
Meet Lynn: The Real Life Elf (Still) on the Shelf. Can We Find Her a Man?


Poking fun at her single self and embracing the popular e Elf on the Shelf phenomena, this ultra cool girl bought an Elf costume and dubbed herself ‘Lynn the Elf Still on the Shelf’.

Sydney’s Lynn Heywood had a big idea in 2015 when her social media feed flooded with friends and family’s photos of their Elf on the Shelf. As a single woman she appreciated the kid-inspired fun but could also see the opportunity for a laugh with her friends;

“Being single I thought I could do a Christmas card as Lynn the Elf STILL on the Shelf and get someone to Photoshop my face into an elf picture. This year when googling to find a picture for the card I also saw you could purchase the costume online… after a few glasses of wine this seemed like a better idea for the photo for my Christmas Card!”

lynn-elf-on-the-shelf-hampersOne big idea led to another and soon fun-loving Lynn was devising clever, kooky and silly situations to put herself into as ‘Lyn the Elf’. After a photoshoot Lynn began sharing her Elf-adventures on Instagram and the rest is history!

“I started putting the photos on Instagram but wanted to reach more people so linked Instagram with Facebook so more friends could see and get a laugh out of the crazy adventures me as an elf is having. I’m sure it’s something none of my friends would have expected me to do!”

lynn-elf-on-the-shelf-presentsLynn’s sister Julie commented to Mum Central that they never expected this in a million years and that the family have loved the huge surprise!

Having seen her sister work in retail for many years and being a self confessed hater of Christmas carols because of their endless repetition, seeing Lynn get her ‘Elf on’ has been magic!

“To see this eventuate has me have a huge smile on my face! Lynne still loves Christmas …and hopefully she’s not on the shelf forever!!” Julie said.

lynn-elf-on-the-shelf-treeLaughs and jokes aside, Lynn said the highlight of her ‘Elfing’ was the happiness it had brought to so many people around her and the best moments were seeing people share in the joy of the idea.

“The best bit of this experience has been seeing the likes and comments. I know for a lot of people, Christmas isn’t always the happiest of times, remembering lost loved ones, family members who are ill and for me previously working in a retail store, long hours away from family and friends. So seeing people have a bit of a giggle and a lighthearted moment in maybe an otherwise crap day has been the best bit. I was thinking of selling the costume after this year but now I’m thinking it might become a yearly tradition. I’ll need a new name though if I’m not still on the shelf (single) next year…”

At Mum Central we totally adore Lynn’s idea of getting in the spirit and embracing the fun!


Can the brilliant ladies of Mum Central find Lynn a Elf-mate? Or is that Shelf-mate? 

If you know an awesome single man who’s adorable, loves a laugh and looking to meet a totally awesome girl please get in contact with us. Maybe next year Lynn will still be an elf – just not on the shelf! You can follow Lynn’s festive frolic on Instagram and Facebook via the hashtag #lynntheelfstillontheshelf



Mother-of-two. Tea lover. Lego Ninja. Expert in carpet Play Dough extraction. Victoria Louis is a 30-something writer based in Sydney, NSW. A former marketing manager who loves to laugh there’s no topic she won’t explore. Victoria is full of opinion, big on kindness and believes the day is always better with a dash of lipstick.

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