Allergy prevention update: experts now say to give babies peanuts and eggs in their first year of their life.
Previous guidelines believed that kids should be at least one before introducing these allergy risk foods. But new research now shows that earlier is better.
The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy recommends exposing children to both eggs and peanuts between the ages of four and 12 months.
New research changes guidelines
Worryingly, the number of food allergies in young children has steadily risen over the past decade – in particular for peanuts and egg. The growing trend has prompted new research, published today in the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA). It reveals that kids who are fed peanuts and eggs at an earlier age are actually less at risk of developing an allergy.
New emerging evidence shows that children exposed to these foods before the age of one strengthen their tolerance for foods. The guidelines have now been changed to accommodate this. The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy is also now advising against the use of hydrolysed formula to prevent allergic diseases.

The new recommendations
When it comes to knowing when and what to feed your baby it can be confusing with varied opinions and constant changes to the guidelines. Here is a rundown of the latest expert recommendations as released today:
Don’t delay solids
Start giving your baby solid food (purees, etc.) when they are ready for it. This is generally around the age of six months. Don’t introduce too early though or late though – so not before four months or beyond the age of one. Hint: Signs that your baby is ready for solids include watching you eat, reaching for your food and needing extra milk feeds.
Give peanuts and eggs early
Expose your baby to both peanuts and eggs before they turn one, despite the allergy risk factors. So somewhere between the ages of four and 12 months.
If your child is already at high risk for developing a food allergy, then it’s best to speak with your doctor for advice BEFORE making changes to their diet. Health professionals now have access to a new document from The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy outlining how to introduce peanuts to high risk babies.
Don’t use hydrolysed formula
Regardless of partial or extensive use, hydrolysed formula is no longer recommended for helping prevent allergies.
Need some inspiration for feeding your baby solids? Check out these 9 easy food purees your little one will love!