
Jamie Oliver’s Stuffed Leg Of Lamb


Nothing says Christmas Lunch like roast lamb and Jamie Oliver’s stuffed leg of lamb is what we call real festive food.

Stuffing a leg of lamb is pure genius. The flavours of the fresh herbs and garlic permeates through the meat and the ciabatta keeps it all moist and tender. We had never made our own stuffing before and we were amazed at how easy it actually is. We felt like such experts!

But the stand out taste sensation of this dish has to be the gravy. We are both self-confessed Gravox users so admittedly, we were apprehensive when following the directions. How can all that stuff become gravy?? People, all that stuff doesn’t just become gravy. It turns into the tastiest, most delicious gravy you will ever make. This sauce really packs a punch!


[mc_block_title custom_title=”Ingredients”]

  • 2 kg Australian Lamb Leg Roast
  • 1 whole garlic bulb
  • 1/2 bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • 1/2 bunch fresh rosemary
  • 4 anchovy fillets [optional – we have some allergies in the family so left these out. STILL delicious though!]
  • 100g ciabatta
  • 1 large handful of pine nuts
  • 1 large handful of green olives
  • 1 lemon
  • sea salt
  • ground black pepper
  • olive oil
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 1 glass of red wine
  • 1 heaped tbs of plain flour
  • 1 litre chicken stock

[mc_block_title custom_title=”Directions”] 

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

TIP: We recommend doing Step 6 FIRST. It will streamline the process and you’ll only have to use one chopping board!

1. Turn the leg of lamb upside down on a chopping board and very gently cut halfway down into the leg along the bone so the meat opens out, creating a pocket. [TIP: Ok, so we’re not sure if we actually did this properly or not! The opening looked less like a pocket and more like a gash but the result was fabulous nonetheless]

2. Make the stuffing by peeling a couple of garlic cloves and popping them into a food processor. Pick the parsley leaves, then pick the rosemary leaves, leaving a few sprigs whole. Add the herb leaves to the processor along with the anchovies [optional] and whiz together. [CONFESSION: I don’t actually own a food processor! So we used the bowl and blade attachment of my very versatile stick blender and that worked perfectly]

3. Scrape the mixture into a bowl, then tear the ciabatta into the processor. Add the pine nuts, then pulse a few times – you want it to be quite coarse – then tip into the bowl of herbs.

4. Destone and roughly chop the olives, then add to the bowl with the zest of the lemon. Season with salt and pepper, then get your hands in the bowl and scrunch everything together – if it looks too dry, add a squeeze of lemon juice.


5. Pack the stuffing into the pocket you’ve made in the lamb, then wrap the meat back over and tie tightly with string to secure, pushing the remaining unpeeled rosemary sprigs underneath the string. Drizzle over a little olive oil and season with salt and pepper, then rub it all over the lamb.


6. Peel and roughly chop the onions and carrots, then trim and roughly chop the celery. Add the chopped veg to a roasting tray with the remaining unpeeled garlic cloves, then lay your lamb on top.


7. Roast for around 1 1/2 hours, or until the meat is beautifully tender.

TIP: we cooked ours for about 2 hours and the meat was tender and juicy] Transfer the lamb to a board or platter to rest while you make the gravy.


8. Spoon off most of the fat from your tray, then place over a low heat on the stove. Add the flour and mash everything together with a potato masher.

9. Pour in a glass of red wine and bring to the boil to cook off the alcohol. Pour in the stock and bring back to the boil, scraping all the sticky goodness from the bottom of the tray as you go. Reduce the heat and simmer for around 10 minutes, or until thickened and reduced.

10. Sieve the gravy into a jug using a ladle to really push all the goodness through, discarding any veg or meat left behind. At this point, the lamb will be just perfect. Dish it up and tuck in!

Jamie-Oliver-Stuffed-Lamb 4

[mc_block_title custom_title=”JAMIE’S TIP”]

In Italy, they’ll start basting the lamb after 30 minutes by pouring a swig of wine over the meat every 15 minutes or so until it is cooked. Trust me – it is well worth doing and makes it juicy and delicious! [We did this and Jamie was right. Again!]


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  1. Roast potato, sweet potato and pumpkin, with green beans and baby carrots.

  2. Maxine Mackay Reply

    I’m vegetarian, so my family would have the meat and I’d roast sweat potato, pumpkin, carrot and I’d do a potato bake, peas, corn on the cob, and smother with lashings of gravy 🙂

  3. Roasted carrots,soft polenta with parmesan and roasted asparagus

  4. Spectacular Hasselback potatoes with lots of garlic and rosemary and lightly steamed green beans.

  5. Baked potatoes and Kumera, dutch carrots, cauliflower and white sauce. And gravy, of course!

  6. Who dosent love a good old fashioned roast lamb?? we love it every way from being stuffed with all the trimmings, or in a rack and all fancy, Lamb is just so yummy with what every you serve with it

  7. Kathy Gwatking Reply

    Gravy, garden peas, roast carrot, roast spuds, roast pumpkin, roast parsnip and some garlic bread on the side

  8. The first things that come to mind are homemade mint sauce and gravy. I’d also add roast veges (parsnip, potato, zucchini, turnip, potato and pumpkin) and a tomato and onion bake. Yummy!

  9. Antonietta Farrugia Reply

    Roast potatoes and peas, onions and garlic in the mix, juices for gravy and a merlot as a drink.

  10. Cauliflower gratin, roast potatoes, honeyed carrots and green beans.

  11. pandamonium Reply

    Roast veg – every type! Plus my husband’s homemade mint sauce. Delicious!

  12. Narelle Rock Reply

    roast potatoes, pumpkin, carrot, brussel sprouts and plenty of rich gravy

  13. Ineedacoffee Reply

    Crispy roast potatos, honey carrots, cheesy broc and colli with a fresh garden salad

  14. Baked potato & pumpkin done in goose fat. Crunchy beans & honey,sesame carrots

  15. Tracey Ralph Reply

    Roasted rosemary potatoes, green beans and roasted tomatoes with toasted almonds and balsamic.

  16. Charl Lowther Reply

    Baby roasted potatoes with rosemary or couscous and cherry tomatoes and cucumber.

  17. Bec D'owney Reply

    roast potatoes! With roast parsnips and carrots too (and gravy).

  18. Roasted whole baby beetroot, parnips, carrots, spuds and swede turnips with steamed cabbagem brocooli, sprouts and cauliflower

  19. carole nethery Reply

    Roasted potatoes, snow peas, honey carrots, gravy and mint sauce. Making me hungry just typing this!! Yum

  20. a nice glass of champagne always goes down well with the Christmas lamb roast

  21. HAS to be crispy roast potatoes and my pea, mint, rocket and farro salad!

  22. Shelly brown Reply

    Crispy roast potatoes, green bean, shallot and slithered almond salad and a green salad.

  23. Bianca Moore Reply

    Jamie Oliver’s roast potatoes, roasted slices of butternut pumpkin, Mum’s cauliflower cheese, peas, individual Yorkshire puddings (Jamie Oliver’s recipe too!!) and LOTS of thick, rich gravy made with the pan juices. Served with a big glass of wine! As Jamie would say: “Pucker!!”

  24. jody buhagiar Reply

    Roasted capsicum, pumkin, with a mushroom gravy and potatoes in their jackets.

  25. Michelle Morgan Reply

    Garlic potatoes,roast carrots baby peas and corn on the cob.

  26. I’d serve a sweet potato mash and a fennel, pear and mint salad.

  27. MichelleAnn Y Reply

    Jamie’s Roast Vegetable Megamix (I’d add some potatoes to it) and a glass of red wine.

  28. christine morris Reply

    Roast Potato, roast Pumpkin, Squash, parsnip,Carrots, with fresh Peas and Beans,

  29. Pen Johnston Reply

    Roast pumpkin, potatoes (including sweet potatoes) , carrots and (onion for flavour) with a serve of rosemary gravy.

  30. Samantha moon Reply

    a potato bake for a change from roast potato’s, fresh steamed greens and roast carrot and pumpkin served with fresh homemade gravy.

  31. Tracy Andreatta Reply

    Baby roasted potatoes with rosemary, honey glazed carrots & Couscous

  32. Baked potatoes. Veggie bake with carrots, cauli, brocolli, pumpkin with a crispy cheese topping. Stir fried Cabbage and tasty gravy.

  33. Lena Ivanoff Reply

    Slow roasted garlic potatoes served with sour cream and chives. Honey( from our own bees) roasted sweet potato and baby carrots. Steamed asparagus and broccolini and sauted in homemade butter. And pan juice gravy! Yummo!

  34. crispy roast spuds, roasted parsnips, lightly roasted baby beets and a luscious green rocket salad

  35. Ying Ying TAN Reply

    Mashed potatoes, baby carrots, roasted corn and mint sauce for the lamb. Yum!

  36. Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, baby carrots roasted , baby potatoes roasted or mash, green beans steamed, corn on the cob with lots of butter & lots of gravy Yum & of course mint sauce 🙂

  37. Colourful carrots. Always wanted to try those fancy purple carrots

  38. Wendy Jean Meers Reply

    I would have traditional roast potatoes, parsnips, pumpkin, sweet potato, and garlic cloves, served with steamed broccoli, my mouth is watering.

  39. Michelle Gray Reply

    Being summer, I will team the lamb roast with a beautiful salad of chilled char grilled vegetables and feta cheese drizzled with Jamie Oliver Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

  40. Leanne Renehan Reply

    Crunchy roast potatoes, spinach and grilled pumpkin salad and baby asparagus. Yum!

  41. Fiona Rowlands Reply

    I’d carve it up and make it into souvlaki wraps!! Taziki sauce, fresh cucumber, red onion, Kalamata olives, Tabouli & salad leaves all wrapped into a pita bread, yum!!

  42. We love a lemon lime zesty rice noodle, basil, cucumber salad with a crusty butter bread.

  43. Jamies crispy smashed roast potatoes and a glass or two of a mellow Merlot!

  44. Sarah Shelley Reply

    Crispy Baked potatoes basted in a mixture of margarine, vegeta and garlic before cooking. They are simply delicious and would go perfectly with this succulent Roast Lamb.

  45. Rachel Kriss-Newell Reply

    Oven roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes and pumpkin, drizzled with gravy and a serving of beans, peas and squash

  46. Melissa Ware Reply

    Garlic roasted smashed potatoes with steamed green beans and broccoli covered with some melted herbed butter

  47. We love crispy roast potatoes but maybe a creamy mash might soak up all those fantastic flavours & gravy!

  48. Wendy Compergirl D'Arcy Reply

    Crispy baked potatoes cooked in the Lamb juices with garlic and herbs

  49. Shannan Sullivan Reply

    Rosemary & garlic flavoured baked potatoes and steamed vegetables

  50. i have roast pototoes with melted chesse and peas carrots corn and gravy

  51. roasted garlic and rosemary potatoes and sweet potatoes, fresh asparagus fried quickly in some butter and garlic, fresh peas, home made thyme gravy

  52. TanyaCrerar Reply

    Steamed greens, crunchy roast potatoes and a warm couscous and pine nut salad.

  53. Hassleback potatoes, fresh asparagus, stuffed beetroot and honey mustard carrots.

  54. Roast potatoes, pumpkin, carrot, carrot, sweet potato with roasted garlic and a pinch of sea salt!

  55. I would serve it with a delicious mint sauce and crunchy roast baby potatos.

  56. garlic roasted smashed potatoes and heirloom carrots both the orange and purple varieties – looks stunning served on a white plate

  57. Sonia Manoukian Reply

    I love my green veggies so i would have to say broccolini, beans and peas 🙂

  58. hasselback potatoes, honey carrots, roasted punpkin,mint peas with a yummy rosemary mint gravey. Plus mint sauce

  59. Roast vegetables (potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, onion), beans, peas, & lots of gravy!

  60. Nerys Lewis Reply

    Roast potatoes, roast garlic, roasted baby onions and roasted sweet potatoe and pumpkin with rosemary, mint sauce and gracy!

  61. Catrina Murray Reply

    Minted peas, Duchess Potatoes, Honey Glazed Carrots and Roasted Cauliflower puree.

  62. Wendy Hatton Reply

    Potatoes roasted with rosemary & garlic, cauliflower with cheese sauce, green beans and plenty of gravy. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

  63. Brooke-Lee Croton Reply

    Roast potatoes, broccoli, peas, corn and carrots with gravy.

  64. Mash potato, broccoli,peas together with lots of butter and tablespoon of mint jelly. Touch of salt pepper and swirl of olive oil.

  65. I would serve. Potatoe Bake with Gryure cheese & a Broccoli augratin with steamed beans

  66. Roast sweet potato, potato, pumpkin & turnip all tossed in olive oil, sea salt, garlic & rosemary.. Vegetable bake with cauliflower, broccoli, beans, purple & orange carrot. Colourful & Tasty.

  67. Nicole Cammack Reply

    I would serve our super simple but totally delicious scalloped potatoes, mint jelly, yorkshire puddings, some fresh barely steamed beans, honey glazed carrots and a big glass of Shiraz!

  68. Tina Clausen Reply

    Roasted seasoned vegies naturally (sweet potatoes, whole small onions, baby carrots, broccoli), also caramalised potatoes and a rich gravy made with juices from the roasted lamb.

  69. Michelle Green Reply

    Roasted sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut pumpkin, parsnips and onions. Steamed broccoli and green beans and mint jelly. Delicious!

  70. A spoonful of sunshine, a bunch of fun, a sprinkle of seasoning, a warm toasty bun.
    A glazing of herbs, a handful of friends, a drizzle of gravy, such a simple yummy blend.
    A pinch of laughter, a cup of good tunes, my Aust Day served with lamb, & a glass of wine for the afternoon.

  71. Rosemary & garlic roasted potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes,pumpkin, carrots, whole baby onions,parsnips. steamed cabbage with bacon & onion, steamed green and yellow beans & gravy.

  72. Not a mince sauce fan so drizzled in Onion gravy with Jacket potatoes and Fresh veg ( carrots, broccoli and Beans) covered in a cheesey hollandaise sauce ( because this is the only way to get my kids to eat Vegetable) with some crusty Bread and butter

  73. roast potatoes, sweet potatoes, jap pumpkin, baby beans, homemade spinach & feta quiche & served with homemade gravy (from the pan of course)

  74. Ingrid Robertson Reply

    Tzatziki, garlic infused green beans with almonds, buttered carrots and roasted chat potatoes.

  75. Ilonka Bruce Reply

    Roast potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, brussel sprouts and a nice bottle of red!

  76. Isabeau Jane Reply

    Roast Rosemary seasoned potatoes, steamed carrots, peas, corn and sweet potato and beans and secret gravy

  77. Roasted potatoes and pumpkin in the same pan as the roast lamb, to absorb all those beautiful flavours, served with honey glazed baby carrots, minted peas and butter beans….

  78. I would serve roast potatoes, roast carrot and pumpkin and parsnips peas, beans and cauliflower with a gravy

  79. Roasted Vegies (Potato, Pumpkin and Carrots), Steamed Garden Peas, Mint Jelly, Gravy made using pan juices and of course Yorkshire Puddings.

  80. sars_angelchik Reply

    Fresh baked crusty cheese bread or cob loaf, potato gratin and glazed carrots

  81. Simple Accompaniments are best as Roast Lamb already has Jamie’s magical mix of flavours, so: Roast Potatoes, Butternut Pumpkin, Cauliflower in Home -Made White Sauce, Mint Peas, Pan Juice Gravy and Home Made Mint Sauce on Table

  82. Terry Mashford Reply

    Cauliflower with white sauce, Roast Potatoes, Qld Blue Pumpkin, Roasted Parsnips & Mint Peas all with My old fashion home-made gravy

  83. Fresh corn on the cob,.honey carrots,baked pumpkin(smear with vegemite before cooking,it tastes amazing!)baked potatoes covered in breadcrumbs,and gravy made with pan dripping 🙂

  84. Sweet and spicy sticky lamb accompanied by prosciutto wrapped goat’s cheese, baby beet/orange and walnut salad; to finish infuse with a honey, mint drizzle.

  85. Barbara Fehmel Reply

    Baked Potato, Pumpkin, Parsnip, Carrot. Boiled Peas, Broccoli, and Sauté Mushrooms and Fried Capsicum.

  86. would love Jamie Oliver with my lamb what a great fun dinner just chatting picking at lamb and a cool white sparkly

  87. Would have roasted onions carrots potatoes & sweet potatoes with peas and broccoli!!!!

  88. Aimee Tatham Reply

    Califlower cheese, with the some baby butter garlic spuds on side! Lets not forget a good glass of wine. It all intwines with flavor burst. YUMOOO

  89. I love the way fresh tomatoes, with bocconcini, basil and a splash of sticky balsamic goes with lamb. I would also roast some baby potatoes, skin on, with rosemary, Murray river sea salt and garlic cloves. Of course there would also be some crusty bread to soak up any juices all shared together with family and friends.

  90. Vicki Smith Reply

    I would have roasted root vegies with tyme & rosemary, a rich pan made red wine gravy, zucchini, beans, baby squash sauted in tyme infused olive oil.

  91. Helen Hamilton Reply

    Crispy Roasted Potatoes, Cauliflower and Broccoli in a creamy cheese sauce sprinkled with bread crumbs and melted grated cheese. Also some mushy peas and boiled carrots.

  92. Cecilia Warrick Reply

    Smashed roast potatoes scattered with fresh thyme, Roasted sweet potatoes and butternut pumpkin, roast zucchini, and green beans cooked with garlic and olive oil, plus my homemade mint sauce on the side!

  93. crunchy roast potatoes roast carrots,pumpkin and cauliflower with cheese sauce and dont forget mint sauce

  94. Whatever delights the home veggie garden offers…rosemary roasted potatoes, honey glazed baby carrots and surely some “greens” could be harvested too…or obtained from the fabulous local farmer’s market.

  95. Amy Hinaki Ngawaka Reply

    roast veges like potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes

  96. Mandy Spiero Reply

    I would serve Rosemary roast potatoes, roast carrots and pumpkin, fried cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower cheese, and never without Yorkshire puddings with gravy.

  97. Chloe Donahue Reply

    Smashed potatos with sour cream and chives beans honey glazed carrots and roasted pumpkin with a lovely pan juice gravy

  98. Orange glazed carrots, smoked chilli scalloped sweet potatoes, peas with spring onion and bacon and some luscious gravy!

  99. Roasted vegetables – potatos, carrots, pumpkin and steamed broccoli and corn !

  100. Garlic and Rosemary Roast Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes, Peas and the all
    important Mint Sauce which takes lamb to a whole new level of delicious!

  101. Most important with any roast lamb is mint sauce! Then I’d do roast pumpkin and cauliflower and Broccoli au gratin.

  102. Carly Grace Smith Reply

    Rosemary and Shiraz Gravy, pumpkin, potato, carrot, sweet potato and steamed broccoli. All fairly plain, I don’t like to take away from the taste of the lamb!

  103. Minted peas & luscious leeks & Oliver style onions with a Yorkshire pudding.

  104. Pamela Singleton Reply

    Roast Potato, pumpkin, carrots and fresh steamed green beans. I would also serve home made mint sauce with the roast.

  105. Being that the hot weather is upon us, a quinoa salad including, baby roasted beetroot and pumpkin, fetta, walnuts, tossed through with honey, mustard parsley and thyme.

  106. I would have home made Mint sauce, Potatoes which have been boiled until just soft, put on paper towel, scrape the top and put into a baking dish with canola oil, making sure to brush a bit of oil on the potato. Peas, Corn on the Cob. Parsnip, Turnip, Pumpkin. Then use the juices from the meat pan to make a home made gravy with flour etc. Now THAT IS a meal – Roast Lamb and Crisp Vegetables. xxx dee

  107. Jasmine Stanford Reply

    Crunchy roast potatos, honey carrots, gravy, green beans, corn on the cob and soft bread rolls with butter

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