General Health

Take a Mumcation, it’s Doctor’s Orders!


It’s a tough gig being a mum. So it’s not so surprising that mumcations are growing in popularity. 

Even better is the fact that experts tell us that a break without the kids is not only great for us mums, but it also sets a good example for our little ones…well, find me my suitcase pronto!

Motherhood is 24/7, 365 days a year. It’s a demanding and often overwhelming role and yes, while it’s something we all signed up for (sort of!), it would be nice to get some me time, right?

It’s not that we don’t like being Mum, because we love being Mum. We love hearing our name being called 100 times a day. We love that we can NEVER have a wee in peace or that we’re always the last to eat and the last person to collapse on the sofa at the end of the day.

Nope, motherhood is amazing – but a little break would be kinda nice too.

Anyway, it’s doctor’s orders!

woman relaxing at luxury hotel enjoying me time

A prescription for ‘me time’

Having me time (time away from your kids) gives you some headspace. [Read: a chance to drink an entire glass of wine without being asked a question/to do something/to wipe a bottom.]

But it also teaches your kids about life, the importance of getting the balance right and having independence.

Psychologist Dr. Nava Silton says that the stress we feel as mums is completely natural – after all, we are responsible for our babies’ wellbeing. Team this with mother’s guilt and the perceived judgment of others and I’m surprised we can function at all.

Every mum needs some mum time to recharge those batteries and reset the mind.

Motherhood can be very stressful—whether it’s financial stresses, time stresses, just trying to get a whole lot done in a very short period of time.

I think it’s really important for mothers to be rejuvenated and refreshedDr. Silton tells Fox 5.

Group of women, happy, smiling taking photo on mumcation

Mumcation explained

A mumcation is simply organised ‘me time’. It can be a getaway with other mums—as let’s face it, they’re the only humans on the planet that truly understand the need for me time and will appreciate the time out just as much as you.

How about a weekend away, eating, drinking, staying up late and lying in the following day? Or how about a day at a spa? You can relax in the pool, without being dive-bombed or splashed by your kids, enjoy a lazy lunch and a pampering treatment. Ah, bliss.

Already feeling guilty? Don’t.

Dr. Silton says, “It’s very important for kids to see the balance that ideally needs to be achieved in a family situation.”

Allowing your kids to see you taking a well-deserved break will not only make them appreciate you even more, but it may help teach them the importance of independence as well as the benefit of regular me time for wellbeing.

What’s more, it’s official – parental burnout is a thing mamas, so don’t wait until you’re lying in a heap on the floor to book your offspring-free break.

If you haven’t already thrown your suitcase in the car and hit the road, maybe it’s time to think about yourself for once and start organising your mumcation. You deserve it!

women in car happy going on mumcation

Still not convinced? Read this opinion piece about the benefits of a kid-free getaway with your hubby. Believe us, once you escape once (and nothing goes wrong), you’ll be itching to book your next no-kids-allowed vacay!


A former Sydneysider, she turned her ideas of a sea change into reality and now lives with her family in beautiful South-West WA. A lover of yoga and travel, like most mums, she’s on a quest to create a better work-life balance. When she’s not pulling socks out from behind the sofa or sponging little hand prints off the walls, she’s in the kitchen trying to dream up exciting lunch box ideas for her three cheeky monkeys.

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