Baby Feeding

Mixed Feeding Done Right. Zero Colic, Zero Confusion with Zero Zero Bottles


There’s so much pressure on new mums. Pressure to recover quickly. Pressure to self-settle. Pressure to return to normal, which makes zero sense because “normal” pre-baby and “normal” post-baby are two completely different things.

But perhaps the most pressure I experienced with all three of my babies was the pressure to master exclusive breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding is considered the best option for Bub. But it’s also A LOT of work for Mum. You’re a walking, talking milk machine and this is hard on our bodies and our minds.

We all need a break from being the only source of comfort and food for our babies which is why bottles are a godsend.

Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding with Zero Zero
Source: Supplied

Mixed feeding is often the best option for new parents. This means that your little one is breastfed but also adapts to taking a bottle (either formula or expressed breastmilk). It also means that someone other than Mum can supply food and comfort, whether this is Dad, a big sister or Grandma.

It also means Mum can shower and perhaps even leave Bub with someone else for more than 2 hours at a time, knowing that if Bub is hungry, there’s a bottle ready to go. This takes a lot of pressure off her and allows other family members to bond with Bub during feeding time, which, let’s face it, is one of the best times to soak in those baby cuddles.

Zero Colic, Zero Confusion

One of the biggest concerns when introducing a bottle is that bub will reject it or get confused by both the breast and bottle and reject the breast.

Another big concern is that the baby will take in too much air when drinking from a bottle, resulting in colic.

Zero Zero Baby Bottles
Source: Supplied

Allow us to introduce you to the solution for both of these. Zero Zero™ Anti Colic Bottles.  Based on scientific studies and inspired by the mother’s breast the Zero Zero anti colic bottle makes it possible to combine breastfeeding and bottle-feeding while helping to prevent baby colic.

For any parent considering breastfeeding and bottle feeding or looking to introduce a bottle to their babies’ routine, the Zero Zero range by Suavinex is a winning solution.

mum centralTo celebrate this fantastic range, we have TWO Suavinex prize packs up for grabs, featuring the Suavinex Zero Zero Anti Colic Bottle, Suavinex Zero Zero Newborn Starter Set and a Bib Expresso Bottle Maker. Each prize is valued at over $280 and includes everything you need to start your feeding adventures.

Win a Zero Baby Bottle Prizepack
Win a Zero Baby Bottle Prizepack! Source: Supplied

Mixed Feeding Made Easy with Zero Zero 

One visit to any baby store and you will soon discover just how many options you have for baby bottles. It’s great to have a choice, but it can also be confusing. Zero Zero is designed to eliminate this confusion, not only when buying bottles but throughout the entire feeding journey.

Zero Zero bottles are part of the Suavinex family. Since 1983, Suavinex has been a leader in adorable and high-quality essentials like bottles and dummies, making them not just practical but stylish too. They’re trusted worldwide and focus on safety and innovation, plus their products are endorsed by pediatric dentists.

The Zero Zero range is especially designed for newborns so you can easily incorporate bottle feeding into your baby’s routine as early as you’d like. The range not only includes bottles but also dummies and other feeding accessories.

Zero Zero Dummy Teat
Source: Supplied

Zero Confusion

One of the things you’ll love about the Zero Zero range is that it minimises nipple confusion. Often, when Bub is offered a bottle after being used to the breast, they will reject the bottle (and in a very dramatic fashion). In other instances, Bub may take to the bottle but then start to reject the breast, often because the bottle provides the milk quicker.

For a successful mixed feeding journey, Bub needs to be happy with both breast AND bottle, and with Zero Zero, this is exactly what you’ll get. The teat helps keep flow more like breastfeeding and is made of ultra-soft coloured silicone, designed to mimic the texture and consistency of the nipple. It looks and feels more like the skin than any other teat we’ve come across.

Sauvineex pacifiers
Source: Supplied

Take a look at the teat shape. It’s longer with a curved base and the tip of the teat reaches the junction of the hard and soft palate, just like a nipple. This ensures the same position and movement of the mouth, tongue and jaw muscles as breastfeeding.

You’ll also see how the teat is angled. This also respects the natural curve of the breast and ensures the correct position of the baby’s neck, resulting in a relaxed feeding experience.

The best result when it comes to mixed feeding is that Bub will happily take the bottle from Day One. It’s not about tricking Bub into thinking it’s a breast, but it is about keeping the experience similar and ensuring Bub is not confused or uncomfortable when switching between breast and bottle. This is exactly why the Zero Zero bottle is such a good choice – there’s zero confusion, which means zero stress for Mum and zero discomfort for Bub.

Zero Colic 

The shape of the teat isn’t just about mimicking the shape of the nipple. It’s also designed to prevent colic. Colic is one of those new mum words that we all dread. It refers to excessive crying in an otherwise healthy infant, typically in the first three months, and often attributed to their feeds. Experts believe tummy troubles are the leading cause of colic and this is often due to excessive air during their feeds.

Zero Zero Baby Bottle Range
Source: Supplied

Colic can happen to any baby, breastfed, bottle-fed, or mixed-fed. Sometimes, there’s no reason for it, but if your little one seems agitated and in pain after feeds, then you will feel like it’s your fault and want to do everything in your power to fix it.

The Zero Zero bottle comes with a patented anti-colic bag that prevents the baby from swallowing air, thus helping to reduce gassy colic. It works in the same way as the mammary glands. It contracts as the baby sucks and does not need air from the outside to compensate for the vacuum created inside the bottle. Clever, right?

This bottle can even help prevent reflux and ear infections. It’s also designed to stop the air from oxidizing the milk and destroying the nutrients, especially in breast milk. All big pluses in our books.

Zero Pressure

New mum pressure is real, and it can be tough. We all deserve a break from the newborn demands, even if it’s just half an hour or two. Although breastfeeding is amazing, it is also non-stop.

Whether you’re planning to mix feed from Day One or just want a backup plan, consider this range. With zero confusion and zero colic, you’ll find the transition to bottle – and back to breast – comes with zero pressure on you. 

The Essentials of Mixed Feeding

Of course, you’ll need a few more items than just bottles. You’ll also need a breast pump (or milk catcher), storage bags for your milk, a steriliser and a bottle maker. Our recommendation for this is the Beaba Bib Expresso Bottle Maker. It prepares baby bottles and warms bottles and small jars in just 30 seconds – the fastest on the market!

Make sure you put your name down to WIN one of the Prize Packs below as both packs include the Bottle Maker, plus the Zero Zero bottle and a newborn starter kit.

A positive, peaceful mixed feeding experience starts with Zero Zero

Check out the Suavinex Zero Zero range and ensure a positive bottle feeding experience with zero colic, zero confusion and zero pressure on you – which is how it should be.

Zero Zero bottle mixed feeding

mum centralThanks to Suavinex, we have two amazing gift packs to be won.

Valued at $238,90 each, these two prize packs each contain:

  • Suavinex Zero Zero Anti Colic Bottle 180ml, valued at $34.95
  • Suavinex Zero Zero Newborn Starter Set, valued at $49.95, including a Zero-Zero 180ml feeding bottle with adjustable flow teat and  New Zero-Zero Mini soother with SX Pro symmetrical teat for babies from 2 to 2 months.
  • Bib Expresso Bottle Maker, valued at $199

To enter, simply complete the entry form below, and you’ll be in the running!

Good luck!

This is a sponsored post for Suavinex

Avatar of Jenna Galley

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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