Six babies. One uterus. And one VERY big family.
You don’t have to be a mathematician to know how CRAZY this sounds! But it happens. And we’ve got cute (x 6) pics to prove it.
To celebrate Multiple Birth Awareness Week, we at Mum Central wanted to showcase the sweetness that multiple births can bring to a family. Meet the Waldrops, an Alabama couple with nine kiddies, six of which are sextuplets.
Go for one (or six) more
Like many couples, high school sweethearts Courtney and Eric didn’t feel like their family was complete. The pair, who already had three sons, Saylor, Wales and Bridge, were desperate for a little girl. After being unable to fall pregnant, the couple turned to fertility treatment to make their dream of a daughter a reality. They got their longed-for daughter – and a whole lot more too!
“It definitely hasn’t ruined our lives!! These 6 miracles have only added more love and joy to our lives than we could have ever expected!! We thank God for them everyday and couldn’t imagine life without our precious angels!,” Courtney wrote on Facebook this week, sharing new photos of the sextuplets as they turn three months old.

“To think back at how far we have come from that day of being told we were pregnant with six babies to now having all of our six babies home with us as perfect as can be. Such a great reminder of how much God has blessed and answered so many prayers!”
The gender reveal to beat them all
During their epic gender reveal which involved A LOT of gun powder and pink/blue smoke, the couple discovered they would get a little girl. Three of them actually. And three more boys to complete their team.
Courtney sailed through her pregnancy and went into labour at 30 weeks pregnant. The babies arrived on 11 December 2017.
Courtney and Eric named their newest additions Tag (boy), Layke (boy), Blu (boy), Rayne (girl), Rivers (girl) and Rawlings (girl). They all weighed between 960 grams and 1 kilogram and spent the first few weeks in NICU.
Bringing home babies
Despite being born 10 weeks early, the Waldrop sextuplets are happy, healthy and finally at home with their proud parents. The sisters came home first and the boys joined them on 24 February, 2018.
To celebrate the momentous occasion of having all 11 Waldrops under one roof, Courtney enlisted the help of Ashley Sargent Photography to snap some sweet shots of the family. The same photographer snapped this stunning welcome-to-the-world rainbow photo below,
Draped in colourful swaddles, the little ones are clearly a beacon of light for their parents and any couple struggling with fertility.
Sure, it’s a lot of hard work tending to the demands of six newborn babies. It’s hard to imagine taking the nappy changes, the late night feeds, the itty bitty baby clothes laundry pile and multiplying it by six.
But for the Waldrops, and for all parents who have received the shock that they were expecting more than one, the extra cuddles are well worth the extra chaos. Your home and your heart will expand to accommodate every single one of your babies. Even if they happen to come at the same time.
You can keep up to date on the progress of these little miracles through the Waldrop’s Facebook page. The family will also soon appear in a documentary on US cable network TLC.
For more multiple birth adorableness, have a look at the adorable Driskell quintuplets.Â