Outdoor Play

50 Free Fun Ideas to Keep Your Kids Busy These School Holidays!


School holidays are fast approaching! And as the weather cools it can be tricky to find things to keep the kids busy.

Fear not! We have a stack of fun ideas  to help you keep the ‘I’m boreds’ at bay!

Rug up and enjoy some autumn family fun with these brilliant ideas. And the best part? They won’t cost you a cent!

50 free fun school holiday things to do

1. Head to the park and collect autumn leaves.

2. Jump in puddles after rain – or use the hose to make your own!

3. Visit an art gallery or museum.

4. Make an ant farm with a plastic bottle.

5. Have a picnic in the backyard.

6. Make your own mixture and blow bubbles.

mum central

7. Hide plastic toys in the sand pit and dig for treasure.

8. Hunt for geocaches.

9. Plant seeds in a pot or vegetable garden.

10. Feed ducks at a local pond.

11. Make an obstacle course in the backyard.

12. Have a campfire and toast marshmallows.

13. Rug up and watch the stars come out.

14. Fly a kite.

15. Make paper boats and float them in a local creek or lake.

16. Go for a bike or scooter ride.

mum central

17. Collect shells and treasures washed up on the beach.

18. Go on a night walk with a torch.

19. Find shapes in the clouds.

20. Dance with ribbons in the wind.

21. Do chalk art on a path.

Get creative with sidewalk challk

22. Go visiting family or friends.

23. Go on a treasure hunt for pebbles or flowers.

24. Take binoculars and go bird watching.

25. Visit a library.

Snuggle up inside with these ideas to keep your kids busy!

26. Make your own bowling with a ball and empty plastic bottles.

27. Painting – check out this mess free way to paint indoors.

28. Make a cubby from cardboard boxes or blankets hung over a table.

29. Draw roads on a large piece of paper and set up a city using toys and blocks.

30. Make art from autumn leaves.

31. Cook a favourite food – cupcakes are an easy choice!

savvy insurance

32. Make cards and send them to family and friends.

33. Make a car or boat out of a cardboard box or washing basket.

34. Dress up and act out a favourite story.

35. Make paper planes and see whose can fly the furthest or loop the loop.

36. Do a puzzle.

37. Make and decorate paper hats.

38. Trace your bodies onto large sheets of paper and colour in with crazy outfits.

39. Make homemade pizzas for tea.

40. Have a dance party in the lounge room – just add music and some groovy moves.

41. Make an inside obstacle course.

42. Make your own play dough – check out simple recipes here.

home made play dough43. Make a bird feeder and hang it outside a window so you can watch for birds.

44. Play hide and seek.

45. Make an art gallery of your kids’ artworks and help them write descriptions about each one.

46. Try origami.

47. Play board games.

48. Take a bath full of bright bubbles coloured with food colouring.

49. Make slime.

50. Keep a diary of all your school holiday fun by drawing pictures each day in a notebook.

We’d love to hear your ideas about your kids’ favourite school holiday activities!

Stuck inside on a rainy day – check out these great indoor craft activities!

Or heading away these school holidays? We’ve got great car trip activities to keep the kids busy!


I love my three country kids - and all things writing! Like most mums, I wear lots of hats - writer, children's author, organisational psychologist and the pairer of the odd socks!

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