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It’s the Great Showbag Giveaway – Enter to Win the Showbag of Your Choice


Let’s face it. Going to the Show can be expensive at times. The rides, the attractions, sideshows and then there’s the showbags!

That’s why we’ve pulled together 8 of our favourites and we’re sharing them with you!  Choose from:

  • Shopkins
  • Cadbury
  • Pokemon
  • Bertie Beetle
  • Paw Patrol
  • FruChocs
  • Paw Patrol – Skye
  • Disney Planes


enter-to-winTo enter, simply complete the entry form below in full, nominate the bag you’d like to win and you’re in with a chance.

Remember, the more you share the more chances you have to win!


The Great Showbag Giveaway – Enter to Win the Bag of Your Choice


Belinda's a passionate advocate for community and connection. As the founder of the Mum Central Network she’s committed to celebrating the journey that is Australian parenthood. Mum to two cheeky boys, and wife to her superstar husband, they live a busy but crazy lifestyle in Adelaide. Great conversation, close friends and good chocolate are her chosen weapons for daily survival. Oh, and bubbles. Champagne is key.


  1. Sarahmary92 Reply

    I love the fun family environment that the show provides. We always make so many memories and enjoy ourselves immensely.

  2. Vanessa Ahern Reply

    My favourite part of the Show is the exciting atmosphere. The sounds, sights, colours, smells and experiences are remembered for years to come.

  3. I love that the Show brings the country to the city. Where else will you find a range of farm animals in a city location?

  4. Nicola James Reply

    The agricultural displays, still fascinating after 60 years!

  5. Sarah Turnbull Reply

    Living in the desert, we get to see all the different display and animals that we don’t see out here.

  6. Louise Baida Reply

    My favourite part of the Show this year was seeing how excited our children were to do things. Even free things like patting the dogs or seeing the farm animals.

  7. The old engines down the back and chatting to the old boys who love them back to life. Very interesting characters.

  8. Rebecca Costa Reply

    I love going to see all the craft and cooking exhibits as there lots of telanted people out there that create and make great things!!

  9. Bronwyn Elmes Reply

    So much variety there. Fun games and activities for kids and educational activities and exhibits. Food and treats too.

  10. I love the Pavillion and looking at all the beautiful decorated cakes and the handcraft section.

  11. Fiona Rowlands Reply

    I love everything about The Show!! The rides, The animals & all the delicious foods to savour too!!

  12. The joy and smiles on peoples faces. Screaming coming from all the exciting rides. So entertaining for all the family! Love it!

  13. Watching my kids look around at everything with awe. It’s so wonderful to see

  14. I love that when I go to the Show with my kids, nieces & nephews’ that I feel like a kid again. Takes me back to my childhood …..

  15. Belinda Bee Reply

    My kids are excited about The Show,
    It’s our favourite place to go!
    Motocross stunts, fireworks – simply amazing
    We love the animals and food tasting!

  16. What’s not to love?! A day out with the family and everyone is catered for. It really is family fun for everyone

  17. I love the excitement the kids have about everything there. The animals are soo cute… i have a picture as a child with the lambs and i replicate it every time I go. And the memories the show creates.

  18. Sherna Swanepoel Reply

    Everything. People. The enjoyment on kids faces and off course the sound of laughter when the see show bags 🙂

  19. I love the ride and Dagwood dogs, although don;t make the mistake I made recently and eat the food then go on a ride… it will not end well!

  20. I loved everything about the show, the rides (faster the better), dagwood dogs, fairy floss and showbags! My kids love all the same things except now all I like is the steak sandwich for breakfast, beef jerky and watching my kids have fun 🙂

  21. I love the showbags always have and always will – I still pout over them to get the best bang for my buck – I would choose the cadbury showbag

  22. My kids and I love showbags! It’s like Christmas with everything in the goodie bags

  23. I love all the games where you spend a small fortune and win a crappy prize…….I know I’m a sucker but they’re good fun!

  24. Claire Garnett Reply

    I am taking my 2 boys for the first time this year, I hope they enjoy it!

  25. The show is a great place to let your hair down, have fun with the family and look at very clever people who contribute to exhibits

  26. Charl Lowther Reply

    Seeing my children’s excited faces, rides, displays, animals and of course the show bags!

  27. Milly Howells Reply

    See the joy my little ones get from seeing all the baby animals and the excitement my eldest (and husband) get from the rides!

  28. Honestly my favourite part is the Pluto pups and mini Dutch pancakes yummy

  29. I love that it caters as much to the parents now as it does for the kids with all the fabulous foodie options available now. I still also love the animal nursery and you can’t beat the amazing cake decorating competition and the CWA pavilion.

  30. The amazing amount of things to see and do for hours, great value is the Show

  31. This will be my girls first year at the show! I honestly love the smiles its puts on kids faces! Something exciting around every corner and I hope my girls love it as much as I did when I was a kid!

  32. Paula Harris Reply

    It’s all about the Dagwood dogs and hot cinnamon donuts for me 🙂

  33. Ineedacoffee Reply

    The rides
    Me and miss 6 live for the rides
    She a rollercoaster, dodgem cars and mega slide fan
    Im speed 2, fury and xxxl

  34. Samara Cassidy Reply

    We love watching and competing in the ring with the horses! Sideshow alley is fun at the end of a long day too.

  35. Becky O'Callaghan Reply

    I love looking at all the animals and then the fireworks at night

  36. Lynette Jorissen Reply

    I love the craft and cake entries. I love to see the creativity of our community.

  37. Definitely the showbags. Can’t resist them. The shopkins and Cadbury bag looks great. Will give me kids the shopkins if I win and keep Cadbury for myself. Time to indulge as a mum of three need the chocolate.

  38. Love watching my kids explore, the wonder on their faces. (And sneaking stuff out of their showbags!)

  39. Tehani Gauder Reply

    I have always loved the dogs and the cat pavilions, the shows, the super agility training displays plus all the other animals and baby animals. Now I get to share this with my young son who is in awe of the teamwork that is displayed, of course who doesn’t love the rides and games in side show alley ? Unfortunately my health is not good enough to attend this year but if he is lucky perhaps he can go with some one else.

  40. I just love all the noise and excited kids and the big showbag hall!

  41. Melinda Shaw Reply

    Definately the Bertie Beetle showbag as they are my favourite treat and i cant get them anywhere else….I also love that the country comes to the city. The atmosphere is always amazing and there is always something there for everyone to enjoy. A great day out with family and friends!!

  42. Sue Bowers Reply

    I love the animals and the craft exhibitions, love to see just what all these lovely creative people have made.

  43. Lauren Ibbotson Reply

    I love the excitement, laughter, free exhibitions and spending the day with my family.

  44. As a crafty person the craft pavilion, otherwise just watching my adult kids be kids again.

  45. Caroline Lissaman Reply

    I love the rides and animals. Especially the sheepdog trials and show jumping!

  46. Emma Miller Reply

    I love the rides, well watching my daughter’s face light up while she’s on them.

  47. Leanne Pickles Reply

    The excitement, atmosphere, my Family enjoying themselves and having heaps of fun.

  48. Everything from the trip there to the excitement of entering through the gates to explore and have fun there’s is something for everyone and it’s a fantastic day out everyone looks forward to the show

  49. Suzanne Ware Reply

    We all love seeing the baby farm animals – oh and Fairy Floss!!!!

  50. Joanne Everson Reply

    We love seeing the baby animals, the rodeo and walking out with a Bertie Beetle bag as no trip to the show is complete without one

  51. Love the fun atmosphere and especially seeing all the kids faces light up with delight from the rides, animals and entertaining attractions.

  52. my son just loves pokemon at the moment, he would be over the moon if he won

  53. Renee Bolton Reply

    Show time is a lot of fun for my kids, love seeing them enjoy the rides, food etc.

  54. Everything! It’s such a great family day out, there’s so much to see and do. Fun for everyone.

  55. lara haynes Reply

    Show time is all about fun show bags, dagwood dogs, donuts & rides wish I could afford to go every year though

  56. Christine Jamieson Reply

    Enjoying the Arts and Crafts, The Woolworths Pavillion, The atmosphere he joy and laughter everywhere it is infectious

  57. Rebecca Maurer Reply

    The animals. Im a city girl so having the show come to the city is great. The smells of a farm can make you believe u are there.

  58. I love the show because its a great family day out spending time with my daughter seeing the animals, going on rides and playing games on sideshow alley and of course getting showbags

  59. Donna Wilkinson Reply

    It’s always been about the show bags with me. I’ve even got a shopping bag on wheels especially for them 🙂

  60. Linda Luczak Reply

    I’d be lying if I said my children didn’t love the Showbag Pavilion. They save their pocket money each year just for the show bags.

  61. My two year old is obsessed with bags, you could call her the original bag lady, the bigger the better… She finds them and fills them up full of her toys, books and of course snacks. She does not just get one or two but 4 or five. So, winning a bag that is already pre packed and with her favourite stuff would just make her day.

  62. I love the SAPOL exhibition as for a gold coin donation (I always give a note) you can have your kids photo taken on a police motorcycle. We have started a little tradition of getting that done first at the show……we have collected 4 photos and hope to continue as long at SAPOL exhibits!

  63. Stacey Navarro Reply

    The thing I love most about the show is having a day out with the family enjoying all that the show has to offer such as the animals the rides and of course the show bags.3

  64. I love the all the diffetent animal pavillions, art and crafts and ovetall atmosphete of fun, laughter and adventure.

  65. Felicity Sergeant Reply

    Fun with family. We go on a budget, so we take our lunch and do all the free stuff but we always allow enough for one showbag each.

  66. Michelle Budge Reply

    It makes me feel young again. I love the atmosphere and the excitement in the air.

  67. Andreea Nicolescu Reply

    Love seeing the animals and the food its the only time I will eat a hotdog deep fired haha

  68. Rebecca Tompsett Reply

    Fill with sugar to the brim
    Whirling teacups in a spin
    Animals that dive and race
    Laughter on my daughter’s face

  69. Michelle Leach Reply

    I love the atmosphere and all the joy on the kids faces when they see something they like. The animal pavilions are a big hit with the kids. Just a great day out for all.

  70. kelly jones Reply

    I love the show because it’s something fun that I can share and enjoy with my kids

  71. Laura Offerman Reply

    I like leather handbags and tea bags but show bags are my true love!

  72. The Yellow Brick Road showbag. Best thing ever – gives you things to do, a path to follow AND you get snacks along the way!

  73. I love everything at the show, there is lots of thing’s to do for all ages

  74. Jann Trapp Reply

    we love the rides the happiness of the people and, the pleasure on the childrens little faces.

  75. Tasha Beaumont Reply

    We love everything about the show and whats not to love with showbags

  76. ivy fraser Reply

    Hearing everyone screaming on the rides and the smell of all the food

  77. Linda Roberts Reply

    Love the animals, cake displays, emergency services and showbags

  78. Shannon Discombe Reply

    Have to say the fairy floss is a huge favourite still at 32 I love to share my with dad haha I love the excitement on everyone’s face espially the kids it’s magical love it

  79. The whole atmosphere of the show, the excitement, the rides, the food & entertainment. A great, joyous day over all..

  80. Julia Morton Reply

    the animals and the kids love the rides as well,i love the general hustle and bustle,reminds me of my childhood

  81. I love the show because I love to see how happy it makes my grand kids

  82. Maggie Dubber Reply

    The atmosphere, the animals, the rides and of course the fireworks

  83. Renae Allen Reply

    I love the time we get to spend with our little family, enjoying the day together!

  84. Donna McGhee Reply

    My kids love the rides but I love the show stuff, the awesome designs made from fruit and veges, the artwork and cake decorating. I love the smell of the animals and the wood chopping, everything that makes our country what it is.

  85. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is an amazing show with unstoppable excitement from candy floss to seeing cutest animals and showbag. There is no age limited in this show , everyone can enjoy it . What a wonderful show to celebrate Australian’s lifestyle.

  86. Michelle Goslin Reply

    Day out with the family, showbags of course and the animals

  87. Sharon Wilfling Reply

    the rides and show bags and the happy looks on my grandchildrens faces

  88. catherine helbig Reply

    Love watching my sons reactions when he sees all the animals especially the baby ones also his eyes light up when he goes on the rides

  89. I enjoy eating “sometimes food” alllll dayyyy longggg, without a shred of guilt. After all, The Show comes around only once a year, so eat up while you can!!

  90. Bronwyn Louise Evans Reply

    Getting to show my girls all the animals and the looks on their faces when they are lit up by fireworks

  91. Shaleah Campbell Reply

    Everything! Family time, food, rides, animals, fireworks, showbags!!!

  92. Nikki Cashion Reply

    I love the fast rides and the fireworks at the end of a fun filled day

  93. Lisa Mullen Reply

    It’s a rare occasion for us as we simply can’t really afford it with a little one. Hopefully we will go again one day where he can enjoy some rides and the other attractions

  94. Janelle Hall Reply

    My kids love seeing all the animals and of course, getting a showbag.

  95. The show is a great place for the kids (and me) to have fun! There’s so much to do that it’s the only place or event that I never, ever hear them say “I’m boooored” 🙂

  96. Getting up close with the animals is always a favourite and the rides and showbags are a hit aswell

  97. Leanne White Reply

    I go every year and at 46 I still love it… The pavilions are a firm favourite. Love the stalls and gadgets on offer!

  98. Being with my kids and watching their faces light up at the baby farm animals. They try so many different foods and new things there and always with a big smile on their faces.

  99. Crystal Adams Reply

    There is so much to do and see – it is a great way to get involved with the local farming community and enjoying a range of activities and fun!

  100. Maria Coito-Correia Reply

    Love the thrill of the rides, all the fun and adventure and the fun doesn’t end there as we have the show bags to enjoy when we go home .

  101. The variety of things to do and see, can spend the whole day there!

  102. I love the show and haven’t been for years. It’s great to see all the lovely farm and show animals without all the work! Of course it also feeds that internal desire to learn and see something new and makes for great exercise that you don’t even realise you are doing as you enjoy yourself walking around.

  103. Louise Nelson Reply

    I’ve always loved the animals! Still do, now the enjoyment comes watching my little girl love them too. Rides and show bags are a bonus!

  104. Fiona McIntyre Reply

    I have always loved the animals, the horses and the general happy sounds of people on the rides as I cant go on them due to back surgery and neck surgery so i get to observe them which is fun too.

  105. Awesome my daughters love shopkins they go crazy about them. They tell me what they want and watch videos all the time which is full on for such small things

  106. Miranda Geoghegan Reply

    The petting farm is my favourite part! I also love the huge mascots like the Cars characters.

  107. Dianne Childs Reply

    I love watching the pig diving. It’s great family fun and quite hilarious!

  108. I love the show because everyone is so happy to be there. The atmosphere is lovely and warm. Plus the animals! Love the animals!

  109. Rebecca Stephens Reply

    I love that the show caters to all family members with so many different actives and things to see and do

  110. Janine McNaughton Reply

    It takes me back to being a kid again where I get excited seen the flashing lights, stuffed toys, rides and the sounds of laughter and fun.

  111. There is nothing better than pups coming to your rescue in Paw Patrol

  112. Each time we go there is something new and fun to see and do and keep us entertained for hours.

  113. Jenny Mansbridge Reply

    The Show is so varied on things to do, exciting rides, rest in the pavilion and watch the entertainment, delicious food and great displays – so much talent by all goes into making The Show great for all ages

  114. Karin Nichols Reply

    I love that i get to show my son all the wonders that the show has to offer and he loves seeing all the animals and getting to do things that are hands on

  115. Love that there’s something for everyone… Kids love the animals and rides, I love all the crafts and cooking, Dad loves all the thrills

  116. Krystal Delanty Reply

    The clowns, dodgem cars, dagwood dogs and the showbags!

  117. SHOWBAGS! Definitely the showbags. And the dagwood dogs, the rides, and the smiles it brings to each of our faces. <3

  118. I really like wondering around all the displays and checking out the cake decorating and craft. The atmosphere is always nice too, everyone is there for a good time.

  119. Nicole Woods Reply

    I love everything about the Show, but especially being able to see it through the eyes of the kids. It revives the magic of the place for me, and hopefully they’ll have fond memories from the Show like I do from when I was a kid myself.

  120. Bronie Elson Reply

    There is so much to see and do at the show without it costing a fortune.

  121. Kylie Thomas Reply

    Having a fun family day care out. The excitement on my sons face, everything is new and exciting for him.

  122. Sharon Lorman Reply

    Just love the animals and the food. The atmosphere is thrilling and of course the showbags!

  123. Chrissie Dattilo Reply

    Absolutely love the show! Ive been going every year since i can remember. Showbags, rides too much to mention. Now i take my daughter & we have a blast, its like being a kid again!

  124. Manda Hodshon Reply

    The atmosphere! Always puts a smile on your face and makes you feel alive! That plus nothing beats a dagwood dog at the show!

  125. ‘The show’ brings fascination and exploration; one of a kind
    Fun filled family moments inspirationally entwined
    Colour, creativity and amusements wondrously defined
    Memories to look back on that beautifully remind.

  126. My son talks about his favourite show, which is fantastic as he has a speech delay!

  127. Mikaela Murphy Reply

    My boys love it and can keep them entertained so I can other things

  128. Brittany Curtis Reply

    I like that our show is not just about the rides but has a petting zoo and art and baking competitions. It means the whole family can get involved and enjoy the day together.

  129. Laura Kay Abernethy Reply

    Yes well I like the family atmospere of good day out. And the yellow brick road is awesome to do as a family

  130. Love the atmosphere,the looking around, the crowds, the chatter, laugh’s, giggles of glee and most of all the scream’s of delight from children enjoying the rides.

  131. Gina Decapia Reply

    The memories of my special ‘Daddy Daughter’ days at the show followed by lunch at the pub with mum.
    With both my parents gone, I just hope my kids’ memories will be as happy as mine.

  132. So much to see and do! Something for everyone from babies to grandma…

  133. the joy on my kids faces and making new memories and their is something for everyone

  134. Rachael Brown Reply

    Bernie beetle showbags and steak sandwiches and giant pumpkins!

  135. Love everything about the Show, kids having so much fun, showbags, rides and live shows and the yummy food!

  136. elizabeth agha Reply

    So many awesome things to do,see and experience. A great fun day out for the whole family.

  137. Some of the best memories I have growing up are at the Royal Melbourne Show, I cant wait until I can take my kids when my youngest is older.

  138. Kylie Embury Reply

    The smell, the sounds, sideshow alley, the animals – all of it! So many happy childhood memories of the show for me, and now with my children! Bertie Beetle show bags are the very best! My boyfriend gave me a leather handbag with 18 Bertie Beetles in it for my 18th birthday he knew I loved them so much 😀

  139. I love the sheep dogs in action, the farm animals & we especially enjoy the fireworks! So many things to love about a day at the show.

  140. Robyn Smithwick Reply

    I used to love the show but I have not been for over 10 years. I loved the cats and the doggies.

  141. Our favourite & must see is the pig racing & Diving. Cooommmmmeeeee ooonnnnnn pigyyy!

  142. Alicia Bardsley Reply

    There are so many things for the kids to enjoy especially things us city dwellers don’t have.

  143. Mel okimoto Reply

    Lots of people watching, great food and entertainment for a whole day with the family. I love seeing the farm animals the most.

  144. jody buhagiar Reply

    The showbags. We buy heaps and empty them all on the floor and go nuts!!!

  145. Christine Dean Reply

    Love everything about the show – except the cost. So much fun for the whole family and love having a showbag to bring some of the fun home with you.

  146. Claire Thrower Reply

    I love the atomsphere and the excitement, always brings back great childhood memories and the showbags OMG it’s like christmas love that they have adult ones too!

  147. Katie Le Miere Reply

    It’s the smells and the sounds and the sights – just so much fun!!! Even as an adult I love showbags too 🙂

  148. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Nothing better than making time to enjoy Great Show or any show with my family and friends. It is a open-mind experience and creating happy memories with those closed to me.

  149. I love the animals, showbags, the colour and excitement! The food and wine are amazing too 🙂

  150. As city kids, visiting the animal stalls is so popular… almost as popular as side show alley and the show bags pavilion…checking out all the bags to see which is best value for hard earned pocket money.

  151. Barbara Fehmel Reply

    Yum, Yum, How my twin great Granddaughters would love me if I won a Cadbury show bag, it is their favourite chocolate.

  152. Pauline Stacey Reply

    The atmosphere, sideshow ally the food the rides the fireworks and having a funfilled day out with the family

  153. Evelyn Pearce Reply

    We love visiting the animal enclosures, especially the small animal petting area. However the Llamas and pigs were the biggest hit last time!

  154. Vanessa Lee Reply

    I love seeing the girls faces light up with all the different activities to do around the show

  155. noella bloomfield Reply

    my boys 10, 7 and 2 have never been we haven’t been able to afford it and still cant this year

  156. My kids have never been to a show before. But I remember my joy when receiving a show bag for the first time.

  157. Sarah Mitchell-McCabe Reply

    I love being able to see the look on my kids faces when they see the whip-cracking, the first time they saw and fed piglets and ducklings in the baby animal pen and their first fireworks show. Experiences that are priceless

  158. The rides, games, fairy floss, Dagwood dogs, show bags and having a great day out with the family

  159. Kylie Sneddon Reply

    The rides and sideshow alley, so much fun and of course the showbags!

  160. Haven’t ventured out to a show yet too many people hoping to get my anxiety under control so I can take my kiddies

  161. Jenny Fuller Reply

    Love the excitement on the kids faces with the rides, the shows, the showbags, the food!

  162. Don’t know – i have never been but sure i would love it all!

  163. Denai Scott Reply

    I love everything about it! Bringing the country to the city kids, big and small!
    Fairy floss, showbags, woodchopping, animals and the fireworks!

  164. The food, the animal farmhouse, the entertainment, show bags and having a great time with kids.

  165. The smile on my daughters face with how much fun she has especially seeing the animals 🙂

  166. Alysia Sheehy Reply

    We love the rides, different food, the animals and love the show atmosphere!

  167. I love that a part of the country comes to town and everyone can experience it

  168. Maree Gray Reply

    The ring events, wood chopping, animals, showbags, fireworks – everything really! I am like a big kid at the show. There is something for everyone.

  169. Lorraine Reid Reply

    A fun filled day for all the family, Love the rides and the showbags

  170. I love the hard earned nap in the afternoon after a long day of fun!

  171. Kirsty Ellen Reply

    all the awesome events and the animals… l love introducing my kids to all the different breeds of dogs, cats, sheep, cows….

  172. Louise Patterson Reply

    I love the wood chopping. All those wonderfully strong men!

  173. Shanell Tant Reply

    Its just a fun day out for everyone. There is something for everyone. Gotta love at the end of the day picking out your favourite show bags and can’t wait to get home and see what’s in it

  174. Everything! I love the rides, games, exhibitions and entertainment. My kids especially love the animals, showbags and the fireworks. It’s a great day out for the whole family.

  175. Nothing. Hate the show and that’s why this opportunity is so appealing. Been twice, once with family when I was about 16 and 2nd time to work a booth for a Govt Dept.

  176. Love seeing all the animals and love all the rides. The show always bring out the child in me. Now my two little girls love the show too, I love seeing the excitement on their face.

  177. Alex Carman Reply

    I love looking at all the animals and taste testing all the yummy food!

  178. Sarah Armstrong Reply

    It would have to be the fun my kids have on the rides. And the fairy floss

  179. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    I love the Great Show because it is a show for everyone. A happiness plus for my family.

  180. Joanne Stone Reply

    The show is so expensive these days that unfortunately it is out of my price range. Would love to take my kids and give them the experience i had as a little girl. The rides, shows, fairy floss, toffee apples, baby animals and don’t forget the highlight of the day – SHOWBAGS. So this Comp is as good as it get’s. Would love to Win one of these awesome showbags so they can have a little taste of “The Show”!

  181. Love taking the kids to see the animals and watching some of the shows in the arena and roaming performers. It’s great that there are lots of free things to do so everyone can have a day full of fun, even on a budget.

  182. Mich Field Reply

    I love how the show is starting to really bring in home grown local products and their wares, it’s so nice walking through the halls looking at the artwork, homemade jams etc.

  183. How excited the kids get, I remember that feeling it soon wears off once you start paying for yourself.

  184. Fiona Loadsman Reply

    Show is always a great day out many different things to see and do

  185. My little girls and I love the baby animals at the show! We can’t go past the cute little fluffy ducks and woolly lambs! Coming in a close second is of course the showbags! My girl’s eyes just light up at the sight of the colourful Showbag pavilion! Amanda Giffard

  186. I love the look on my little girls faces when they see all the little animals, they love it

  187. Crystal Jade McCormack Reply

    We took our son to the Royal show this year for his first time, He absolutely loved it especially the all the animals.

  188. The fresh food producers. It is amazing to see the array of produce and australian made products available.

  189. Terhi Lake Reply

    That every time we can go we find something new to make us smile!

  190. Asha Stanley Reply

    The smile on kids faces as they marvel at everything happening around them has to be the best thing about the show!

  191. josie taylor Reply

    The smile on the kids faces and the variety of things to do and see.

  192. Nina Prior Reply

    I love the smiles. The fun that everyone has is fantastic. And I love getting showbags so that continues when you leave.

  193. Nichole Mckee Reply

    I love the electric vibe that the show brings to all the family

  194. Jennifer Robertson Reply

    The smells. Cow manure, chicken poo and even pig excrement takes me right back to my childhood on the farm. And I especially love the reaction from my kids when I tell them it smells terrific.

  195. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    The Great Show is a wonderful show for everyone, no age limited. Especially, show bags bring a lot of excitement and joys.

  196. shelbyward Reply

    The animal nursery – those goats and lambs have a healthy appetite and at $2 a cup of food, it is good value for money whilst being educational at the same time.

  197. Rebecca Kirkpatrick Reply

    The fun excitement and happy kids.
    Plus showbags 😀

  198. As a child, my Grandmother took me (the eldest Grandchild) and her 16 children, my Uncles and Aunties to the show every Year. Best memories as a child, she’d take her jeep (not the car brand) and we’d fill it with show bags. We’d study the guide before we went and picked the ones we wanted. There was a limit of course.

  199. Lynnette Bull Reply

    I love the variety of the show. It doesn’t matter what age you are or what your interests are, everybody will find something to enjoy.

  200. Never been to a show as a kid, time to make that visit for the first time.

  201. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    The Great Show keeps my inner child happy and free. Now , my kids are enjoying it as much as I do.

  202. As a kid I loved going to the show. I would save my pocket money just for the showbags

  203. As a kid I didn’t live in the city so we didn’t get to go to the (Perth Royal Agricultural) Show every year, so we just loved everything about it when we did get to go – the train ride there, the random stuff our parents wanted to look at, the rides, show bags and the fireworks at the end of the day!


    I love showbags….sideshow alley and showbags….and pluto pups and waffle cones….63 and still a big kid….I also love the different animal judging events….and I can sit all day watching the working dog competition….and showbags; did I say I love showbags?

  205. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    Just a show for happiness plus . Australian’s agricultural shows are great shows on the earth.


    I love showbags….sideshow alley and showbags….and pluto pups and waffle cones….63 and still a big kid….I also love the different animal judging events….and I can sit all day watching the working dog competition….and showbags; did I say I love showbags?
    (nominating the Shopkins bag for my granddaughter….she loves showbags too….and she also loves Shopkins)

  207. Berenice Lawrence Reply

    I love the animals the best but also enjoy trying all the local foods and putting the kids on the rides. Nothing beats seeing the children so happy!

  208. Laura Higgins Reply

    Love the vibe, fun, lights, atmosphere! Love the animal shows, rides, showbags!

  209. Ben N Nicole Reply

    Best childhood memories ever, still love it now! Bertie beetle bags are the best at any show.

  210. My 2 grand-daughters would love Shopkins. The show is terrific for them – lots of animals, gentle rides, fairy floss and more.

  211. My 4 year old loves seeing the baby animals and all the interactive displays, seeing where our food comes from and appreciating our local agriculture. We love finishing our show day with the fireworks and hot donuts.

  212. Sarah Marsh Reply

    I love all the animals, especially the animal nursery. My little one loves all the rides; the train in was a big hit last year.

  213. Janette Howard Reply

    Love the show and always have. Its a real welcome to spring

  214. Belinda Mouk Reply

    I love to see the art, craft and cooking displays. The smell of fairy floss and Dagwood dogs.All the buzz and excitement that the show brings.

  215. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is a wonderful show for everyone. My kids are crazy about show bags.

  216. Patricia Comer Reply

    The smell of dust in the air and freshly spun fairy floss. I love the colours, noise and the sounds of excitement, joy of people from all walks as they get rocked, bumped and spun around in the Rides. I love the wide eyed children seeing young animals in the petting zoo and animal displays. I love the displays and how vendors are a little bit more engaging and enthusiastic about the products and services they offer. I love it when you can eat a dagwood dog with sauce on it and it spills down your chin and you can feel that look of satisfaction and enjoyment and not feel as though you’ve grossed anyone out. It’s like a great place to have that happen and it’s ok.

  217. Shu-Ching Chang Reply

    It is a wonderful show to create beautiful memories for happiness.

  218. Kim Shrive Reply

    I just love spending time with my family and seeing the smiles on my girls faces when they get to pat all the farm and other animals.

  219. Love the variety of rides, & activities & the atmosphere is so family friendly

  220. Veta Lazaridis Reply

    It’s so much fun and I get to see my children faces light up with they’re beautiful smiles as they were on the rides! They absolutely loved the show and so did I it was our first time this year and it was spectacular!

  221. Paige styles Reply

    My favorite was always the Dog shows and show bags… they still are 🙂

  222. Just love spending quality time with the family and watching the smiles on our kids faces!

  223. Jessie Callaghan Reply

    Seeing the country meet the city, but also the Bertie Beetle bags! Seems to be the only place to get these!

  224. Jessica Giles Reply

    Love going to see all the animals at the show. Country meets city, reminds me of the farm i grew up on

  225. Jennie Jeppesen Reply

    My 4 year old has pneumonia and can’t go 🙁 (As does his 7 year old sister!)

  226. Kayla Thomson Reply

    Fireworks! And the excitement on the kids faces (big & small) lol also love sideshow Alley

  227. Andrew McKeown Reply

    All the fantastic sights, smells and amazing things to do with the kids.

  228. Toni Toni Tuccia-Rowland Reply

    We love sideshow alley, esp the clown game! Was always my favourite & now my daughters.

  229. My son loves the animals & I love the naughty food you get on that day

  230. I remember loving seeing the baby animal petting zoo and watching the wood chopping.. Haven’t taken my two yet!!

  231. Laura Scriven Reply

    It’s attractions galore,
    You couldn’t want anything more!
    Rides, animals and crafts too,
    And don’t forget the food!

  232. stacey coppin Reply

    I love that the show never gets old and creates lasting memories for generations all over!

  233. My family & I love the animal Nursery,the goats are especially cheeky!

  234. Kylie Clayton Reply

    Family fun and creating memories together while enjoying: rides (scary and tame), food (waffle on a stick!), show bags, wood chopping, pig racing and fireworks.

  235. Phillip Topping Reply

    I love being able to watch the showjumping in the main ring

  236. The feeling of being out having fun. Going on rides and making some noise.

  237. i love the sideshow alley and all the little animals and the cakes and the ring events and fireworks

  238. Sacha Pech Reply

    I love discovering new products and stalls; we always do the Yellow Brick Road and come across some real gems. It’s like a treasure hunt. The kids love it (and great for working all that fairy floss off).

  239. The rides, the food and the excitement on my girls’ faces when we are there!

  240. Sharon Markwell Reply

    I love the food, then the food and then some more food!

  241. Anthea Cornish Reply

    We love the show.
    A great place to go,
    rides and attractions
    A place for interaction.
    Great fun for one and all.

  242. I love what the show is all about, bringing the country to the city, so we city slickers can get some sort of an insight into, and a taste of country life. From super cute baby animals & their parents, working dogs, prancing ponies, and all the yummy treats too.

  243. The sideshows. Trying my aim, and my luck, to win something awesome for the kids or big and fluffy for my wife. Sadly though, always lots of plastic trinkets come my way, but the fun can’t be beat. For some reason, even now I’m (supposedly) a grown up, just seeing them sends a wave of excitement through me + loads of memories from when I was a little tacker and my Granddad would hold me up so I could put the balls in the clowns mouth (soz, that sounds bad!), to win the biggest prize on the back shelf.

  244. Shannon Wotton Reply

    I love the carnival atmosphere of the show, the rides, the animals, the food, the showbags, love it all!

  245. Danielle Curtain Reply

    I love trying to give my kids the memories that I had been given by my mum and my grandma when we went to the show. But we especially love the showbags.

  246. The animal nursery and the clown game!! Brings back so many memories that I now get the share and re create with my 4 kiddies

  247. Stefanie Seiler Reply

    I love all the rides that my kids (under 6) can ride on.

  248. Timothy Tant Reply

    The food…. the variety and the fun food. Popcorn, fairyfloss to chips and hotdogs the list is endless

  249. Jessica Gabris Reply

    The excitement on the kids faces has got to be the best part hands down. Every ride, every stall there’s wonder and amazement on their tiny faces

  250. Ashleigh Ewing Reply

    Great rides, yummy treats and gotta love the petting zoo zone for the kids!

  251. Kasey Evans Reply

    Best part of the show is the foods. Dagwood dogs, hot chips & fairy floss. It’s a must overtime I go.

  252. christine morris Reply

    I loved going to the show, first time in 30 years, i enjoyed going to all the stalls, Animal farms, All the free shows and some of the rides. Thoroughly enjoyed the day with my Grand kids and their family.

  253. Paula Flower Reply

    So much to see and do at the Show. The baby animals are always the best!

  254. I love being reminded of my own childhood, and creating those memories for the kids. The showbags are pretty awesome too.

  255. Tess Howard Reply

    Its just colourful and noisy and excitement all around. I love it as much as the kids. Fun for all ages is true!

  256. Trish Leonard Reply

    I love seeing the animals, the rides, the yummy food and of course the showbags!

  257. Ann Maree Sculley Reply

    I love the atmosphere at the show ,the food ,the rides and the food pavilions are awesome !

  258. I love how the kids can get up close and personal with the animals. The best part for me is the food!!

  259. Ying Ying TAN Reply

    Tons of fun and laughter, memories that lasts a lifetime!

  260. We always go with my best friend and her family, the kids are having fun, the adults try all the new food and drinks and we all have a good time!!

  261. Ali Hillier Reply

    The atmosphere. Everyone is there for a great time with their friends and family.

  262. Caroline Kelly Reply

    There is always something new and entertaining for my family to see, do and buy at the Show.

  263. Kelly Ryan Reply

    The sparkle in the kids eyes when they take in the fun and thrills of the show!

  264. Rachelle S Reply

    The atmosphere is amazing. Whether it’s the smells, the ride noises and music, the smoke from the fireworks or all the lights, there’s nothing like it.

  265. mustangmum Reply

    I love the smiles on the kids faces as soon as we walk through the gates, the food, the rides and the best part of all the Showbags..aka Caroline Gunnulson

  266. Rosemarie De Bari Reply

    My kids love all of the animals. I love the looks on their faces as they see all the animals!

  267. Melinda Bolitho Reply

    We love the icecream sundaes and the ferris wheel 🙂

  268. Juanita Munro Reply

    I love the exhilleration you get pre-ride and of course, The show bag stand is my favourite too!

  269. Melissa Kagie Reply

    I love seeing my children’s excitement and laughter, spending valuable time together. The show bags are great too!

  270. disqus_pQ2tRSP62g Reply

    Love the excitement of seeing everything with fresh eyes, like it’s for the first time, which often it is!!

  271. Fotini Christmass Reply

    I love the excitement my kids have for the show. I was exactly like that when I was a kid.So many new things to see and explore for them.
    My hubby and I love the dairy pavilion.

  272. I loved taking my son to the show because of the variety of things to see and do ib one day. He loved it so much it was all he talked about for weeks!

  273. Kristina S Reply

    So much fun and diet breaking to be done in the one place. Scary rides are like child birth for me, you forget, until you are in the moment and you’re like why am I doing this again ” I want out ” LOL… My kids are pretty well balanced, one won’t go near anything other than teacup rides and the other wants to go upside down and spin and scream. The shows are a great opportunity to do things you normally wouldn’t do like spend $30 winning a $5 toy 😉

  274. Tamara Lamb Reply

    I love the excitement, awe and wonder of the show! The animals, the atmosphere, the showbags, the squeals from the thrill seekers on the rides! It’s awesome!

  275. Faye Hannam Reply

    The Show has so much colour and excitement. It is a sensory overload lol… Showbags, animals, rides, food and of course fairy floss. I HAVE to have fairy floss at The Show..

  276. vivianadib Reply

    The shows create great family memories, it’s a tradition in our family for the last 3 generations.

  277. My favourite part of the show are the fireworks. I love how they’re timed with the music. It’s a new surprise every year!

  278. Karla Oleinikoff Reply

    So much fun, and the chance for the kiddies to pet and feed baby animals is priceless. So much to see and do, it’s never boring.

  279. Debra Marr Reply

    Can’t go to Ekka without having a Strawberry Sundae, buying the Fireman’s Calendar & getting as many signatures as possible from the hot guys.
    Love the petting Zoo too.

  280. Elisabeth Martins Reply

    I love feeling like a kid again,
    the showbags,
    the fairy floss,
    the rides,
    and the fireworks.

  281. Katie Sara Winderlich Reply

    I love the rides, especially the scary ones, the donuts, the lollies, the prizes. The whole atmosphere of the show is what I love!!! ❤️

  282. I just love show abs, and winning stuff even though it never happens!

  283. Adele Smith Reply

    The build up leading to the road and the overall excitement and atmosphere as you initially walk through the gate. It’s a world of fun that comes but once a year.

  284. Richard Harrison Reply

    Love everything, just love wandering around looking at everything, feeling like a kid again

  285. Natalie McDonald Reply

    I love walking around seeing everything and the look of wonder on my kids faces as they see things they love like the showbag stand

  286. Brianna Taylor Reply

    I really love the agricultural side of the show – all of the animals and the food pavillions. I could spend all day in the woolworths food pavillion at the brisbane show! And watching my son enjoy the rides at his first Ekka this year was just amazing!

  287. Gabriela Homer Reply

    I love everything: the craft stalls, the food you can sample, the view from the Ferris Wheel, the woodchopping competition, the dressage, but best of all, the one hour train ride home where after all the lolly eating kids finally fall asleep happy and exhausted!

  288. alanna jane Reply

    The animal nursery, no matter how old I am it makes me sigh every time, baby animals are the best

  289. Jodie Dorricott Reply

    The smiles and looks of awe on the children’s faces, when you first walk in the gate. There is always so much for them to look at, and the excitement of where to start first always makes me giggle.

  290. Cindy Nickels Reply

    I love the excitement, the variety of displays and eateries and of course, the animals. All the best of the best on display. Always something new to see and learn about. A fantastic day out for all ages.

  291. What I really Loved about the Show was…The Rides…the Attractions…the Sideshows and even the Show-Bags…Yay!…What more can I say!

  292. I’m great at “bag holding” as far as rides go, the animals are still my favourite part of the show.

  293. I love the pure joy and excitement on my children’s faces as they turn each corner and see something new, bright and colorful. I love getting in with the animals with my kids and sharing in their delight and the piggies squeal and the lambs baa.

  294. Hamish Macdonald Reply

    What i love about the show the most would be the fireworks followed closely begind would be the joy, laughs, smiles, excitement on all the kids faces including my own kids its those moments that kids cherish and remember forever, can’t forget the amazing rides and showbags they have to choose from, it would be awesome to win a show bag as this year with fire season fast approaching me and my family arnt able to go because of work commitments

  295. Everything my boy is 5 so the show through his eyes is magical

  296. I LOVE EVERYTHING! I mean everything from the rides, animals, craft and baking (cakes) displays, showbags, the food, fashion shows, cooking demos and my wonderful FAMILY! But most of all the look on the children’s faces when they see Sideshow Ally and the Showbags it’s priceless, because at 40 I still feel that excitement as if I was a little girl still.

  297. I love the smell. It brings back so many memories!! The fried food smell. Amazing.

  298. Kelly Lucas Reply

    Being able to walk around and try produce from the area and abroad that I may not have tried otherwise

  299. Tanya Berglund Reply

    It’s been so long since we’ve been to the show. My eldest loved the bumper cars and the gravitron

  300. Sarah Darragh Reply

    My absolute favourite thing about the show are the show bags. There’s something magical and exciting about a bag of goodies. I often just go for the show bags.

  301. I honestly really love the flowers and the cakes but my darling just loves rollercoasters, rollercoasters, rollercoasters- the scarier the better- I dread how adventurous she might be as a teenager!

  302. Every time I go to the show with ,first my children and now my grand children,I find a different aspect to enjoy.These children teach me so much.

  303. Julie Italiano Reply

    The Animal Nursery was incredible! To get up close with some many furry little creatures my two year old was in absolute amazement, was so lovely to watch!

  304. The animals and farmers. It’s so lovely to meet them and get an insight into what they do day in day out. More importantly it’s great to be reminded where it all starts. It’s easy to forget what generations of families have grown up doing and where our food comes from. It’s nice to show appreciation for it and have a chat!

  305. marypreston Reply

    I love the excitement of the show. The ring events are always fantastic. Love the sheep dog trials & the animal nursery. I’m always impressed by the quilts, crafts, flowers and cooking.

  306. Alicia Cathrene Kimberley Reply

    Love it all!! The show bags the rises the animals and the food! Best day out ever

  307. You name it, I and my family love it. One of our favourite showbags is “Yellow Brick Road”.
    As you go to different areas you pick up your goodies. Go during the morning and you have collected your lunch – no standing in long queues with impatient young children who just want to see more. The rides the children love while I hold the goodies and care for our baby while Dad joins the older ones. The fireworks provided the little ones aren’t too tired by then. The decorated cakes, floral displays, the animals especially the childrens section which they never want to leave. The precision car driving – we can’t miss them. Two upset petrol heads otherwise.

  308. maggie-may Reply

    I love the colour, sounds and smells of the show. Fun fun fun!!!

  309. Lenna Reinhard Reply

    All the rides the food the animals showbags the whole family fun day u can’t go wrong it’s just a shame it happens one weekend a year and not every 6 months 🙁

  310. Sian Hobley Reply

    Where do I begin? The animals, show bags, fresh produce, fireworks, it’s all fantastic, but probably the best thing is the wide eyed look of awe and giggles of excitement from my daughters, that’s the best part!


    What do I love about the show?
    The atmosphere and the lights that glow
    The children laughing and smiling with glee
    Spending time with my family

  312. Isabella Basile Reply

    Its a little bit of everything that makes the show a fun day out with lots to see, do & taste.

  313. Marilyn Long Reply

    The look on my son’s face when he gets to buy show bags, go on rides and play games to win toys!!!! Its the best 🙂

  314. Angela McCully Reply

    The atmosphere, the noise, laughter & especially the showbags

  315. I love all of the animals and being able to take my kids to experience the atmosphere.

  316. Catherine Howard Reply

    What’s not to love? Show-bags, food, animals, rides and fun fun fun for the whole family!!!

  317. Teena Quinn Collard Reply

    Yum! I haven’t had a show bag in 20 years! Beertie beetle please! I love the smell!

  318. I love that the kids have so much fun they sleep the moment you put them in the car, train or bed !!!

  319. Great way to entertain the kids with all the rides, animals, daily shows and even exciting delicious food and dont forget the show bags which is what the kids mainly love!!

  320. bigmumacat Reply

    Wow didnt even know there was a skye paw patrol bag And I love the baby animals most 🙂

  321. Dale Pearce Reply

    Country Agricultural Shows are all about the community coming together to have a fun day enjoying the displays, games and exhibits BUT also enjoying the showbags at the end of the day.

  322. Families on Ferris wheels, teenagers “hanging”
    Kids on teacups, fireworks banging.
    Nan and pop inside the craft hall
    Young or old… the local show is a place for ALL!

  323. The feeling has been there since I was a child, excitement as I would watch the advertisements for the show back in the 80s, the atmosphere was amazing, a day full of pure joy, a little big of chocolate, fairly floss, hot cinnamon donuts, all down the hatch and then shake it up with a few rides. I loved the smell of cattle, looking at displays, and yummy food galore. To end the day a fantastic array of fireworks before heading home and starting my 365 days before the next day of pure bliss. I still have the showbag catalogues from the 90s that I keep in a memory box. It’s funny, a few things change like what I head for first when I get to the show, but the excitement will never leave me – when I’m 100 I will be whizzing around the show in a motorised wheelchair – I will always make it there!

  324. Diana Angel Reply

    My daughter is very excited with everything on the show, she loves animals, teacups, fairy floss…Her face says it all-big smile.

  325. Ashley Beech Reply

    The atmosphere’s the thing to love
    about any show you go to.
    It’s full of happiness and joy
    and it fulfills that great outing, you know!

  326. Tamara Taaffe Reply

    PAW PATROL IS ON A ROLL. My son just loves the PUPS catch phrases on the show and of course their adventures.

  327. Ingrid Hirvonen-Burgess Reply

    The joy on peoples faces be it on rides searching a showbag or looking at the animals,

  328. amandagorton Reply

    Rides are a thrill for the kids and big kids at heart, it will always be the shows best part!

  329. I love the atmosphere and seeing the children’s faces light up.

  330. Is there anything better than showbags??? I love looking in and seeing what’s in each and every one. Still a big kid at heart. Our family always got stuff out when we got home and swapped what we didn’t like 😉

  331. Melissa Bugeja Reply

    Shopkin is the best, provides hour of fun for my obsessed miss 4

  332. Cecilia Warrick Reply

    The exciting happy buzz of families having fun, feeling part of a community event!

  333. Leanne Campbell Reply

    I love watching my grandchildrens faces light up as they see the show start

  334. Vanessa Di Cicco Reply

    I love having an excuse to try all the free fruit, dairy, bread, beer, chocolate, baked goods! You just can’t beat a day of sampling the best our beautiful state has to offer!

  335. kylie clark Reply

    The excitement on my kids faces when they see all the showbags, rides and especially the animals…

  336. Bronwyn nally Reply

    The excitement of a fun day out, the rides the showbags they are all amazing

  337. Nicci Traeger Reply

    We love going on the big carousel and eating fairy floss

  338. Leanne Baker Reply

    This years show we did attend,
    A great day out with my daughter and friend.
    Unfortunately it all was a bit too tiring,
    Our energy levels quickly expiring.
    Left the show with no bag in hand,
    Saddest little girl in all the land.
    A Paw Patrol bag we’d have loved to get,
    To start the beginnings of her very own set.
    She loves all the pups and Ryder too,
    But her favourite is Rubble with his yellow hue.
    Thank you for this chance to win,
    To let her Paw Patrol collection begin.

  339. Laurina Ainscough Reply

    I love trying new foods and grabbing bags of goodies in the market halls.

  340. Watching the joy in your child’s face when they see and do things!

  341. For us, the showbag is the best part of going to the show. The contents keeps my son busy for weeks after the show!

  342. Allira Distler Reply

    The bertie beetle. My kids have never tasted them and would be great to demolish some childhood favourites

  343. Renee Davies Reply

    We LOVE the animals and the drcorated cakes! The amazing talent on show never fails to impress me 🙂

  344. Tania Hardman Reply

    Growing up in a small country town, I love the build up of excitement, the buzz around town till Show day – the preparation of entries, the saving of pocket money and then of course THE BIG DAY !!

  345. My kids get to experience more farm and animal experiences than I can offer them and to understand that there is fun to be had besides electronic games.

  346. The excitement on my kids faces seeing all the animals and rides lighting up!!

  347. Gillian Streeter Reply

    I love seeing my kids eyes light up around every corner. The rides, the displays, horses, dogs, cattle, sheep, music and the delicious food!

  348. Karen A Lewis Reply

    I loved that my kids didn’t want to go this year and saved me a lot of money.

  349. There’s a variety of things to keep you busy for the whole day

  350. viviennedobin Reply

    We love the animals and the seeing all the beautiful cakes

  351. I love how excited my kids get when we go. Unfortunately with 4 kids we rarely go.

  352. Samantha Manson Reply

    I love the show because i love seeing the kids faces and the excitement in everything the show has to offer.

  353. Its the whole atmosphere of the show, bringing back all those childhood memorys Icecones, sticky fairyfloss, g-force feeling you get from the rides, winning soft teddys and if course all the animals. Now having my own children i love seeing the excitement on their faces. We dont go every year its way to expensive and can be a big waste of money every 2-3 years i can justify and the kiddies really enjoy it because they’ve forgotten what its like!

  354. I’m a people watcher, so i love to see – the joy on childrens faces patting the animals, the pride on adults faces as the cake wins first prize and even the terror/laughter on everyones face on the rides.

  355. Michelle Richardson Reply

    I love the atmosphere, foodie haven, rides, show bags and animals. I love the showcasing from small businesses and the fact that you can experience all of Victoria’s best food experiences in one hit.

  356. Catherine Hope Reply

    So much to see and do – keeps kids and adults alike amused for hours on end. Love watching my kids excited faces at each new experience the show has to offer

  357. Renee rogers Reply

    I love watching my kids faces in awe of everything around them!

  358. Jess Sibley Reply

    Love watching the game excitement on my children’s face when we go to the show. Our favourite thing to do is visiting the farm animals.

  359. Jennalee Izzard Reply

    I love that our local show has been a yearly tradition all my life. I have treasured memories but my favourite was and still is the Mirror Maze. I love that I now get to create memories with my very own family at the same show almost 30 years later

  360. Wendy Christidis Reply

    Im a big kid who stills loves sideshow alley! I love going on rides and also just sitting back and watching people enjoying themselves on the rides too ( or in some cases freaking out on the rides!) 🙂

  361. Charmaine Ohl Reply

    would love to give this to my Skye obsessed girl, the Skye bag came out after our local show so she missed out.

  362. I love the Show! So many childhood memories of rides and show bags.

  363. Anne Marie Ryan Reply

    I love the look of excitement from all of the children, the energy they give off is electric

  364. Jessica De Feudis Reply

    i love watching my childrens reactions to all the rides food animals and the lights

  365. Being able to have a fun family day out that has something for everyone

  366. Corrinne Attard Reply

    The great day out with family and seeing my daughters gave light up with all the different things she sees and can do there

  367. I love the sights, the smells, the noise AND the strawberry ice cream cones! ☺️

  368. Nikki Roseanne Reply

    The excitement on my daughters face when she sees all the rides, people, games, lights and the sound!

  369. Lauren Barnes Reply

    It’s a great entertaining day that kids create memories about. The livestock and animals are pretty awesome too

  370. Tammy Benbow Reply

    The animals. Watching my boys faces light up seeing the baby animals is amazing.

  371. Sara Johnston Reply

    I love the excitement of the rides above me and the thrill of the possibility to win something (hehe) on one of the many fun show games 🙂 My favourite part of the show is that it’s FUN! 😀

  372. Kristi McNeil Reply

    use to love the rides but an a little too big now for them hahahaha so its now the animals and the showbags

  373. kirsty irwin Reply

    Definitely the baby animals. When I was young though it was sideshow alley.

  374. The animals, the rides and definitely the carnival food! And watching the kids look around with awe. Just wonderful

  375. Its a lovely family experience with lots to see and do for everyone. My absolute favourite thing is the fireworks and my kids face in awe when they light up the sky!

  376. I love taking the kids to the show, the love all the animals and activities, rides and show bags .

  377. Kirstin Trehan Reply

    I love taking my children to see all the baby animals and a ride on the ferris wheel

  378. Valerie Wee Reply

    My girl loves riding and games. She wants to try everything if she can. We do love our shopping too in the show.

  379. The Show is just magical! The excitement, the crowds, the laughter – such a great family day out!

  380. Christina Hunt Reply

    The excitement that my children have is amazing, we dont get to go to many so its a huge treat and to see there little faces light up, Rides and show bags are deffinately our favorites.

  381. Rebecca Oliver Reply

    I love that my children have the opportunity to learn where their food comes from.

  382. Alicia Harwood Reply

    I love seeing my children’s eyes light up when we get there and they see the rides and excitement of it all!

  383. looking around the animal pavilions and show jumping and dressage and letting the grandsons see different things in life other than the TV

  384. Melanie J Patterson Reply

    Just a great family day, to be out and exploring new things as well as spending money haha

  385. Jennifer Leadingham Reply

    We love going to both the Melbourne show, then Ballarat show! The baby farm animals are the first thing to go see, we all love them! Such a good family day out, but a little harsh on the pocket..

  386. Kate Slack Reply

    Something for everyone to enjoy and a great family day out that the kids remember for a long time.

  387. A guilty pleasure, cheese on a stick! It’s so gooey and whenever I get to go to the show I have to have one!

  388. I love the Show because everyone is having fun, eating, watching the Ring events, seeing the animals and going on rides. It’s just great.

  389. Hayley Brennan Reply

    cute baby animals and the side shows which always prove difficult to win a decent prize lol

  390. We loved seeing twhe baby animals and of course the excitement from the kids getting show bags!

  391. We loved the animal nursery and the excitement from the kids opening their show bags!

  392. Emma Hough Reply

    The large variety of entertainment all in one place at the same time

  393. Michelle Kelly Reply

    I love seeing all the kids that go for the first time. The smiles the laughter and all the parents freaking out over loosing children!!

  394. the endless entertainment for my children and seeing there smiling faces

  395. Tracey Hurd Reply

    Just love the animals and ĺetting kids pick out a show bag

  396. louise mulvey Reply

    Lots to see and do, the animals and rides and of course the great show bags

  397. We are always inspired by the gardening exhibits and cake decorating – amazing creativity on show!

  398. Williams Mel Reply

    I would love to win for my girl who didn’t get a chance to visit the show this year.. 🙂

  399. When I was younger it was the rides, now that I’m older I love the exhibitions.

  400. Kate Fuller Reply

    The smells, the feel and the pure joy of seeing it through my kids eyes. Brings back the memories of childhood as soon as walk through the gate

  401. Nicole Marks Reply

    I love everything about the show! The atmosphere, the children’s excitement, the fond childhood memories! The food, the showbags, the pavilions, the shows, we love it all!

  402. Peta Masih Reply

    It’s a place where memories can be made that last a lifetime! The smell, the food, the rides, the overwhelming sense of Joy!!

  403. Emily Marsland Reply

    The animals, the activities, the rides & the atmosphere combine to create the perfect day. Eating Dagwood dogs & fairy floss, going on rides to scream & playing sideshows to win oversized stuffed toys. This is a day at the show. The best day of the year, & the most looked forward to.

  404. I love that even though we have to take out a second mortgage on our house to afford the show, the joy it brings makes us do it all again the following year!

  405. Suzie Sims Reply

    I love the atmosphere, everyone enjoying themselves, laughing, smiling and having a ball!

  406. Melinda Drennan Reply

    Exhibitions and the competitions that the kids enter, love seeing them perform and all their work on display.

  407. sars_angelchik Reply

    I love the smell of food frying mixed with that farm fresh smell of animals and hay and all the new sights and sounds.

  408. Dagwood dogs and fairy floss! For some reason eating both on non show days doesn’t give the same enjoyment. Also love getting up close with thefarm animals.

  409. Chelsea Rickman Reply

    The excitement on my Daughters face as we walk through the gates; and the amazing handmade/homemade products on show. Oh, and the cute baby animals – who can’t resist a cuddle!

  410. Marjolein Brady Reply

    My little man is Pokemon obsessed so he would love that showbag!

  411. R Sanderson Reply

    The atmosphere, the excitement and laughter of not just my children but others too make it add to my own excitement and laughter. Collective fun.

  412. Rhonda Phillips Reply

    I love that the show brings the family together to share a special day out. The live performances, animal nursery, rides and showbags all our favourites. It’s an event we look forward to each year.

  413. My son is obsessed with Paw Patrol – this would make him so happy!

  414. Lisette Read Reply

    Took our girls to the show for the first time this year and the excitement and buzz of the show left their faces priceless all day! The only let down was my daughter had researched show bags before going and really wanted a pokemon one but they had all sold out. Can’t wait to go again next year!

  415. Love spending time with family. My kids faces light up at the show

  416. Naomi Drummond Reply

    Would love the Bertie beetle bag. Best part of the royal show is getting as many Bertie beetles as possible – would be great to share these treats with my son.

  417. My family and I all play five skill games each and the person who does the worst wears the most obnoxious novelty hat for the rest of the day. I always look forward to it!

  418. Laura Stevenson Reply

    Showbags! I have fond memories of my grandfather taking my sister and I to the show mainly for the show bags lol. The rides were a bonus too 🙂

  419. Lyndall Crisp Reply

    I love all things craft at the show – love to see other people’s talent!

  420. The people! The show is the one place that (most) people actually look happy! Lots of smiling faces and thats got to be a good thing!

  421. Sue Cossor Reply

    I love the show because of the fun atmosphere and there’s always so much to see and do.

  422. I love the show because it bring back so many great memories from childhood that I can now share with my daughter

  423. Every year we get the bank sa farm barn photo of the kids and i love seeing how much they grow and how fast our family has grown over the years now with 4 kids

  424. Megan Waymouth Reply

    My first date with my partner was at the show so it has sentimental memories ❤

  425. Cassandra Power Reply

    Pokemon is my choice, for my 2 little boys, playing pokemon go on mummies phone around the house, has taught them how to work together!

  426. My daughter would love Pokemon as I could afford to take her this year as we are just out of homelessness after moving out of my 21yr DV r/ship. She so deserves a show bag thanks for the opportunity

  427. Laura Sutcliffe Reply

    We love the games at the show.
    Would love the pokemon bag as my son is obessed

  428. Baila Cyprys Reply

    The first time we have gone to the show on 10 years.
    My 2 little ones,had never been. Love the animals and all the hands on stuff. Pokemon was the one showbag my son eanted, but they didnt have them.available the day we went.

  429. Shannon Ross Reply

    We havent been able to take our little girl yet. But hopefully next year we can afford it. I love the rides and the showbags. Would love to win the paw patrol Skye one please.

  430. Rochelle Cawthorne Reply

    My son is mad about paw patrol. He found it on you tube before it was popular

  431. I love the whole atmosphere of the show!
    My son loves feeding the animals!

  432. cheerie murnane Reply

    The whole family cant wait for the show to arrive, we get there early and spend the morning looking through the animals, following the yellow brick road, sitting on the lawn and listening the the band play while we eat lunch, then watch the entertainment on the arena, watch the log chopping, have 1 or 2 rides, collect some showbags and head home exhausted, tip everything out and have a great time looking at what we have come home with. We love the show.

  433. Anita Lang Reply

    Love looking around all the pavilions looking at all the animals, hand crafted items & getting ideas for myself to attempt to make.

  434. Kylie Arrowsmith Reply

    I love the fireworks and animals. Id love to take my daughter to our next show.

  435. Tania Edwards Reply

    I love the exciting buzz and being able to share the magic with my children.

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