Labour & Delivery

Mum Cracks it at OB, Fires Him Mid-Labour and Delivers Own Baby


If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself.

Just ask Taylor Parsons, who delivered her son, en caul, after firing her OB-GYN over a disagreement with the birth plan.


Like many of us, Taylor had a plan. She was going to sweat her way through labour, push a baby out and then delay the cord clamping.

But, Taylor’s OB-GYN had other plans. And they did not involve delayed cord clamping – the process of waiting one to five minutes before cutting the umbilical cord. According to Michelle Parson, Taylor’s mum, the OB refused to delay the clamping.

And thus, Michelle told him where to go.

My way, or the highway

As the OB stood to the side, Taylor took matters into her own hands, literally. She reached down and delivered her son, who was born with the amniotic sac still in tact.

Proud nana Michelle headed to Facebook to commend her daughter for sticking to her guns and doing what she believes is best for her son. After all, mamma knows best.


“That moment the on call OB FLAT OUT REFUSES to deliver your daughters baby since she has chosen delayed cord clamping, so your daughter FIRES the OB MID CONTRACTION, reaches down and delivers her own 8 pound 10 ounce son, en caul, while the STUNNED OB stands helplessly by, completely dumbfounded he was unable to bully her into doing things his way,” Michelle writes.

“I’m One Proud Momma here, Taylor Parsons. MY GIRL IS SAVAGE!”

Cord clamping – yay or nay

Taylor, who hails from Nevada, United States, is only one of the countless mums who are choosing to delay the cord clamping. However, even though there have been a number of studies proving the benefits to delayed cord clamping, especially in premature babies, not all hospitals agree with it.

And thus, medical practitioners are actually well within their rights to refuse delayed cord clamping, even if the labouring mum REALLY wants it.

To avoid having to fire your OB-GYN mid-labour, make sure you have the delayed cord clamping conversation BEFORE you are ready to push bub out.

This week has been a big week for crazy birth stories – check out this super mum who unexpectedly gave birth in the shower while her partner slept metres away.



Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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