
The Genius Kmart Santa Spy Camera Every Parent Needs Right Now


Too early to start pulling out the “Santa is watching you” ‘negotiations’? Hell no. These have rolled freely out my mouth since the Easter Bunny made his hasty exit, leaving me to deal with the chocolate monsters.

If your kids keep fighting and niggling at each other despite your best ‘naughty or nice list’ threats, hear this.  Get yourselves over to Kmart STAT. Because these spy camera sanity savers are disappearing faster than the Christmas turkey.

Presenting your first Christmas miracle.

The Kmart Santa spy camera

“Unlock the Magic of Christmas” indeed, as Santa employs his inquisitive little elves to keep his eye on your cherubs 24/7 in the lead up to the big day.

Introducing the brilliant Kmart North Pole Surveillance Camera. Guaranteed to turn your home into a calm, whinge-free zone for the next nine weeks.

Kmart Santa spy cameraNow let me state clearly for the big people reading this; the Kmart Santa spy camera is for decorative purposes only. AKA : a bullshit device designed to back up your exhausted barrage of “Santa is watching” threats.

Simply pop in the batteries, place away from little hands and ensure the ‘official’ red light is blinging its magic. Then HEY PRESTO. Pop the kettle on for a relaxing cuppa and a slice of Nana’s festive fruit cake whilst the kids play quietly together like Christmas angels.

Clear out your pockets, dig under the couch cushions and raid the car console, because this Kmart Santa spy camera only costs (*drum roll please) $5.

That’s it. The best fiver you will ever spend.

Kmart Santa spy camera

Could this be our new ‘electronic’ Elf on the Shelf? 

Of course, if you are an Elf on The Shelf lover, this might be a very handy backup. You know, for when you wake at 5am to the sounds of tiny people calling the name of the Elf who, apparently ‘became ill overnight and under doctor’s advice, had to remain still’. Luckily, Santa can see how well the kids sleep – or not – via the North Pole Surveillance camera, if you know what I’m saying (*wink wink, nudge nudge).

A great incentive to make a start on the Christmas shopping… or is it?

My name had better be on the ‘Nice List’, big fella!

Bravo, Kmart, Bravo.

Of course, if you absolutely DO NOT wish to know just how many more weeks or sleeps until Christmas and need all the shortcuts you can get, take a look at  how to Hack the Hall with 14 Brilliant Christmas Kmart Hacks.


Self proclaimed salted caramel expert and champagne taster, Anna might be heard shrieking at her kids to "hold on with both hands" at a Melbourne playground near you. She lives with her son, daughter and cycling obsessed husband, and dreams of one day writing books in a little cottage, in front of a big window, beside the beach.

1 Comment

  1. If the camera actually works and is wi-fi it may be hacked by outsiders. If so think very carefully before you buy one.

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