
How Well do you Know your Partner? 10 Ways to Really Get to Know Them


How well do you know your partner? Even if you’ve been together for what seems like ages, you may not feel like you really know them. I was with my former partner for sixteen years and I barely know anything about him other than he likes to crossdress and likes to go fishing, and bowling, drink Jim Beam, and build Lego. Despite my best efforts, he wasn’t the best at communicating or listening.

I couldn’t tell you his favourite colour or favourite food. I would often ask him questions to get to know him and his answer was always “I don’t know” or a similar expression.

It frustrated me to no end. I would offer titbits of information about myself, but it took him ten years to finally remember the name of my favourite author. He would still offer to cook me fish, even though I’d told him a million times I didn’t eat seafood.

It wasn’t until I was out of the relationship that I realised I’d been living with a covert narcissist. His narcissism was subtle until you stepped away and really looked at the dynamics between us. It was a relief because I thought there was something wrong with me that I didn’t know these things about him.

How to get to know your partner
Source: Bigstock

How well do you know your partner? 

It takes approximately six months to really get to know someone if you spend enough time with them. So, how do you get to know your partner without giving them the Spanish Inquisition?

Here are a few ideas you can do to not only get to know your partner, but also see how they react in certain situations.

1. Play a video or board game with them

Are you a competitive person? Is your partner? Are either of you a sore winner or loser?

Playing a board game with someone gives you some insight into how they problem solve, how they handle winning or losing, and how quick they are to anger. It can be a truly eye-opening experience and not confined to an intimate partner relationship.

2. Cook together

This is a perfect way to learn more about what your partner does and doesn’t eat. Are they a messy cooker? Do they have a system in place in the kitchen?

To up the ante and really get to know your partner, attempt to clean up after a meal together.

How well do you know your partner
Source: Adobe Stock

3. Go on a spontaneous road trip

Take out a picture of your area, drop a finger or a pin or marker on the paper and take a trip there. Or, ask them to pick a direction – North, East, South or West and see where the choice leads you.

You will learn what kind of traveller your partner is. Do they need maps or are they happy winging it? Are they a highway driver or do they enjoy taking the scenic route? Do they like to have adventures along the way?

4. Read their favourite book or watch their favourite movie

And have them read/watch yours. Why do they love it so much? What does the genre say about them, to you? A person’s favourite book says a lot about who they are.

My favourite book is about a centuries-old vampire finding a partner. So, obviously, I want to live forever and drink blood from people. No, really, the book is about family and loyalty and connection. All things I value in the people in my life.

reconnect as a family
Source: Bigstock

5. Meet their family

Human beings are multi-faceted. The person they are at work is vastly different than the person they are with their friends which is also vastly different to the person they are with their family. Parents always have the best stories about what your partner was like growing up.

6. Meet their friends

Nothing tells us more about someone we are dating, marrying, or hanging out with than their friends. People are their most authentic selves with their friend group. There’s no pressure to act a certain way (like there can be in front of family) and friends know all the good stories. The stories they would die if their parents heard.

7. Volunteer with them

Are they the kind of person who would enjoy helping vulnerable people or do they look down on them? Seeing how someone reacts and treats people in different situations, and from different backgrounds, shows you a lot about that person. There’s an old Hollywood stereotype that you should never work with kids or animals. But I find this to be an excellent way to see a person in a different light.

I’ve dated guys in the past who seemed great on paper but were horrible to disadvantaged people and wait staff. It really opened my eyes to what I value and what I am willing to tolerate, or not tolerate in a relationship.

8. Go grocery shopping

I am a get-in, get-what-I-need and get-out grocery shopper. Occasionally I can be distracted by a new product, but usually, I’m direct. A former partner of mine liked to take his time.

He didn’t shop with a list or anything which was just shocking to me. He would wander around, aisle by aisle picking whatever he decided on in the moment and I was a ball of stress watching him do it. Let’s just say the relationship ended shortly after.

9. Let them book a romantic getaway for the two of you

What is their idea of romance? Is their perfect holiday close to yours? How different are your ideas of romance?

My former partner booked us a weekend away so I could relax without the kids and so we could spend some time together. My idea of a romantic getaway was spending time in a small place looking at all the sights, cooking together and watching a movie together and seeing where the night took us. His idea was a lot different and involved fast food, alcohol, and going fishing alone all day, which is fine, but it wasn’t compatible with what I would have liked to do.

10. Share one of your passions with them

If you’re a rabid football fan or cross-stitching enthusiast, share this with them and ask them to share their passions with you. Your hobbies and interests might be vastly different, but you might also be surprised to find you have more in common than you think.

There’s always a middle ground to be found between what drives you and what drives your partner and that’s the beauty of putting yourselves out of your comfort zone. You learn so much about people when they are doing something foreign to them, both good and bad.

Not only can you learn about your partner, but you can build trust and mutual respect for each other and make memories you can look back on in the future.

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Tina Evans is a complete introvert, an avid reader of romance novels, horror novels and psychological thrillers. She’s a writer, movie viewer, and manager of the house menagerie: three kelpies, one cat, a fish, and a snake. She loves baking and cooking and using her kids as guinea pigs. She was a teenage parent and has learned a lot in twenty-three years of parenting. Tina loves Christmas and would love to experience a white Christmas once in her life. Aside from writing romance novels, she is passionate about feminism, equality, sci-fi, action movies and doing her part to help the planet.

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