
Yes You Can KonMari Your Car. Here’s 6 Steps to Sparking Joy … For Real!


For many of us, our family car doesn’t spark a whole lot of joy. They’re often a breeding ground of half-empty water bottles, dried up pens, furry rusks, and odd socks.

Therefore, it’s time to unleash the cleaning hack mojo. Yes, we’re going to KonMari the crap out of our cars. Literally.

Want to pack the kids into the car for school drop off and feel SPARKS OF JOY? Prepare to be feeling so many sparks of joy you’ll be akin to a firecracker.

There will be joy sparked for two reasons – one because your car will be free of the rubbish sh*tstorm that is school holidays. It will be clean and tidy, a true joy to drive. Secondly, you’re dropping the kids off at school and that kind of joy is immeasurable. #letsbehonest

Holden together with Gemma Quinn – Australia’s very own Marie Kondo and our nation’s very first certified master KonMari consultant, gives us the nitty-gritty on organising ALL the crap stuff in our cars.

Yes, mums, we CAN live our best organised, tidy life (even if it’s only from behind the steering wheel. I’ll take what I can get). We all have to start somewhere!

WATCH as Gemma takes us through the 6 Steps to KonMari the family car!

[mc_block_title custom_title=”1. ORGANISE THE FRONT SEAT”]

Clear the cup holders of last week’s smelly coffee cup, random bobby pins and the dummy you meant to take inside and sanitise. Front seat cup holders are for your water bottle and a fresh cup of coffee. Bliss. The haul of empty water bottles and rubbish (if you can’t get to a bin straight away) should be stashed in the door well space, out of the way until you can get to a bin. Easy but good luck scooping those sultanas outta there.

car console, konmari
Note: Fresh water and coffee cup. Not rubbish and hair clips.

[mc_block_title custom_title=”2. TOYS SHOULDN’T OUTNUMBER THE PLAYROOM”]

Put a cap on how many toys the kids can bring with them and make sure they go in and GET TAKEN OUT with the kids. If your car is starting to resemble a playroom, you need to rein in the entertainment committee.

kids toys, car, KonMari
Have a toy to kid ratio rule and stick to it!

[mc_block_title custom_title=”3. GET YOUR CAR A BIN FOR THE WIN!”]

A clever cleaning hack is to contain any rubbish in the back seat with a small handy bin that sits in the foot-well of the back seat. Make sure it has a secure lid and for the love of all things smelly and funky, don’t forget to check it from time to time!  PRO TIP: use a Sistema cereal container for a quick bin solution.

KonMari, car cleaning, bin
Have a bin EVERYONE can access.

[mc_block_title custom_title=”4. CONTAIN THE ASSAULT OF SHOPPING BAGS”]

While I love the save the environment with green shopping bags movement, I don’t love that my shopping bags outnumber my car’s safety airbags, times five. Gemma suggests sorting the bag situation by flattening them and containing them in a box or bag which doesn’t fly around the boot as you drive. Smart.

KonMari car clean, shopping bags
Finally, shopping bags contained.

[mc_block_title custom_title=”5.  KONMARI THE CENTRE CONSOLE”]

Fair warning: the car console is a TRAP for random items. Clear it all out and use a handbag organiser (with all its compartments which fit neatly inside the console). Store all those things you could need when heading out with the family, including a compact umbrella, hair bands, wipes, and non-perishable snacks. Because there are not enough sultanas in the car already, obvs.

KonMari, car cleaning, car console
Use a handbag insert for the car console. GENIUS.

[mc_block_title custom_title=”6. CREATE STORAGE FOR MUST-HAVE ITEMS”]

Gemma points out that there are some things we really should have in our car for both safety convenience. Things like a towel for getting caught out in the rain, first aid items (Band-Aids, antiseptic wipes, etc), a hi-vis jacket should you get caught at night with a flat tyre  .. ALL of those need to be in your car. Keep them neatly housed in a plastic container in the boot, safely tucked away.

KonMari car boot storage
Boot storage nooks for the win!

Now that you’ve busted the car free from clutter, here’s some awesome tips to get you cracking on how to organise the rest of your life! Alternatively, refill that cup of coffee in your console and just enjoy the cleanliness of your car before school pickup. #WINNING


South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

1 Comment

  1. Storage containers in vehicles should be anchored to prevent them becoming a missile if the driver has to brake suddenly.

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