Baby Health

How to Choose a Baby Thermometer


It starts with a sniffle or a cough. Then comes a stuffy nose and a fever.

It can leave your baby miserable and you sick with worry that you can’t wave a magic wand and make their illness disappear.  Really, all us mums want, more than anything, is to keep our kids happy, healthy and safe.

mum centralOne way we can help our children when they get sick is to make sure we’re prepared. And, when dealing with fever in infants, a thermometer is a must.

Having a reliable thermometer on hand can provide you with the reassurance that you are taking the right steps to monitor your baby or child’s fever. 

How to Choose a Thermometer 

With all the different types of thermometers available, it can be confusing to know which one to buy. This baby thermometer guide should clear a few things up.

Types of thermometers:

  • Temperature strips  These plastic strips are placed on your baby’s head and change colour when your baby has a temperature. They are easy to use but not always accurate.
  • Digital probe thermometers – Placed in the rectum, mouth or under the arm, these traditional thermometers require bub to remain still for at least a minute to get an accurate reading.
  • ‘Smart’ thermometers – These patch thermometers are stuck to baby’s body and synced to an app on your phone. They provide continuous monitoring of bub’s temperature so you don’t have to wake them to get a reading, but you do need to be careful that a restless baby doesn’t knock the patches loose.
  • Forehead thermometers – Another non-invasive option, forehead thermometers allow you to scan bub’s temperature but require perfect positioning to get an accurate reading.
  • Ear thermometers – Inserted into the ear canal, these thermometers use infrared rays to quickly read the body temperature. This is the kind of thermometer you’re likely to encounter when you visit the family GP.

Colds & Flu: 11 Tips & Tricks to Ease Suffering

What to look for:

When choosing a thermometer, one thing all mums want is a thermometer that isn’t going to cause your baby discomfort. You probably also want something that is easy to use. After all, what’s the point in scanning baby for temperature if you’re not confident that you’ve done it right?

Another important thing to look for when choosing a baby thermometer is accuracy. When bub is sick, you want to not only know if your child has a temperature, but also how high it is. A reliable reading makes it much easier to give baby the care they need.

For ear thermometers, Braun ThermoScan 7 Ear Thermometer ticks all the boxes

Braun is Australia’s number one ear thermometer brand and the Braun ThermoScan 7 provides parents with all of the above and so much more.

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Key features include:

  • Accurate reading with AgeSmart technology:  To make fevers even more confusing for parents, the definition of a fever varies depending on your child’s age. What is a normal temperature in a four-year-old, can be a fever in a newborn. This is why we love Braun ThermoScan 7 – their AgeSmart technology gives you an accurate reading based on your child’s age.
  • Easy to use: Braun ThermoScan 7 also comes with colour-coded results for easy interpretation – green for no fever, yellow for moderate fever and red for high fever. There’s no guessing, so you always know what’s what.
  • Fast and gentle: The comfortable positioning is ideal for infants, even squirmy ones. The Braun ThermoScan 7 works in seconds. 
  • Reassurance for mums: Braun’s ThermoScan 7 also comes with ExactTemp, a pre-warmed tip for more accurate readings. Plus the thermometer lights up and beeps to confirm you’ve got it in the right position. And it lets you know what the last temperature was too so you can track the fever.
  • Reliable: A two-year warranty gives peace of mind. Plus, each ThermoScan 7 also comes with a protective case with lens filter storage and a box of lens filters.

For forehead thermometers, try the all-new Braun Touchless+Forehead Thermometer (BNT400)

If you’re on the hunt for a forehead thermometer, then a great option is the newly-launched Braun Touchless + Forehead Thermometer (BNT400). 

braun touchless + forehead thermometer

Key features include:

  • Duel technology (as in ‘Touch’ or ‘Touchless’ mode): This allows for quick, easy and instant readings – no struggle or stress and no need to wake your little one up to check his or her temperature.
  • Multi-purpose temperature control: Use it to check bub’s bath, temperatures of purees, your baby’s bottles or any other heated food.
  • No need to wake bub up: Simply hold the thermometer above your child’s forehead while they sleep. How cool is that?! And don’t worry, you get the same professional accuracy whether touching your child’s forehead or measuring up to 2.5cm away.
  • Super speedy reading: Takes the measurements in under two seconds, which is one of the fastest ways to measure temperature.
  • AgeSmart technology: The colour-coded display takes the guesswork out of reading temperatures. Green suggests no fever. Yellow indicates moderate fever and red signals high fever.

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It’s hard enough to see our babies unwell, especially when fever is involved. Take the guesswork out of caring for bub and choose a thermometer designed to help you through these confusing and anxious moments.

You deserve to know you’re doing everything right and giving your infant exactly what they need to get better. The Braun ThermoScan 7  and the Braun Touchless + Forehead Thermometer (BNT400) can help you do that.

 Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

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* Remember: Fever is not an illness in itself but a sign of an illness. How you treat a fever depends on how high the temperature is, your child’s age and other symptoms. Babies under the age of three months with a fever should see a doctor straight away. If your child is between three and 12 months, you should also contact your doctor.

This is a sponsored post for Braun

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.


  1. Colour coded results make checking your little on so much easier, especially with winter here and in full force

    • Danielle Bailey Reply

      I absolutely love that their is colour coding to determine whether or not to start worrying. I find with basic thermometers that they are not very accurate and are hard to read. Oh and to think this one works in just one second is Amazing! Nothing worse than a sick, cranky child that won’t sit still, making it difficult to get a reading.

    • kelly Truine Reply

      I’ve got a 16 month old boy. He’s ha Dhiacou fair share of sickness in the first year and a half of his life, and having to try and get his temp checked is just a nightmare. I’ve had one you point at his forehead but was never accurate, I’ve also got the regular thermometer ( in the mouth or under the arm) but it’s pretty hard trying to get the real temp when he just wants to move away all the time. He won’t sit still for it that’s for sure. So the fact that this braun thermometer is quick, gives a reading according to the age and is easy to use would be ideal for our family to use!

      • Barbara Fehmel Reply

        i like the easy “Colour coded results” My young Great grand son is always getting a fever, this would make it so much easier for his parents to know whether to take him to the doctors.

    • Philippa Tudor Reply

      The positioning check is a fantastic feature as this in not always easy with a squrmy baby and gives huge peace of mind

    • The AgeSmart Technology is revolutionary as it gives you peace of mind and takes away the second guessing in caring for your children.

    • I love the reliability of them I had a brain ear thermometer that lasted nearly ten years! We have a different brand and it’s been such a disappointment

    • Jess Knight Reply

      I love the fact that is colour coded purely for the ease factor

    • I love the fact that it reads a temperature in one second! My 6month old is super squirmy and this is a great addition.

  2. Louise french Reply

    The feature I like best is that the thermometer is fast and accurate. It’s hard enough to get a temperature reading from an ill child so this would be fantastic

  3. The feature i like best is the colour coded results. It would make things easier for both my kids.

  4. Sarah Swan Reply

    With my son always sick we seem to live at the hospital. I am forever checking his temp at night and the colour indicator would make a huge difference. I wouldn’t have to turn the light on to see the result.

  5. Having a quick reliable thermometer especially for in the middle of the night without disturbing my baby would be perfect

  6. Linda Pepper Reply

    Favourite feature is how fast, gentle and easy to use. Perfect for any occasions from birth to teens and perfect to use of a night with a night light so you can use without waking your little ones.

  7. Louise Patterson Reply

    I love that it works in one second ! That is so fast 🙂

  8. Looks so easy to use for different age kids including the colour coded screen and beeping to know it’s in the right spot.

  9. It reads temperature on ear, somethhing that I think is important as my kid almost always get eat infection, forehead you can at least feel it with your palm, ear is tricky.

  10. Mandy Graham Reply

    The Braun ThermoScan 7 Thermometer is so Easy to use and we would put it to great use.

  11. I love the different colour coding for the different levels and the accuracy.

  12. I like the speed you can get the temp…easy to read when you and bub are stressed

  13. Susanna Martin Reply

    To know I am holding it in the correct position when I take the temperature is great! I also love the feature of what is a normal temperature at what age an mostly, I love that it gives an accurate reading in a second or two because sick kids are restless ones.

  14. Deborah de Geeter Reply

    Correct colour coding is great to monitor if your child has a fever or not.

  15. Angela Eichler Reply

    Digital is so much easier to use. I never had 1 with my 2 oldest would love 1 for my youngest

  16. Kelly Baldock Reply

    I love that it is so easy to use, fast and reliable especially with a 2 yr old that gets sick very easy and loves to squirm about. Also with my 2 oldest it would be perfect for them as well due to the fact it’s so easy to use.

  17. I love that the thermometer is easy to use… the colour code results for easy interpretation is a huge plus leaving more time for me to focus on baby!

  18. Kathy Ferguson Clark Reply

    Love the Colour Coded with Bad Eyes its perfect as cant always so the numbers

  19. I love that it gives you a result based on your child’s age. I had no idea my current thermometer reading could be giving me a false sense of security if I just look at the colour coding. What may be a green-orange result for an older child may actually be in the red more serious range for a young baby. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’d love to review this and know I have an accurate way to keep an eye on my child’s welfare when they are struck down by illness.

  20. Shae Pryke Reply

    My favourite feature of the thermometer is that fact it takes just one second to produce a reading! It’s perfect for restless little bubs or the teething toddler that just won’t sit still! This would be perfect for not just the little ones, but also the older members of our household who are always getting sick due to low immunity. We never know if it’s just a cold or an infection, so an accurate temperature reading will be sure to help!

  21. Michelle Cunningham Reply

    My favourite features are that it is reliable and easy to use, especially with the colour coded result that appears on the display (and that it also remembers the last temperature reading taken)! I’d love to win a Braun ThermoScan for my kids, to ensure I’m accurately taking their temperature, as this is so important when your children’s health can deteriorate rapidly.

  22. Jessica Watson Reply

    I love the feature of the pre warmed tip. You know that you are getting an accurate measurement, and not just that but it’s not so uncomfortable for the little ones!

  23. I love the fact the Braun ear thermometer is so easy to use its quick response time and color coded for easy to read measurements.

  24. The colour codes RESULTS!
    Means there will be no user-error FAULTS!
    Also the results are instant
    So no need to hold down a wriggling INFANT!

  25. My favourite features are the reliability as many thermometers I have used just aren’t accurate and the ease of use. Being able to see the temperature displayed clearly and easily is a life saver especially for a hard to sit still toddler and a small newborn baby. I would love to win a Braun ThermoScan to greatly assist with my kids temperature taking and to ease our minds as parents that we can keep on top of their health.

  26. I would love to win a Braun ear thermometer because it is reliable and easy to use.

  27. Sarah Hart Reply

    I love the accuracy that this thermometer can offer my family. Just this week both my boys have been sick and this would have come in handy. My squirmy 2 year old will not keep still for any other thermometer 🙁

  28. I have a small human who HATES getting his temperature taken, even just under the arm. The fact that the Braun ThermoScan 7 works in just one second means one less thing to worry about when he is already feeling unwell.

  29. I love the accurate reading with AgeSmart technology! Great piece of mind!

  30. Maria Gillies Reply

    I like the Age Smart Technology and the fact that it is used in the ear!

  31. Absolutely the ease of use – when baby is upset and my partner and I anxious, this quick and easy response is essential.

  32. Colour coded results make reading so much easier, specially when you’re up late, tired and maybe a little frazzled!

  33. I love that it’s fast and reliable with sick kids who don’t want to cooperate.

  34. I would love this themonator as it would help quickly tell bubbas temp and would make knowing the range of danger so we can fix it easier.

  35. Shell Cook Reply

    I love the AgeSmart technology that is a feature of the brilliant Braun ThermoScan 7 !
    With 3 children ranging from ages 1-6 years old, this feature makes it so easy for parents to read, understand and subsequently treat (if required) a fever across the differing age groups!

  36. Mary Preston Reply

    The AgeSmart technology is just brilliant, especially as all of the children in the extended family are different ages.

    The Braun ThermoScan 7 Ear Thermometer could literally be a life saver. Yes please!!

  37. I love that Braun ThermoScan 7 Thermometer is easy to use and colour coded. This would help me alot with the foster kids I look after

  38. Stacey Hyde Reply

    I live the fact that it is quick and easy to use. The last thing you want with a sick child is to have to mess around and wait.

  39. It works in just one second. My son suffers seizures when his temp gets too high. To know quickly how high his temperature is would take a little bit of the stress away.

  40. Easy to use and accurate are my favourite features. Expecting our first baby soon so this great thermometer would be much appreciated.

  41. A digital thermometer is easy to read and allows me the choice of further action if needed. Better to be safe than sorry

  42. Nicole Thoroughgood Reply

    The most important feature for me is accuracy as I find our current forehead thermometer gives very varied results! I’d love a Braun thermometer so that I know the results are accurate!

  43. I love how the has colour coded readings. It will be good for tired parents (that have been taking care of a sick baby the whole night) to read it easily.

  44. julie morton Reply

    The temperature strips, a non invasive a
    easy way to check when your child isnt feeling well

  45. Having a super quick reliable thermometer with a baby & a toddler is something we can’t live without ib our house!

  46. Danika Dupont Reply

    The temperature strips, a non invasive a
    easy way to check when your child is not well

  47. Belinda LS Reply

    I like the fast, accurate and colour coded results make checking your little on so much easier, especially wheb they are unwell.

  48. Colour coded results – what an awesome feature!! Our digital thermometer recently broke.

  49. Michelle Budge Reply

    My favorite feature would have to be the colour coded results. So easy to read at a glance.

  50. I love that it’s fast, gentle and easy to use,
    Ensuring that my anxieties reduce!
    Age smart technology so clever,
    An accurate reading no matter whoever!
    Our current thermometer is broken,
    And I worry I’ll be woken,
    By a sick child in the night,
    A Braun ThermoScan 7 would be so reassuring alright!

  51. I love that it is easy to use. The color-coded feature makes reading the temp easier. I also love that it is not invasive.

  52. allirra mcgreevy Reply

    I love how quickly it can give you a fast and accurate reading. The last thing sick children want is a thermometer that takes takes forever to work.

  53. Having a quick reliable thermometer that is accurate is essential. I would love one in my home.

  54. Not having to wake my children to do late night fever checks means we all sleep better!

  55. Kerry Howitt Reply

    I would love to win the Braun ThermoScan 7 for my grandson. He is a very busy little man even when not feeling 100% so the ThermoScan would be perfect to check his temperature while he is on the run.

  56. Claire Williams Reply

    Taking only one second to work, this will help me to get my children feeling their best sooner than ever!!

  57. Yazmyn silvestri Reply

    I love the colour scan. It’s so easy to tell at a glance if your little one is in the green zone, or if they are running a mild or high fever. In the middle of the night, this feature would make a huge difference!

  58. Fiona McNeil Reply

    Colour coded for ages it perfect! For my kids and even in a childcare centre that would work so well for a variety of ages!

  59. Love the colour coded feature and the fact that it works so fast. This would be very handy to have no that winter is hitting us with full force.

  60. It would be easy and such a relief to define temperatures for each of my different aged children due to the ‘AgeSmart’ technology.

  61. I find remembering what temperature is depending on age THE most difficult part about checking my kids temps. That, plus getting the thermometer to stay put long enough is a nightmare! This sounds like an amazing product that would take a great deal of the anxiety out of dealing with unwell children, I’d just love one.

  62. Best feature is the easy to read temperature colours. Easy to use on babies that are moving non stop

  63. Nicole Williams Reply

    Love the speed it takes the temperature when children squirm. The temperature colours are amazing also.

  64. Laurinda Kelly Reply

    The speed of getting a reading with a wriggling bub or upset toddler. 1 sec is a dream come true to get an accurate reading & peace of mind to check on fevers. Congrats on such an amazing product

  65. Kate Slack Reply

    I love how quick and accurate it is, definitely what you need when you have a poorly baby and a worried mum.

  66. I love that it’s what they would use at the dr or hospital, great to get the kids used to it. Plus so much more accurate than most of the others!

  67. Tamara Robinson Reply

    I absolutely LOVE the AgeSmart & AccuTemp features!! Makes taking my little ones temps so much more reassuring, plus I absolutely love that this thermometer is so easy and comfortable to use. No more having to check twice with different thermometers. Definitely adore this! With kids from infant to 6 it’s hard to accurately and easily take temps and this piece of heaven does everything you could possibly want!

  68. Kerryn Davies Reply

    The speed in which it works. With a 3 year old who doesn’t sit still and another baby on the way, who has time or ability to sit with a thermometer in a child’s armpit for more than a minute.

  69. Rosalie Bernacki Reply

    Super fast and easy to use – as my lady is the wiggliest lady ever made. And with Grommets in too – the amazing technology would help this solo mumma greatly xxxx

  70. I love how quick this thermometer is. My son hates to be touched on the face and head so to be able to get his temperature taken quickly will save the tears. Plus the colour code will help for those sleepy morning wake ups when the brain isn’t fully functioning to its optimum.

  71. I love two things about the thermosan – 1) the traffic light system to remind me what is good and bad (my memory goes out the window when I’m flustered over the kids!), and 2) the non-invasiveness making it super quick and effective and less distressing for my little ones

  72. The age smart technology. Also looks more accurate than my forehead thermometer that gives random temperatures.

  73. this thermometer looks amazing. I love the idea of age smart and colour coding. It would definitely make my life alot easier and temperature checking for my little guy alot less traumatising

  74. Kate Burgess Reply

    I love the idea of a fast thermometer. There is nothing worse than fighting a baby to take their temp and then the uneasy wait for results

  75. Amanda Evans Reply

    I love the smart age recognition and the quick ease of use

  76. Renee Spiteri-Elturk Reply

    I worked in pharmacy before having children and would always reccomend Braun thermometers as they’re accurate and reliable. I love how this has the colour coded feature and most of the accuracy.

  77. Having something quick, reliable and easy to use will definitely be a huge assistance in our family!!!

  78. Without a doubt the colour coding is the most impressive feature. It gives parents a simple graphic indication of the severity of the temperature.

  79. I love how easy they are to use and how little they distress our kids.

  80. Quick and easy and provides so much peace of mind! A must have in any household.

  81. Emma Dorrstein Reply

    Sooooo hard to pick a favorite feature but I absolutely love BRAUN Thermoscan’s Age Smart technology. Sometimes when you are worried about your sick child it is hard to remember what classifies as a fever. I don’t know how many times I have had to look it up. But this amazing device will tell you straight away if it is in normal range or not. Winner!

  82. The fact that the definition of fever changes with age – that’s brilliant! As a parent you constantly worry about your little one when they are unwell or have a fever. My husband is an even bigger worry wart than I am so this would put both our minds at ease.

  83. ONE SECOND!! WAY WAY beats the 5 minutes my genius upset the kids sharp pointed annoying metal what was I thinking thermometer has up it’s not funny sleeves!! Usually the kids fight and get upset and I end up with the ole mum kiss to the forehead temp getter. The kids would be begging to take their own temperature with this cool device.

  84. The agesmart fever guide is so so so clever!! I frequently call my son by my daughter’s name and my daughter by my son’s name so when I am flustered or rushed off my feet with a sick newborn or toddler to look after, remembering what temperatures are too high and require attention for each child could quite literally be a life saver for tired mama’s such as myself!

  85. Trudy Spreadborough Reply

    I love the agesmart technology. Before reading this I thought a temperature was a temperature, not differing for ages. I’d love to win one as our old thermometer has just recently proved itself unreliable and probably has been the whole time we’ve had it, which is pretty scary!! It wasn’t cheap either. There’s almost 5 years between my 2 kids so having something that would be tailored to both of them would be a bonus. Unfortunately we’re not in a position to purchase one of these at the moment but I’ve had my eye on them since they first came out.

  86. Caroline White Reply

    The colour Code makes it easier to read and understand.

  87. It’s easy to use and quick and and simple to catch the wiggling little rascals who never sit still.

  88. The best feature I think is the ExactTemp, a pre-warmed tip for more accurate readings. What mum wouldn’t like to know an exact temperature for their baby.

  89. Susan Miller Reply

    Love who it adjusts temperature with your child’s ages….

  90. The accuracy, ease of use, colour guide and taking out the guess work are just some of the features that impress me.

  91. I love how fast and easy this is to use. No need to make a sick child hold still and steady when this works in a mere second!

  92. Karina Lee Reply

    A guaranteed reliable reading is important – I have had so many thermometers and their readings were always out of whack.

  93. Being able to get an accurate reading really quick while being gentle and safe.

  94. The colour coded results make it super easy. I would love this for my three kiddies as it’s quick and reliable.

  95. Colour-coded results is a great feature which lets me know the fever level better.

  96. Julie Parsons Reply

    I love that it lights up and beeps to confirm you’ve got it in the right position. I really like all the features to be honest!!!!!

  97. Danni Stocks Reply

    I like that the brain thermoscan 7 is easy to use my friend has one and she swears by it. Even we her toddler is being extra wiggly she mangers to get the temp quickly.

  98. Teash Read Reply

    I don’t own a thermometer of this brand but from what I’ve just read they sound amazing!! I love how fast getting a reading is meant to be, with a 15month old that can’t sit still that would be so convenient.. Also the colour code is very helpful, especially for a sleep deprived mother who may not read the temp correctly during the night. I also love that if tells fevers based on a child’s age. Overall this sounds like a must have for all parents! I would love to get my hands on one

  99. Kylie Gerstenberg Reply

    I love that this tells you when you are in the right spot for an accurate measurement. I find that can sometimes be the hardest part when taking an ear temp.

  100. Jennalee Ratley Reply

    My favourite feature is its 1 second reading!! My biggest struggle with my son when I need to check his temp is getting him to leave it under his arm. It takes so long and he wriggles and pulls it out so often I’m not sure if the reading is even right.
    In the middle of the night when we are both exhausted this would make it so much easier for both of us

  101. The tracking feature would be fantastic- With 3 under 4 things get crazy when even one is unwell & I struggle to remember their exact temperature minutes let alone hours after it being taken!

  102. The tracking feature would be fantastic- With 3 under 4 things get crazy when even one is unwell & I struggle to remember their exact temperature minutes let alone hours after it being taken! .

  103. Fast colour codes would make it so quick and easy to check my boys temperature, they hate when we try to check under the arm so makes it a real struggle.

  104. Annette Tripodi Reply

    I believe the best feature is the ExactTemp as you are reassured that you have an accurate reading. In addition, I love that it lights up and beeps to confirm you have the right positioning. As a first time mum, in the drawer right beside me I have 5 different themometers! Each time I check my sons temperature I use at least 2 thermometers to ensure accuracy and they never seem to display the same temperature! I would love to be able to use only one thermometer that I know is accurate.

  105. I love how fast it is. Our current one takes forever and bubs wont sit still so we can never get it. Id love to win.

  106. Stephanie Whitworth Reply

    I actually didn’t know the definition of fever changed with ages, i love that it has age appropriate readings so I could go from using it on my 3 yo to checking for my friends it their bubbas are having troubles and know I’m in safe hands 😉

  107. Chris Sheppard Reply

    I love the comfortable positioning and that it works in just one second! I would love to win because I have 3 young kids (1 with ASD) so we really need a thermometer that is fast, accurate & gentle.

  108. Erika Browne Reply

    I love the AgeSmart technology. I never really know when my little girl has a fever due to all the conflicting information I have seen and heard. With the AgeSmart technology I will know for sure!

  109. Jules Coombs Reply

    I love the accuracy it provides especially as your child’s fever range changes as they get older.

  110. Ashlee Clifford Reply

    My youngest HATES getting his temperature taken and I hate the distress it causes him so the one second read time is my favourite feature 🙂

  111. Krystle Angel Reply

    Colour coded results – so many times you doubt yourself as a mum and colour coding makes that just that little bit easier to know right wrong or indifferent

  112. Tiana Croxon Reply

    My favourite features of the thermometer are the colour coded display which makes it quick and easy to see if your child has a fever. I also like that it is quick to read the temperature and the most accurate method. I like that it is inserted into the ear which makes it easy to check my child’s temperature even when she is asleep.

  113. Love the colour coding. So easy to monitor without too much fuss.

  114. i love the way it quickly and accurately gives you a reading so you take take the appropriate action

  115. Emily Tozer Reply

    I love the easy to read colour coded screen and the quick temperature results

  116. i love that it takes just 1 second ,It would make taking temperatures so much easy and less stressful for us both

  117. Crystal Connelly Reply

    Most favourite feature is that you can select the age group on the thermometer and it tells you by colour of the screen if my toddler or newborn have a temperature

  118. Tina Lloyd Reply

    I love that there is a colour indicator and that the result is specific to their age – talk about peace of mind!

  119. Laura hughes Reply

    I love how quickly you get a result. My daughter was sick last week while on holiday and wouldn’t sit still or let me take her temp under her arm. I had to give it to her to have a look at so she wouldn’t be scared or whatever and she ended up breaking the top of it off so I couldn’t use it anyway

  120. Dawn Rawle Reply

    Wow!!! This Braun Thermometer looks absolutely amazing!!
    My favourite feature would have to be the speedy result!! 1 second is incredible!! I have a beautiful 6 week old Bub & every second counts when making the decision of what to do for my bubs health.
    I also have 2 older munchkins (6 & 8) & they would love the colour coded results!! Knowing red means a day of rest.

  121. Having a child on the spectrum means illness and monitoring can be really difficult. This would be such a stress reliever when its a hard time.

  122. Christine Dattilo Reply

    I have a daughter who’s been in & out of hospital for the last 6 months and when she’s home we have to closely monitor her temperature. The new braun thermometer looks amazing and the new colour code system will make taking her temp so much quicker & easier

  123. Elizabeth Crosby Reply

    I love the age smart. With 3 kids of different ages who get sick all the time it will give me the reassurance with their age what’s okay and what’s not okay. I love having peace of mind that the thermometer will let me know when it’s time to worry.

  124. Fast and reliable!
    Just what any parent wants to hear when discussing products for children.
    My boys tend to squirm around when getting their temps taken so this sounds like it would be super handy for us!

  125. Shireen Armstrong Reply

    Fast and accurate readings based on age smart technology would
    be awesome so you can monitor based on bubs age

  126. The fact that the results are age based means i get an accurate result for each of my children

  127. The age smart technology sounds fabulous. I have a 9 month old and I still get confused all the time over what his temp should be and what is considered a fever. I have a forehead scanner at the moment and I find it sometimes inaccurate. My boy currently has an ear infection and I’m always so worried about his temp. The colour coding is also a great feature so you can know at a quick glance whether they’re ok or not.

  128. Theresa ellis Reply

    I love how easy to use and accurate the ThermoScan is. Being a first time Mum to a 12 week old, it’s so important for the thermometer to be accurate. Plus the colour coded results make checking a breeze!

  129. With a super squiggler on my hands the ability of the Braun Thermoscan to read temps FAST is a great feature. I think I over-worry and find myself often kissing my munchkin’s little forehead, sticking my hands down his onsie and constantly checking the room temp, sigh. I’d love to win… least it’ll save poor bub from mummy’s constant cold hands.

  130. I love how the thermometer is colour coded and age smart to help us less confident parents tell whether or not our child has a fever! – Sophia

  131. I like the colour codes which makes it so much easier to work out the Temperature and I like the size which would be so much easier to carry around in a bag.

  132. Aged based results – perfect for families with different aged kids

  133. As a Mum/step mum to 5 children ranging from 13 m -10 years the age based results hands down, how clever!

  134. Sarah Woolley Reply

    My fave feature is the colour coding, always reassuring to know if your babe is warm but not feverish! Thanks!!

  135. Leonie Jayne Nanotti Reply

    The fact it is so quick and easy to use is a real bonus and it’s so accurate is a comfort too.

  136. Cassie Marrie Reply

    We love how simple, easy and fast it is to use. The colour coded results would be amazing to put mum and dad mind at ease when bub does have a temperature.

  137. Sharon Markwell Reply

    Braun ThermoScan 7 Thermometers are so speedy and accurate. I really trust their results.

  138. Taliah1991 Reply

    I love the absolute accuracy of it. As a mum of a preemie son who has a compromised immune system causing him to catch every cough and sniffle which then ends up with us in hospital; a thermometer with accuracy is the most vital tool. I’ve had many thermometers give different readings even when we are in hospital and when it comes to the health of my child I won’t risk it. That’s why when you can truly rely on the accuracy and speed of a thermometer it can ease a mummas mind, and allow you to respond much more quickly if your little one is unwell.

  139. As a new mum, fevers can be a scary thing. The colour coded results would have to be my favourite feature, the fact that fevers range from age to age can get very confusing and this takes the guess work out. Making things so much easier

  140. I love that the reading is quick and reliable. Only ever having owned cheap under arm thermometers that take what it feels like forever and a day to get a reading, having a unsettled baby that you have to hold still in hopes that they don’t knock the thermometer out of place is not a nice situation for them and has only ever made my little ones more uncomfortable. Knowing that the Braun ThermoScan is quick and reliable is a tick in my mummy book!

  141. Cathy Bowdler Reply

    Love that the Braun ThermoScan 7 Thermometer is fast, always handy when a little one doesn’t co-operate! The colour coding is also handy.

  142. You can use it while Bub is sleeping, quick and easy. Have only ever had under arm ones. This one would be so much easier to use.

  143. Samantha Hartland Reply

    My favourite feature is the display that lights up with different colours so you know whether their temperature is normal or reaching fever temperatures.

  144. Rachael Smith Reply

    The colour coded results make it so easy to know if your little one has a fever and the Agesmart technology goes that one step further to making life easier for tired mums and dads.

  145. My favourite feature is the colour coded results to make it very easy, in what could be moments of panic to determine if the child has a high temp

  146. I love how simple this is to use, and that it takes the guesswork out of fevers for parents. It’s stressful enough when our little ones are sick, without having to remember data ranges, and trying to figure out how serious their fever is. Visual cues are always great for tired and stressed parents and carers.

  147. Love the pre-warmed tip. I have 4 kids and the number of times I have pre-warmed a thermometer under my own arm so I didn’t have to struggle with the baby for as long is too many to count! Easy digital display is also a plus as is the ease of use

  148. The feature that I love about this thermometer is the speed. It’s so hard to get a temp on a baby/yound child as they don’t stay still long enough to get an accurate reading

  149. Christie Majorek Reply

    We had one of these for my children when they were little. They are BRILLIANT!
    No need to wake your child while they are sleeping to check their temperature which is a big win! No one wants to wake a sick baby. Fast and easy to use with quick results and easy to read panel. I need a new one!!

  150. Narelle Walker Duffill Reply

    Probably use this more for my husband who is a diabetic and regularly becomes unwell we all know they are the biggest children anyway, quick easy for our grumpy patient!

  151. PhoenixFire Reply

    I love that the Braun ThermoScan 7 is SO fast at reading their temperature! I only have a digital probe thermometer & trying to get my cranky sick 15 month old to sit still for 1 minute to get a temperature is near impossible, so I never know if the result I get is accurate. I also love the colour coded results display, & that it customises the colour-coding to what is appropriate for bub’s age. Every time I think my son has a fever I have to Google what the temperature ranges are, & sometimes it produces conflicting information. The Braun ThermoScan 7 takes away the guesswork & worry about accuracy for already worried & stressed out parents.

  152. My favourite feature is the age vs temperature reading to let you know if your babes temperature is high according to their age

  153. Scot Barker Reply

    Love the quick colour coding on it.. quick and easy to read

  154. As a mum, your kids are your central priority and when fevers hit, our worry skyrockets so to have a thermometer with easy colour coding, it allows us to know what our next step to take it and how bad the fever is

  155. Pamela Dark Reply

    The ExactTemp feature is a brilliant addition to the Braun thermometer, allowing exhausted parents to gauge temps quickly and track if the fever is rising or declining at the touch of a button.

  156. Angela Brown Reply

    As a mum with 4 kids 8yo 3yoand 5month twins i like that its a one second temp check and you’re done. Also the different temp ranges for different ages as in the middle of the night and next to no sleep its hard to keep track with lots of little people to test

  157. T Henricks Reply

    This would be super handy, as a Mum of 5 winter bugs are always shared through our house and being able to quickly and accurately keep an eye on everyone’s temperatures would be a blessing!

  158. Chrissy Roberts Reply

    I love this thermometer and it won’t cause any discomfort at all to Taj. This is really good and my favourite feature.

  159. Julia Burford Reply

    I love that it lets you know when you’ve got it in the right position and that it saves the last reading. With 4 kids under 6, this would give me great peace of mind through the flu season.

  160. I would love to win a Braun Thermoscan 7 for the fast one second readings. My current thermometer requires a few goes to get a reading because both my children turn their head or move a little so I get a lot of error readings. The Braun Thermoscan 7 one second read would mean I could get a quick and accurate reading the FIRST time and eliminate the need to keep hassling the children to keep still.

  161. Leicia Mathers Reply

    With kids moving all the time, I like that it reads the temperature quick and easy, even when asleep

  162. The Age smart technology is a fantastic idea! Saves having to google straight after taking a tempreture to make sure that it’s not High.

  163. That its quick and easy to use saves a lot of frustration as kids usually wriggle about at the most inconvenient of times

  164. I love the Age Smart Technology and colour coding this would make it so much easier when I’m taking a temp of one of my children half asleep in the middle of the night!

  165. The Age Smart Technology
    Is my favourite feature

    On the Braun Thermoscan 7
    What a brilliant teacher

    It’s hard enough being a new Mum
    And knowing what to do

    With Brauns new device
    It does it all for you!

  166. Convenience, quality and peace of.mind are. Crucial in caring for your loved ones. Keep up the awesome work !

  167. Bianca de Lima Reply

    It’s just so hard to choose
    Age smart technology,
    Fast and gentle, easy to use.
    With kids that are two and four
    With this, taking temperatures,
    Will be a battle no more.
    Right now the whole family is sick,
    So I could definitely use
    A Braun ThermoScan 7 real quick!

  168. My favourite feature is the AgeSmart technology that gives you an accurate reading based on your child’s age 🙂

  169. My favourite feature would be quick and Gentle. My kids hate having the thermometers under their arms! This would make life so much easier and I find that I’ve never had accurate readings so this would be perfect for us!

  170. The feature i love the most is how quick it is! A squirming, uncomfortable bubba is difficult to get an accurate temperature on and the 1 second feature would make it so much easier to ascertain the temperature and then treat it.

  171. I love that it is fast and reliable. My darling baby boy gets so frustrated waiting for the underarm temperature readings. I need something that is quick and reliable.

  172. Shahna smith Reply

    I love the simplicity, the speed, and accuracy for little ones. I would love to give this to my sister in law who has a 5month old and is borrowing my braun thermometer.

  173. Colour changing led screen makes it a breeze to see what’s going on

  174. Tamara Lamb Reply

    Speed and accuracy for bubs health and Mum’s state of mind!

  175. Donna Bennett Reply

    The colour coded screen and the fact you can take a temperature without disturbing your little one when they are asleep at the same time getting an accurate reading.

  176. Rebecca White Reply

    The speed… Amazing it can take a reading in only 1 second. Less poking and prodding for sick little ones.

  177. Kristina Karanfilovski Reply

    Having the Braun ThermoScan would come in extremely handy. I’ve used the forehead scan and the one for under the arm but they are not always accurate. Having this would be extremely helpful as I have kids and a baby who would not find this too invasive and get an accurate scan of their temperature.

  178. Christina H Reply

    I like thats it’s reliable and also fast and gentle. My little one wtiggles srou d so much

  179. Kathleen Donnelly Reply

    that its fast and gentle no sick kid wants you poking or proding them but with this by the time they realise your doing something its done. less stress for them and less stress for the one doing it

  180. Belinda Smith Reply

    I love that this thermometer is colour coded so I know at a glance I’d baby has a fever. I can never remember what is “normal”.

  181. Chandni Shah Reply

    I think the colour changing message takes all the guesswork out and helps in skipping Dr Google when I’m already anxious. Speed and accuracy are a life changer with a wiggly toddler.

  182. AgeSmart Technology is my favourite feature. I have children aged 11,8 and 3. It helps to know what I normal or not for each individual child.

  183. Natasha Garland Reply

    Definitely the speed- nothing worse than sick iritable kids and a thermometer that you need to keep prodding them with!

  184. Love the fact it gives a colour coded result and result change based on age. Would love to win to protect my two girls and save me with no stress when temps rise.

  185. My favourite feature is the 1 second reading, my youngest has the speed, flexibility and agility of an octopus and any tool that will help me to get the upper hand on that sweet boy would be amazing.

  186. The Braun thermoscan 7 age smart fever guidance is a real winner for me. I have children of varied ages and also frail elderly relatives I care for. This would be so handy for all of them!!

  187. Erin Govers Reply

    I love the accurate reading and age smart technology. With a 10 month old and a 4 year old I need to be assured that I know what’s a fever in both my boys. Especially during the night when we are all tired and sick.

  188. Love the colour code, how easy it is to use and that it is accurate. All the things a first time mum needs.

  189. Ease of use and reliability. I would love to win in order to be able get more accurate reading for fevers to ensure the safety and well-being of my kids

  190. Tegan Vlahos Reply

    Simple and fool proof with accurate readings!
    Something grandma can use

  191. The best feature is the accuracy. My current thermometer is frustratingly unreliable.

  192. Krystal Garner Reply

    Colour coded results – I am hopeless when it comes to working out if my baby has a temp, never really know what the high temp starts at. It would have definitely come in handy the other day after my baby had his 6 weeks immunisations. Hopefully we’ll be able to use it when we have the next lot of injections and/or if he becomes unwell.

  193. Rachel Davis Reply

    My current thermometer has to be swiped back and forth across baby’s forehead….and of course baby will NEVER remain still for it to work properly. But having just discovered Braun ThermoScan 7 with this article I am super impressed! It looks absolutely fool proof and my favourite feature is the colour coded results – exactly what sleep deprived and worried parents need when their little treasures are unwell.

  194. Donna Leysley Reply

    I love the fact that it is fast and super accurate and even easy for you little one read the results.. my daughter is always catching something and loves to be able to read the thermometer

  195. I like the accuracy. It’s hard to find a thermometer with perfect accuracy.

  196. Janet Hitchcock Reply

    So easy to use, my daughter doesn’t mind having the ear done rather than the old under the armpit or tongue. Always helpful.

  197. Accuracy and reliability and the colour coded results making it quick and easy to determine how unwell your little treasure may be.

  198. I love how fast you get results from this awesome Braun Thermoscan 7, so much easier with bubs not wanting to stay still for very long! Also love how the thermometer changes with bubs age – how amazing is that! Would definitely love to win this 🙂

  199. I love that it is quick & easy to use! And with the New Age Smart technology it would be easier to use between all of my children ranging from Newborn to 5 years old ☺

  200. I love that the thermometer reads the temperature quickly and unobtrusively, and also the colour coded ease of interpreting the temperature as it relates to the child’s age.

  201. Leisa Sandles Reply

    The colour coding is perfect for this sleep deprived mum,
    And in only one second its read and its done!
    I love the fact it interprets temperature based on age,
    And it’s ease of use, means I can work it even in my comatose stage!

  202. I like the AgeSmart technology, and the colour coding. Very helpful when you’re in a bit of a panic.

  203. Karen Field Reply

    I love that it’s fast, accurate and the colour coded features

  204. Tamara Rose Pincott Reply

    I definitely like how easy this thermometer is to use. Colour coding and being nice and gentle is exactly what you need when the kids are such and everyone is frazzled!

    • Tamara Rose Pincott Reply

      Oops, that’s meant to say ‘sick’ … I’m sure this thermometer is more reliable than my autocorrect

  205. Andrea Paroz Reply

    I love the colour coded screen that shows quickly whether your little one has a high temperature or not. I’d love to win to get an accurate temperature when my little one is not well, as that is one less thing to stress about!

  206. Laura Thomas Reply

    I love that it categories temps according to normal, elevated or high and that these are colour coordinated. It is also great that the age ranges have the temps specified as I didn’t realise that the definition of a temp changed with age.

  207. Berenice Lawrence Reply

    The colour coded system that is age related sounds perfect

  208. The age smart technology sounds amazing as a first time mum I know I’ll constantly be checking and rechecking

  209. I love that’s it’s easy to use and give you peace of mind. My son just had a 5 day fever and trying to use a old style thermo is almost impossible.

  210. Definately the accuracy. Its important to have confidence in a product especially when its a device used to monitor the kids temperature.

  211. Crystene Eaton Reply

    Definitely the colour coded results!
    Nice and easy for Miss 4 to also understand when she has a temperature.

  212. I would love to win this! Best feature would have to be the coloured indicators in accordance to the child’s age. With my son attending childcare while I return to work he sometimes picks up bugs and it would be great to have this when we are checking his temp.

  213. As a first time mum, the colour coding feature sounds amazing, it will make life as a parent simplier.

  214. Stacey Navarro Reply

    I love how it has a color code so that you know how high the temperature is. It’s also perfect for adults as well as children.

  215. Jess Bischof Reply

    I would love the Braun Thermoscan thermometer for its heated tip and accurate readings to ensure my son gets the appropriate care

  216. I love how it has colour coding for temps and changes for ages as well as easy use for babies.

  217. Natasha clake Reply

    My favourite feature is the colour coded results. It makes it so easy to interpret.

  218. Kelly Slater Reply

    I had no idea age was a factor in deciding whether a child has a fever. I think the age smart technology is fantastic but also the colour coding. When your child is ill it is easy to feel stressed and misread/misinterpret information. Colour coding the results means extra peace of mind.

  219. My favourite feature of the braun thermoscan is that I don’t have to wake my baby or toddler to take their temperature, and also the reading doesn’t take forever to appear like the digital ‘under the arm’ types do.

  220. Tania Louise Reply

    I currently own a forehead thermometer and it is extremely inconsistent. My little girl has had lots of ear infections. Always gets different readings its confusing

  221. Stephanie P Reply

    Having a quick, reliable and accurate thermometer on hand is so important with my little man who picks up every bug out there. I also love the age smart technology, I can’t cant count the number of times I have googled temperatures for my toddlers age in the middle of the night when he’s unwell. Now being in premature labour with a 30week gestation bubba who is keen to come early a quick and accurate thermometer is even more important for these cold months.

  222. Stephanie P Reply

    Having a quick, reliable and accurate thermometer on hand is so important with my little man who picks up every bug out there. I also love the age smart technology, I can’t cant count the number of times I have googled temperatures for my toddlers age in the middle of the night when he’s unwell. Now being in premature labour with a 30week gestation bubba who is keen to come early a quick and accurate thermometer is even more important for these cold months.

  223. Fiona Safadi Reply

    I love the speed and accuracy. I mean let’s be honest. Getting a small child to sit still long enough to get an accurate ready is as likely as watching a unicorn run through your lounge room. I’d love to win one to make taking temperatures less stressful for everyone involved.

  224. My favourite feature would definitely be the colour codes for different ages. This technology would show at a a quick glance an accurate reading and indication of the type of fever present. This type of thermometer would be a must have for any family with small children, especially as babies and toddler can’t tell us what is wrong.

  225. Julia Todd Reply

    The colour coded results indicator is genius!! Why didn’t anyone invent this earlier?! Would be so helpful in the middle of the night.

  226. The age smart technology is brilliant, I’m a mother of 3 and I had no idea the range of temperature varied depending on age!

  227. My favourite thing about the thermoscan 7is it’s ability to notify you if the position isn’t correct, this improves accuracy beyond a doubt! I’d love to win one to have peace of mind when checking my children’s temperatures as it’s when they’re sick you don’t want to mess around!

  228. I love the Braun Thermos an because of the age smart technology! Means I can use this as my little girl grows and have a reliable reading based on her age at the time. Very smart!

  229. The feature I like most would have to be the fact the thermoscan is reliable. We have gone through SO many thermometers which have always proven to be unreliable. Different readings at the exact same time due to different ears or batteries etc. I’d love to have peace of mind to know the temperature displayed is the correct temperature for my boys!

  230. Chris Fern Reply

    I love that this smart thermometer lights up and beeps to confirm you’ve got it in the right position. Our current thermometer, you have to hover over the temple and I never know if I’m too close or too far so I don’t feel like I can get an accurate reading. Plus if my son moves his head, we have to start over.

  231. Reliability and ease of use are big ticks from me. Checking Children’s temps through the night is challenging enough without being challenged by a thermometer as well.

  232. Reliability and ease of use are big ticks from me. Checking Children’s temps through the night is challenging enough without being challenged by a thermometer as well.

  233. I love How quick, easy and accurate it is. Would love to win one to gift to a friend who’s due to have her first baby in August

  234. This thermometer is so great! It’s fast and easy let’s yoy know if you have the placement right. Best of all the colour guide for the ages! No need to google and doubt just check the screen. It’s an extra bonus for me not being used to Celsius I won’t have to worry at all! Thank you for creating such a great product.

  235. We’ve stuffed around with 3 kids using the forehead scanner and probe under the arm or in the mouth and it’s just so hard getting an accurate reading. I love the one second reading and accuracy of this one.

  236. Dawn Taylor Reply

    That it registers the temperature so quickly must help with stress levels for the child, and the person taking the temperature. When I had my babies, having to keep the thermometer under their arms for two minutes could have an already sad distressed child, even more upset., and would nearly always wake up a sleeping baby.

  237. Knowing what temperature constitutes a fever at different ages can be tricky, so the AgeSmart Technology is an amazingly handy feature! Also how quick and easy it is to use, especially with a squirmy 2 year old! Getting a temperature with a run of the mill underarm thermometer feels harder than wrestling a croc with a sore head!

  238. The simplicity of the colour coding and the age smart technology is so reassuring. Being a new mum is so challenging , little ones done come with a manual. The coding and ease of use of this thermometer is so vital for me as a delirious mum in the middle of the night. I know it’s one thing I can’t stuff up.

  239. The ExactTemp and AgeSmart technologies sound great especially when teamed together, so we can get an exact reading relevant to the age group that our child falls into.

  240. I am always get panic when i feel hot when i touch my son and daughter, I need this one because the result is very fast and accurate.

  241. I would love to receive one of these thermometers. I have a very special little boy who doesn’t usually show signs of being sick until it’s really bad and needs attention. I have to take his temperature a few times a week to insure he doesn’t have any fevers. He absolutely hates having it done so I love the fact that this thermometer is so fast and colour coded. This would be amazing. Thank you and good luck to everyone.

  242. The easy read screen is such a great feature! The thermometer is quick and easy to use – exactly what I need for my 2 month old baby boy!

  243. Jacqueline Bartels Reply

    Having a thermometer that gives color coded results would be super handy for a first time mum who would already be stressing over my babies illness.

  244. To be able to use hygenically for all 4 of my children, with the colour coding by age!

  245. What’s not to love? There are so many fantastic features on the Braun ThermoScan 7! The feature that stands out to me the most is the fact that it lights up and beeps when you have it in the correct position. I always worry that I’m not using my thermometer correctly. If had a Braun ThermoScan 7 thermometer I would be 100% confident that I would have the thermometer in the correct position and I would get the correct reading every time as a result.

  246. I love that the thermoscan measures based on your childs age so you know its accurate and can be trusted unlike other brands which can gove different readings which are confusing.

  247. I love how easy this thermometer looks to use. It would take the worry away for a stressed and concerned parent to know that they can get such an accurate reading of their child’s temperature in seconds! Love it!

  248. Do I really need to limit it to one feature. What an amazing product. So easy to use and i love the quick response time as we struggle currently as feels like we wait forever and we struggle with daughter to keep her still. Also loves that it tells you when you have correct position so no misreadings. Also how easy it is to get results and they are colour coded as we just had our second child.

  249. Omg! Best feature is the colour coded response! Middle of the night, baby unsettled and you are doubting yourself about whether he has a temperature or not. Rather than using my trusty underarm, takes 2 min to get an answer, so long as baby doesnt move, thermometer, i can simply place this in his ear and visually see an obvious result. Might save my sanity just a little.

  250. Jessica Wood Reply

    I love the fact that it works so quickly, the colour chart for the grade of the temp AND also that it tells you if it is in the right position. We have the thermometer that be put under the arm, let me tell ya baby doesn’t like it very much and doesn’t like to keep still for that long. An with her getting her needles the other day it was hard to tell whether she had a fever or not. This BrAun thermoscan soulds AMAZING!!!

  251. Juliana Martinez Reply

    I love the multiple ways of using the thermometer and the fact it shows the right location to put it on as I currently have one forehead one that I thought was an amazing idea to buy but actually I can’t use it properly! Reasons why it displays completely different temperature based on forehead positioning and as you might know keeping a kid still can be hard specially if you have to try it a couple times to try to guess what could be his actual temperature!
    My kid suffers a lot with teething and always gets temperature so I would most definitely like to try this product and have something in my hands that actually work.

  252. Cindy Nickels Reply

    Works in one second and the color coding are the winning attributes for me. Squirmy unwell kids won’t ever sit still to have their temp taken, so the speed of readout and ease of use are fantastic.

  253. Zoë Moutrie Reply

    As a physicist I’m always looking for reliable equipment and with the long list of features and the Thermoscan 7’s different modes of use I know I’ve found a thermometer that will work for my toddler (and their next sibling) for years to come.

  254. Hannahsteph Reply

    I love the fact that it’s so quick and easy to use. The colour coding will make things so much easier to use especially on a two-year-old who is often sick but refuses to have his temperature taken.

  255. I love this design! My favourite part would have to be the colour indication of the green, yellow and red for fevers. I also love that it can be used on the whole family. Seeing your child sick is the worst feeling in the world and the Braun Thermoscan 7 takes away any of the uncertainty/stress off during these hard times.

  256. My 7 month old son won’t stay still! Using a thermometer seems almost impossible on him. I’d love to win because it looks quick and easy for my wriggle worm who just wants to move! It’s also reliable which you need with a baby!

  257. I love the colour coding on the screen – can’t get it wrong when it’s so simple and tells you when to be concerned!

  258. Diane White Reply

    I love the peace of mind feature that comes from having a thermometer that is easy to use with the colour coding function, accurate and fast.

  259. I’m due to haven’t first baby in October and have not selected a thermometer as yet. The colour coding is a fantastic idea so there is no guessing what the result means and the colour coding changing with age means you can’t get it wrong. Fast, accurate and simple, what more could you ask for?

  260. J Galdamez Reply

    Love the way it tells you the different temperature range for each age! It is so clever. I never new that that the temperature of a fever changes with age.

  261. Helen Brookes Reply

    I have two little boys, one 14mths and one three weeks. Having a reliable good quality thermometer is very important for keeping an eye on temps!

  262. Accurate reading with agesmart technology is a fantastic feature. There’s so much going on when a child has a fever, this eliminates the guesswork of what temp is considered a fever at different ages.

  263. Belinda Belinda Reply

    Accurate reading with AgeSmart technology – with all of the dramas going on when the kids are sick I don’t want a digital device that is going to provide false readings. I need something reliable and accurate!

  264. ExactTemp and the reliability of it. knowing that you are getting a correct reading and can treat your child accordingly ❤

  265. Such an easy thermometer to use. Really great for peace of mind.

  266. My favourite feature would be the Age Smart technology – so easy to use no matter the age. No having to remember what is bad for an infant v toddler v adult!
    I would love to win one for times like now when my son (20mths) is unwell (he has croup) so I can accurately keep an eye on his temperature without causing more stress

  267. Alicia Smith Reply

    I love the age accurate readings – it means that the thermometer remains useful as your child grows and there is no guesswork. I’d love to win one to replace the forehead one I have that I don’t really trust.

  268. Robyn Heitmann Reply

    I love the age smart feature. Its great to not miss a fever because of the varied ranges associated with age.

  269. Jaime Thompson Reply

    I had a particularly scary moment with my first child when they stopped breathing during the night. At the time I only had a forehead thermometer and when on the phone with emergency doctor, I found it increasingly difficult to get a constant reading (these thermometers are notoriously unrealisable). Since then I have used an underarm thermometer, but it’s difficult and tricky to take my toddlerta temp. Being able to take a reliable temperature measurement from the ear, in a quick and easy way is an amazing feature of this thermometer!

  270. I need a thermometer that is accurate. With this one it is so easy to see if there is a problem or not, even in the middle of the night (red, orange or green! What could be easier!)

  271. I love that it is quick & comfortable. But also that it’s age specific between all my children.

  272. I didn’t know about different fever temps for different ages. That would be an extra thing for me to remember and worry about.m, but I wouldn’t have to with the Braun ThermoScan 7. The Age Smart accurate, and colour coded reading are great features.

  273. Maria Foti Reply

    The best feature is clearly the fact that it only takes ONE second to accurately tell the child’s temp. 4 kids under 71/2 and not one of them sit still while I try to take their temps with my current out of date thermometer. I would love to give this a go and see how well it truly works under pressure of Melbourne winter and the fevers being passed around at kindy/school during this time.

  274. The agesmart technology would be amazing having a newborn and two other toddlers remembering temp cut offs is hard enough especially when your stressed coz bubs is upset and sick.

  275. Kelli Feeney Reply

    I love that it changes colour this will be incredibly handy in the middle of the night. Also love the warranty is 2 years. Need something reliable.

  276. I’m loving the fact that are smart. Having both a new born and toddler its hard to remember what is actually classed as high temps in both ages. I’m also loving the fact that it’s colour coded aswell so when daddy’s taking the temps hes knows what he’s looking for. I have one of the old braun ones and swear by its accuracy and the fact that it’s so simple and quick to use. Which is what u need in an active toddler. I have recommended braun thermometer to many of my mummy friends on the hunt for an accurate easy to use thermometer.

    • I’m loving the fact that its age smart. Having both a new born and toddler its hard to remember what is actually classed as high temps in both ages. I’m also loving the fact that it’s colour coded aswell so when daddy’s taking the temps hes knows what he’s looking for. I have one of the old braun ones and swear by its accuracy and the fact that it’s so simple and quick to use. Which is what u need in an active toddler. I have recommended braun thermometer to many of my mummy friends on the hunt for an accurate easy to use thermometer.

  277. Vanessa Mantella Reply

    I love that it has colour coded results. This would make it so much easier to use and understand, especially for my partner or possibly grandparents who may need to use it. I would absolutely love to win one as I am a first time mum and I think this would be such a useful item to have for a new bub to put my mind at ease or to know when bub really needs to get checked out!

  278. I like the fact its non intrusive and accurate. When baby has a fever i want to know exactly what tempreture they are.

  279. Amanda Leigh williams Reply

    I love how fast it is! everyone knows an unwell baby doesnt want to sit still long!

  280. I like the coloured screen, as a new mum it’s easy to tell if I should be worried

  281. Natasha McMillan Reply

    Love that it is accurate, fast and gentle. When your little one is sick you need something that is fast and not going to upset them further. I have hated my thermometer since I purchased it and don’t believe it is accurate. Would love a new one where I’m not taking 3-5 readings and working out the average especially in the early hours of the morning!

  282. I love all of the features but I would have to say the Age Smart technology. Takes all the guesswork out of fever guessing especially in the middle of the night.

  283. Dani Schuller Reply

    As an expecting first time Mum it’s important that I have a well equipped first aid for my newborn and ages beyond. I feel confident knowing that the Braun thermometer is an easy to use, well designed temperature device that is going to make my life easy whilst I adjust to motherhood and caring for my baby when she is unwell.

  284. I love that the Thermoscan gives reassurance to parents that the temperature is accurate. It lets you know it’s positioned correctly and tracks the last temperature. So important to me as my current thermometer has been wrong which is extremely worrying.

  285. I love that it works in 1 second. When the kids are sick, its so hard to get them to sit still for the 30-60 seconds my thermometer takes.

  286. I love how fast it works. Both my kids are squirmers especially when they are sick so this thermometer would make my life a dream!

  287. Dana Hocking Reply

    I love that it takes just 1 second to get an accurate reading. Our current thermometer takes so long to get a reading and I have to take it 2 or 3 times to get an accurate temperature. I’d love to win this to use on my toddler who suffers terribly with ear infections and doesn’t like his temperature being taken when he’s sick. Being so quick it would be over and done in no time!

  288. I absolutely LOVE how accurate this thermometer is! I have used several different thermometers in the past which have all been innacurate, which adds so much stress on top of bub being sick.

  289. The speed for sure. My girl is a wriggleworm and is so hard to to take am accurate reading with other thermometers.

  290. I love the accuracy of the technology, that it changes the interpretation based on age and gives you easy to interpret colour coded results.

  291. I’m a FTM and currently 6months pregnant, I’m freaked out enough about the thought of my newborn getting sick so the fact that Braun has taken The stress, guesswork and trickiness out of what wiuld already be a stressful time is amazing. It seems easy to use, easy to read and the colour code means I would know straight away if I need to be concerned.

  292. My favourite function of this thermometer is the age adjustment along with the colour guide. I find it hard to remember the desired temperature for one age group, let alone two! I have a 4 year old and a 9 month old.

  293. I love the colour coding! It makes it so easy to figure out whether the fever needs attention or not. I’d love to win one because our current thermometer is on its last legs…

  294. I get piece of mind knowing that theres an indication that youve placed the thermometre in the right spot, ensuring an accurate reading. With a wriggling 18 month old and and a 4 day old newborn this is vitally important.

    I appreciate that they come with 2 years warrenty , most other cheap brands come with the 30 days from date of purchase or a year , so its great to know that the product has a guarenteed two years.

  295. nicole larsen Reply

    Perfect. Will tell me when i really should start to panic and be concerned

  296. Melanie R. Reply

    I love the colour coded reading function. This would make those middle of the night, half asleep temoerature takings so much easier. So many times i have had to re-do a temperature because i think, what did that say? Was it high? All bleary eyed and sleep deprived!

  297. The colour coded results – no more second guessing middle of the night readings

  298. These thermometers are so easy to use, my friend has one for her daughter and I have borrowed it a few times. I love how it has colour coding, especially for people who are not very medical savvy….my husband always questions what my sons temperature should be below and when to worry etc. So the colour coding would be great for him to know when my son’s temperature is too high and to act accordingly!

  299. Wow the fact that it works in just a second! What a dream for someone with a toddler & newborn due very soon.

  300. Marian Garcia Reply

    I love that it is accurate and can get a reading in a second. The fact that the accuracy remains without giving up the fast reading or that the thermometer is so easy to use is astounding! It will give me the confidence as a first time mum to rely on the results and now fret over if I am taking the readings properly.

  301. Jessica Cox Reply

    OMG the best feature is definitely the fact that it works in 1 second! Gives you a chance to get them before they realise what’s happening and squirm away!

  302. Emily Betreen Reply

    I have a 10 year old and used to use a digital thermometer. It was painful trying to keep my little one still. He stays still now but we have a new baby on the way and I want something easy & accurate to use. I love how the Brain Thermoscan 7 is colour coded, so during those late nights you are not trying to think how your little one is doing. Also I love it’s ease of use and not causing your little one discomfort.

  303. Laura Holme Reply

    I love the ease of use and that it’s quick. My kids never like to sit still to have their temp taken so it needs to be fast.

  304. Seeing as my boy can’t stay still for 2 seconds, I love that this Braun ThermoScan 7 works in just one second. Given the amount of bugs going around daycare it’s only a matter of time before our kids get some of the winter bugs. This would be great to have to know how ill they are based on their temperature.

  305. Ashlee Svedas Reply

    As a first time Mum there is so much to learn and so much you need to know when it comes to your baby and sickness.
    I’ve had to look up temperatures of babies to make sure my little girl is fine. I love the fact this is colour coded. I can be reassured and comforted to know she is okay and there is no need to stress. It seems easy and very simple to use and that’s a plus when you are racing around trying to smooth and calm an upset child and you want a quick reading

  306. This thermometer seems easy to use and accurate which are essential when talking about caring for my baby. I live 60km from the nearest medical care which makes being able to quickly and easily know when my baby is not well so much more important.

  307. The speedy results of the new Braun Ear Thermometer would be a great comfort for all parents.

  308. LeaMelPete Reply

    I have a forehead scan style that I don’t trust for accurate results, so I love that this is fast and accurate.

  309. I love the age smart technology. With different aged children it would be a great thing to have handy when the little ones get sick.

  310. Krystal Stephen Reply

    There are three things I love most:
    1 – The ease of use.
    2 – the age setting function!
    3 – that it takes AAA batteries! Our current thermometer recently died and we can’t find the replacement batteries anywhere.

  311. With a newborn, a 5 year old and an 8 year old I absolutely love that it’s Fast and gentle. Especially with squirmy kids it can be done in one second which makes it a godsend when I have 3 sick little ones all at once. Makes me feel like I’m doing this whole mum thing pretty well

  312. Sarah Craig Reply

    High temp or no high temp, no longer is the question! The quick, easy and accurate ExactTemp is my favourite feature, giving me the info i need to care for my kids when they’re unwell. I’d love to win so that i could trust the temperature reading unlike my current thermometer!

  313. I love the agesmart technology – knowing the different fever temperatures for different age groupings is brilliant, and essential for busy mums.

  314. OzzieDreama Reply

    I thinks the AgeSmart technology takes the guesswork out for new mums (and dads) and makes looking after a sick child just that little bit easier.

  315. Tracey williams Reply

    The quickness of it, my eldest has febrile seizures so to know his temp as quick as we can can seriously help husband health – and our sanity

  316. Reassurance for mum. Being that I’m about to become a mum for the first time, something that cab help support me raise the healthiest and happiest child i can is greatly appreciated!!

  317. I love that it’s fast, easy and reliable to use. The colour coding makes its very easy to see the reading. My youngest son gets so many ear infections and I need a more reliable thermometer to keep track of his temperature.

  318. I would LOVE to win one of these as a Mum of soon to be 4, the ease of use had to be a winner for me, with straightforward, quick and accurate results there is no second guessing yourself

  319. Jenni-Lee Hennessey Reply

    Even though the colour coded results are great, I love the fact that it beeps to tell you that it in the correct position to give an accurate reading. I would love to win this as currently we have the digital probe thermometer to place under the arm. However, my daughter is becoming more difficult to take her temperature, even when sick, as she always wants to be on the move

  320. Bronwyn jonkers Reply

    I love that it’s quick and easy to use, it makes it easier to check the kids temperature whilst they are asleep or unwell

  321. My bub currently has a very high fever and the thermometers I have are not cutting it. To have the Thermoscan 7, and the o ace of mind, would be AMAZING!
    ExactTemp, with a pre warmed tip, invaluable! My little one hates having his temp taken. Working in just one second, and not having to take it a second time once the tip has warmed, Thermoscan 7 – every parent needs you!

  322. My bub currently has a very high fever and the thermometers I have are not cutting it. To have the Thermoscan 7, and the peace of mind, would be AMAZING!
    ExactTemp, with a pre warmed tip, invaluable! My little one hates having his temp taken. Working in just one second, and not having to take it a second time once the tip has warmed, Thermoscan 7 – every parent needs you!

  323. Danielle G Reply

    Definetly the age smart technology being a new Mum it’s daunting knowing what’s the right temperature for what age!

  324. I’m a first time mum of a 7 month old and when checking my little ones temperature, accuracy is super important. Would love to win one of these!

  325. I absolutely love the colour codes temperature readings ! How amazing for mums who are a little unsure ! I would love to win this as it would make the perfect addition to our family

  326. Simone Failla Reply

    Love that this can be used on newborns, would be perfect and easy to use on my 8 week old baby boy for years to come!

  327. Melissa McCarthy Reply

    My favourite feature is that you can change the age of the child.. this would take the stress out of many parents/grandparents and I know for a fact that it would make me stress-less when it comes to monitoring fevers.

  328. Im loving the two-year warranty. Also that each ThermoScan 7 comes with a protective case with lens filter storage and a box of lens filters.

  329. The age smart technology paired with colour coding makes this a great judgement tool for those non clinical people in determining the best course of action for treating their children.

  330. Jess Smith Reply

    Well can’t go past the fact that Braun is a great brand. But I think the color coding is a fantastic idea! Makes it so much simpler!

  331. Speed!! When you are worried about your little ones health you don’t want to have to wait for results. Plus trying to get a screaming uncomfortable newborn to lie still while you hold a cold thermometer under their armpit is virtually impossible. Love this product!

  332. LeesaLittle Reply

    The Braun ThermoScan 7’s colour-coded results offer a simple way for us as parents to know exactly when to (and when not to) be concerned. The colour-coded result feature is definitely my favourite.

  333. What’s not to love! It’s fast, it’s reliable and it’s digital and easy to use. I have always used this brand for my kids.

  334. Nadia Kitcher Reply

    I absolutely love the colour changing display. It would make the late night temp checks so much quicker & easier.

  335. Wow – Thermometers sure have come along way since we last purchased them. Our eldest is 8 1/2 but we have a new bub on the way and need a new thermometer. I love all the features on this modern piece of equipment but is choosing one I would say the ExactTemp feature stands out. A pre-warmed tip for more accurate readings is ideal especially on these chilly melbourne nights and early mornings and accurate readings is exactly what every parent needs to know.

  336. Loz Jordan Reply

    Definitely, definitely the ONE SECOND feature. I only have under-arm thermometers and when it can take up to 20 seconds to get a reading it can be pure torture for a sick bub (and stressed mum!). The less time the better!

  337. I love the AgeSmart feature; with a 5 month old and almost 3 year old, it would give me piece of mind knowing the fever indications are accurate for their particular age.

  338. Rebekah Ballingall Reply

    the coloured indication, when your child is sick, its hard to know whats classified as fever but Braun has solved that

  339. Kasey Evans Reply

    I like the colour-coded results this amazing product offers, this would give me such peace of mind whenever I need to check my children’s temperatures.

  340. jody buhagiar Reply

    I love that the Braun ThermoScan 7 lights up and beeps to confirm you’ve got it in the right position. And it lets you know what the last temperature was too so you can track the fever.

  341. Fantastic, having my own Braun ThermoScan, ready to use at times of illness would be AMAZING, this new handy HEALTH investment is Superb. Highlights tells me everything I need to know so I can protect my child when temperatures rise.

  342. tiera lippiello Reply

    ExactTemp, a pre-warmed tip for more accurate readings. Its the best!!

  343. The colour coded response and reassurance for me is a huge plus.
    I currently have the head scanner which is useless and I have tried the under arm scanner as drs day this is most accurate but my little one won’t stay still for 5 seconds let alone 40.
    I’m tired of inaccurate readings and after a trip to the ER last week I would love to win one of these from Braun so I can regain my confidence in checking my sons temp

  344. Having an age gap inbetween kids makes AgeSmart technology gives accurate reading for each child

  345. Katrina Tomaszek Reply

    Fast and Gentle. As a preemie and transplant recipient having been poked and prodded since birth, little man has an understandable aversion to anything medical related. As such, fast and gentle is high on the priority list.

  346. Kelly Ryan Reply

    I love that the Braun Thermoscan is no invasive…who wants to poke an irritable bear?

  347. Aleisha Davidson Reply

    The fact that the thermometer beeps to let you know it’s in the right position. It eliminates the risk of a false reading. How’s that for reassurance?

  348. Tess McEvilly Reply

    I’d love to win this Braun Thermoscan- Braun has been a trusted household name for many years!

  349. Caroline Shanks Reply

    My youngest always seems to get crook. He’s 17 months and has had salmonella and several viruses. A Braun thermoscan would be a lifesaver. My touchless one isn’t that accurate and reliable.

  350. I’d love to win a Braun for my daughter who has 2 small boys and just had another baby boy. She doesn’t own a thermometer but this is the best I can recommend as it has all the best and easiest specifications of all . Non invasive for Bub is a good start.

  351. The speed! Being 1 sec means so much less discomfort for my son! Winning!!

  352. The age smart technology and pre warmed tip ensuring accuracy and the right temperature being read are amazing features that no other thermometer on the market has. It reassures me that I have the right result to treat my child from and with a quick read speed means less upset to bub.

  353. I love the fast and gentle feature described. James is such a squirmy baby so being able to read his temperature in a second accurately without hurting him sounds like something I never thought possible.

  354. Veronica Christensen Reply

    The AgeSmart technology that will give me an accurate reading based on my child’s age and also comes with colour-coded results so its easy to determine which is excellent for me because I’m not real good at reading thermometers

  355. The speed is amazing, I love how quick and easy it is to get a temperature.

  356. Lauren Critchley Reply

    My favourite feature would be the age smart technology or the easy to interpret colour coded results

  357. Michelle Davis Reply

    What not to love?! My favourite feature would have to be a temperature in 1 second! With a 2 week old and two year old they wriggle for different reasons. So the faster the better is best for us!

  358. Nothing beats quality and accuracy when it comes to my child’s health!

  359. The quick temperature reading sounds like a lifesaver. I can’t get an accurate read on any of my current thermometers because the kids won’t stay still.

  360. The fact that it is reliable. I have purchased so many thermometers, some expensive and some cheap but they all have given unreliable readings.

  361. When bubs is sick each second feels like an eternity….I love the quick reading of this thermometer

  362. Working s a GP, we use Braun thermometers; this just adds another wonderful dimension to an already perfect tool.

  363. I love that the reading takes just one second which is extremely handy with a fast moving toddler who runs away the second she sees the thermometer.

  364. I love the colour coded results – no umming and ahhing over all the possible interpretations!

  365. I have always wanted to own an ear thermometer. I love how easy they are compared to trying to hold my baby long enough to get an evcurate rectal reading.

  366. Ooh, that looks like an amazing contraption. I’ll be able to replace my current damaged one that the wee one has thrown on the floor so many times it’s now stuck on Spanish.

  367. Louise hopper Reply

    I’m vision impaired so the color scale is excellent for me and the warm tip is excellent for my baby girl xx

  368. Erin Le Good Reply

    I love that it’s so quick and easy to use! My little ones scream even with an underarm thermometer! This will be a life saver for me! I hate having to hold them down to get their temp 🙁

  369. My favourite feature is that its fast and gentle. There is nothing worse when you have an unwell unsettled bubba to make them feel uneasy while trying to get their temperature. Knowing it is so fast and easy brings peace of mind to a stressful situation.

  370. I love the fact that you don’t have to wake the kids up. Let them rest and recover whilst you get an accurate reading as to what is going on.

  371. Karley Jenkins Reply

    Being a first time mum I don’t want to have to worry about fiddley thermometers when my baby gets sick. The colour coding would eliminate any extra stress!

  372. I love how quickly it reads a temperature. Trying to hold a regular thermometer for many seconds under a grumpy squirmy baby’s arm is often near impossible!.

  373. I love the age smart technology, easy to understand and perfect for my little man as he grows up,

  374. Sandunee M Reply

    I love the Age smart technology being able to read the temperature based on the child’s age as I have a 4 year old and I’m expecting my second baby in about 2 weeks.

  375. Laura Scriven Reply

    With number one on the way,
    I know I’ll be confronted with sickness one day.
    To be prepared to read it,
    Would be a real hit.

  376. Nicole Pettifor Reply

    The age smart technology, combined with the colour coding are my favourite features!
    The combination of these two features makes the choice a ‘no-brainer’ for my #MumBrain.

  377. An efficient easy to use instrument on wiggly , writhing, squirming struggling little ones even when unwell… maybe great for me too , where I have to monitor my temperature post-chemo sessions as my immune system has been compromised

  378. Kathy MacKenzie Reply

    Parents need lots of help when kids are sick – love Braun gives you piece of mind so you can focus on caring for Bub.

  379. Sarah Bubb Reply

    I love the colour coded guide of temps, no more guessing, especially in the middle of the night!

  380. Raising a new born is chaotic enough so a quick, reliable thermometer is essential.

  381. I love that the colour changes if they have a temperature. A quick way to check their temp with so much less fuss when your little one isn’t well and not sitting still.

  382. The reassurance for mum can be comforting in the middle of a difficult night. Just the simplicity to use it, to know you’ve got it in all the way (or in the right spot), to be reassured that its reading accurate and that it displays the previous reading…all info that is easily forgotten when you’re tired, frazzled and worn out.

  383. Kristy Tripney Reply

    The obvious feature unique feature that I like is the colour coded temperature readings. I am blind as a bat, and so this would be handy especially in the middle of the night when I dont have to put my glasses on to read it.

  384. So many great features but I particularly love the fact that it only takes one second to get an accurate temperature reading so bubs doesn’t get time to object!

  385. Samantha W Reply

    I love that it works in one second! It’s horrible trying to get a sick, miserable child to stay still for “just a little bit longer”.

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