
17 Funny Mother’s Day Cards That Perfectly Sum Up Motherhood


It’s that time of year again! The one-day event where we mums get a sleep-in, a cup of tea in bed and a handmade card to say thanks for everything that we do. 

Add a bit of humour to the day with these funny Mother’s Day cards that capture the joy of motherhood like no other.

We’ve searched far and wide (aka Etsy) to find the best of the best in funny Mother’s Day cards. Behold, 17 of our favourite ways to say “Thanks Mum” in card form.

1. Marked with love 

Stretch marks. Better than nothing, right?

funny mother's day cards stretch marks
Image via Etsy

2. #mumlife forever

In case you needed a reminder that motherhood is 24/7…. here you go,

Funny mother's day cards
Image via Etsy

3. Nine months of no wine

Not an easy feat. But we all had to do it. And we deserve a card (and a toast) to celebrate this achievement.

funny mother's day cards wine
Image via Etsy

4. Party like a mum

We reckon this is the perfect card for any mum with a pint-sized party animal.

funny mother's day card toddlers
Image via Etsy

5. Thanks for the phone calls 

And for the mums of teenagers who clearly don’t know how to text back… here’s a card just for you.

funny mother's day card
Image via Etsy

6. What’s for Dinner?

Or how about this lovely sentiment? I don’t think any three words better sum up motherhood.

funny mother's day card
Image via Etsy

7. Make Motherhood Great Again

For any political parents out there, here’s a card that’s sure to trump any hand made one!

political mother's day cards
Image via Etsy

8. Apology accepted

Grey hairs, saggy boobs, no money BUT a heart full of love! It’s worth the trade off we reckon.

funny mother's day card
Image via Etsy

9. Lucky they’re so cute 

Damned straight. Three cheers for cute kids!

cute mother's day card
Image via Etsy

10. Truth bombs for Mother’s Day

You have to admit. If your son or daughter gave you this gem of a card, you’d have to chuckle.

cheeky funny mother's day card
Image via Etsy

11. A hard (placenta) pill to swallow

So, you didn’t get on the placenta-consumption bandwagon. That’s cool. You’re still awesome. This card proves it.

cheeky mother's day cards
Image via Etsy

12. I swear you’re a great mum

It’s just not a round-up of funny Mother’s Day cards without the obligatory f-bomb.

mother's day cards sum up motherhood
Image via Etsy

13.  Cliff hanger

See…they do listen.

mum central
Image via Etsy

14. Little white lies

If there’s one thing we’re good at, it’s learning how to bend the truth.

mum central
Image via Etsy

15. Snack bitch

Happy Snack Bitch Day!

funny mother's day card
Image via Etsy

16. Happeee Mother’s Day

Sneezing will never be the same.

funny mother's day card
Image via Etsy

17. Vagina monologues 

The feeling is mutual. Most days.

funny mother's day cards
Image via Etsy

Need more Mother’s Day inspiration? Check back in with us later this week for Mother’s Day gifts all mums will want.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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