and served with icecream. Delicious!!

  66. One the kids love:
    Hotdogs chopped up
    Fresh sweet Pure Gold pineapple sliced and diced
    Tin of chopped tomatoes
    One small onion.

    Fry onion so it turns translucent and softens. Add tomatoes and reduce until most of the liquid is gone. Add chopped hotdogs and pineapple pieces and heat for a further 3 minutes. Take off the stove and enjoy!

  67. I absolutely love my nanas recipe for pineapple is my pineapple veal omg its the most amazing sweet tasting eva always has been a family hit
    Then i also love nans PINEAPPLE BOILED fruit cake yummmy

  68. Pineapples don’t last long enough to be cooked in our house, they are eaten as soon as we get them!

  69. Julie Hodsman Reply

    Our kids love it on a good old home made ham, cheese and pineapple pizza. Or just on it’s own as a snack.

  70. I love adding pineapple to carrot cake it adds a delicious flavour and keeps the cake moist!

  71. Carleen Steele Reply

    I found that cutting up sweet potato, fresh pineapple and onion and roasting them off makes a great accompaniment to Roast Pork. The kids love it and hubby always goes back for thirds!

  72. I love baking Pineapple Upsidedown Cake because it never fails and gives me a connection to generations of pineapple lovers in my family from whom this recipe has been passed down. The combination of zesty but sweet pineapple on top means not too much sugar is needed in the actual cake and is really like a slice of healthy sunshine

  73. Wendy Compergirl D'Arcy Reply

    I cut wedges in half ( half circle) and wrap bacon around it fix it with a tooth pick and bbq it .

  74. Bridget Herbert Reply

    Best way I have Fresh Pineapple………Slice of thick Ham, Some Homemade pizza sauce on top, Then a slice of pineapple, Then some diced Bacon Fried, Then a Slice of cheese, Salt and Pepper to Finish. Not the healthiest….. But Oh So Good…..I also love it raw with the juice running down your hands on a hot summer day….. Yum.

  75. Eloise Tonkin Reply

    2 slices of bread under the grill with ham, pineapple and cheese! Delish!!

  76. Not very healthy, but I love a deep fried, batterred pineapple ring. with bacon and eggs for breakfast.

  77. Donna McGhee Reply

    My nan used to make us upside down pineapple cake and it has become a favourite of ours. My hubby and kids love it and the smell reminds me of all the good times I had with my grandparents. My nan was the best and her recipe book means a lot to me.

  78. What do you mean cooking Pineapple? who can take a pineapple into their house peal it chop it and have it last more then 5 min?I would love to make cocktails with it… I would love to glaze it with butter and bourbon on the BBQ………..mmmmmmm Pineapple upside down cake ……. Pineapple syrup cake…… I would love to do lots of yummy things with it but the fact of life is it never lasts longer than a min or two let alone make it into the oven!

  79. Jane Gardam Reply

    I actually like my pineapple to sit for a couple more days after buying as I find they become sweeter and juicier, and nothing beats it just being peeled, and sliced and eaten as is. Delicious and pure sunshine in your mouth.

  80. Jennifer Worrall Reply

    I cut mine into pieces and heat them in a frying pan with red onion and bacon or ham with a drizzling or balsamic glaze or balsamic vinegar. Taste great on steak or sausages ect or in jacket potatoes with sour cream, on hot chips, potato skins, mashed potato, roasted vegetables or on salad… hot or cold it tastes amazing.

  81. Lucia Saal Reply

    I use pineapple in my fried rice. I caramelise it and add it to the rice at the end. So sweet and juicy…adds a another layer of flaviour.

  82. I like cooking on the barbeque flambed with a little rum and topping with a little dollop of unsweetened double whipped cream; I also use the hollowed out shell as a bowl to serve my thai spiced pork curry to give it a delicate accompanying pineapple flavour

  83. Marija Zeko - Hermacita Reply

    Hi there,

    I’m quite fond of juicing a pineapple with ginger and green apple. it’s a great purifier and get’s the blood racing. Lovely first thing in the morning.

  84. Colin Burt Reply

    summer time, just cut a fresh pineapple into long fingers and freeze them with a toothpick. then the kids will have natural, sweet, ice cold fruit to refresh them after running around outside. Better than sugary icy poles and other rubbish

  85. Mel Cochrane-Finlay Reply

    I just love fresh pineapple on our homemade pizzas. Definitely no canned pineapple in our pantry!

  86. Louise Hopper Reply

    Cut into bite sized pieces, rolled in a light batter and deep fried, then dust in icing sugar yumo!!!

  87. Bianca Hensman Reply

    Toss through small pieces of pineapple through a fresh Mexican style salsa! Absolutely beautiful!

  88. Steph Hallen Reply

    I love making chicken skewers. I marinate the chicken in vinegar and brown sugar and then place on skewers with fresh pineapple. I then barbecue them on the weber over hot coals. The taste is sensational and nothing compares!

  89. Shannon Wotton Reply

    I love to eat fresh pineapple just by itself but I also like to make my pineapple into fresh pineapple ice cream. Yummy!

  90. Helga Grenkowitz Reply

    There are so many ways… I mix it into my homemade jam which only consists of fresh fruit, honey and chia seeds. We eat it with vanilla ice-cream, in a fruit salad, in a cheesecake or on the BBQ 🙂

  91. Kara Wheeler Reply

    Pork tacos with fresh pineapple salsa! Yum! That’s when I dont eat it all straight from the fridge first.

  92. Love a pineapple cheesecake, or a cool tropical fruit drink with pineapple or even grilled pineapple … I’m really not fussy, as long as it’s pineapple.

  93. Fresh cut pineapple, pineapple upside down cake, pineapple pizza or a tropical punch.

  94. Sharon Edman Reply

    I love using pineapple in fried rice, giving it a fresh, sweet flavour

  95. Neva Beaumont Reply

    When I have a dessert craving I absolutely love taking a fresh, juicy pineapple, sprinkling it with a pinch of sugar and then grilling the outside for a few moments. I carefully slice and devour the sweet, warm outside flesh and then repeat until the whole pineapple is safely resting in my tummy. It is absolutely divine and I don’t feel too guilty!

  96. My mum always used to make us ham steaks with fresh pineapple slices and melted cheese when we were young. Such happy memories. We all loved it. Yummm!

  97. Kim May Matt Tini Reply

    I love to freeze some pineapple and then put it in the blender with some coconut cream! It’s the best and freshest creamy treat in a hot summer day.

  98. Guests love my grilled chicken breast salad on a bed of cos lettuce with diced up fresh pineapple and Greek yogurt dressing. It’s healthy, tangy and delicious!

  99. Leigh Isabeth Reply

    I love a pineapple ring with a large onion ring wrapped around it, sprinkle enough mozzarella cheese to be gooey when it’s cooked and wrapped in bacon. Just delicious done on the bbq!!

  100. Rana Robertson Reply

    I love pineapple pureed and frozen then mixed
    through homemade icecream
    But also fried and eaten warm with pieces of cheese
    So many wonderful ways

  101. Shu- Ching Change Reply

    Fresh pineapple rings with Fresh bread crumbs for deep fried are great snack . Australian Pineapple has excellent quality and smelling nice.

  102. Jennalee Izzard Reply

    Sweet juicy tinned pineapple rings on Homemade hamburgers!! Our whole family’s Friday night favourite

  103. Xzavia Green Reply

    My most favorite comfort food is Tuna and Pineapple casserole! My mum finally shared her recipe with me and it’s to die for.
    Fresh pineapple makes it even more amazing.

  104. Kit Man Ha Hau Reply

    Definitely having fresh pineapple and slice up into pineapple rings and freeze them up as frozen pineapple slices. Great ice block for summer and a small business even made money out of this!~

  105. Andieharrie Reply

    We chop fresh pineapple into chunks then put a chunk on the end of skewers, dip it in soft brown sugar and hold over flame (great when camping but can be done over smaller flame) the sugar caramelizes the pineapple gets warm then we dip into cream, or serve with ice cream and caramel sauce – can be done on BBQ too or in a fry-pan minus the skewer. is super delicious

  106. Sammie Whitby Reply

    I love a fresh slab of pineapple grilled on top of a smoked pork steak with cheese. Only when there is enough left after I’ve eaten 1/2 a fresh pineapple in one sitting.

  107. Amanda Holland Reply

    I just bought a pure gold pineapple from Aldi yesterday! I am planning on using it in a nutibullet healthy drink

  108. TanyaCrerar Reply

    Pineapple fritters with vanilla icecream is a decadent dessert any time of year.

  109. Lorenzo Procopio Reply

    I love to grill slices of fresh pineapple on the BBQ. The natural sugars in the fruit caramalise beautifully.

  110. lorexstevex Reply

    I love frozen pineapple as a healthy alternative to sorbet or ice cream on a hot summer day!

  111. Nicole Mattick Reply

    Without a doubt the best way to cook with pineapple is to make a pineapple upside-down cake. I have a great “cheat” recipe – cake mix, pineapple (obviously!), cooked and then drizzled with a pineapple sauce to make it super moist. Its perfection!

  112. I love using fresh pineapple into sweet and sour stirfrys! It’s a delicious and fresh taste.

  113. Juanita Munro Reply

    Pineapple fritters all the way! Sweet & a little naughty deep frying.. Makes a perfect treat for all!

  114. Fiona nellestein Reply

    Smooth and creamy pineapple sorbet for the summer days and warm pineapple dumplibgs with a coconut whipped cream on winter.
    We also keep the core and freeze them. They make a great cool juicy treat for teething little ones.

  115. Pineapple is my number one ingredient for a fresh fruit salad. If I don’t have a fresh pineapple, I don’t make fruit salad.

  116. Lauren Jordan Reply

    I like pineapple fresh and sweet. I cut it up to use for fruit skewers, or if cooking I enjoy it on pizzas and in fried rice.

  117. Veronica Paterson Reply

    I absolutely love pineapple fritters with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar but I also love little chunks of pineapple thrown through a stir fry! Yumalicious!

  118. Panda Jess Reply

    I love making pineapple muffins with cinnamon sugar and coconut icing.

  119. Making chicken and pineapple curry. If you haven’t tried the way the pineapple complements the chicken in this dish, you haven’t lived!

  120. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapple and Chicken slow cooking is one of my favorite dishes. It has beautiful sweet pineapple taste and soft tender chicken meat. Whole house are smell wonderful in hours.

  121. Effie Bakkalis Reply

    I use fresh cubes of pineapple on tutti-frutti fruit skewers, and also pineapple chunks on our home-made Hawaiian pizza! The whole family loves them!

  122. Beautiful pineapple, lemon meringue; beloved in our hearts
    Family inspired cookery where the kids cherish being part
    A world of learning and fun – for everyone!.

  123. Phyllis George Reply

    Whenever I entertain or am required to take a cake to an event I bake my very yummy Pineapple upside down cake.

  124. Pork with Home-Made Sweet & Sour Sauce ,
    using FRESH Pineapple!!
    Perfected this way before the endless jars existed, which have NO REAL Pineapple!!

  125. I love to make a fresh tropical fruit salad, the perfect dessert, all year round.

  126. I love caramelised pineapple pancakes with a squeeze of lime, they are delicious!

  127. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapple has beautiful taste to create amazing recipes from sweet deserts to my family’s favourite pineapple chicken burgers.

  128. Melinda Davies Reply

    I grew up eating pineapple sandwiches! Nothing beats fresh bread, butter and sweet, golden pineapple. Mmmm my mouth is watering just thinging about it 🙂

  129. Samala Cambridge Reply

    Honeslty I love pineapple fresh by itself. On the days that we do our fruit shopping and buy a pineapple it doesn’t get past the bench. Our whole family love it!

  130. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapple is a major ingredient for sweet and sour pork recipe. Fresh pineapple can boost flavour of sweet and sour sauce.

  131. Fresh pineapple is awesome added to a fresh chicken and cheese toasted sandwich! The fresh fruit smothered in teh melted cheese is heavenly!

  132. Peta Masih Reply

    I love to just eat Fresh Pineapple cut up in pieces on its own!! It is so good it doesn’t need any accompaniments!!

  133. Valerie Wee Reply

    My mum taught me to make pineapple water. Cut pineapple into pieces. Add sugar and boil it in the water. Let it cold down and keep it in the fridge. You can have juicy sweet pineapple water anytime you like.

  134. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Fresh Pineapple Crisp Fish Steaks Salad is perfect dish for the summer weather.

  135. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapple has many ways to create amazing recipes. I just love to eat pineapple in fresh or with my ice cream. So much joys.

  136. paula harris Reply

    Fresh pineapple in fruit salad. I always buy them with the top on so I can recycle/plant them….the first one I did about 2 years ago is finally fruiting and I’m a little over excited hahaha

  137. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapple , mixed berries , coconut milk and coconut sugar are great flavour smoothie for afternoon snack .

  138. Lynnette Bull Reply

    I love to have my pineapple on a kebab stick. Chunks of eye fillet steak, chunks of pineapple and capsicum. Grilled and dripping with juice.

  139. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapple Ice Cream has fresh tase and sweet aroma, it is a perfect snack for day and night.

  140. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapple , mixed berries, and watermelon are beautiful summer fruit salad.

  141. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Simply, I love Pineapple to make sweet and sour pork of fish . It is my family’s favourite dish all time.

  142. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Pineapple, Pineapple, Pineapple is a amazing fruit with amazing flavour.

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