Labour & Delivery

12 Stunning Images of Mums Meeting their Babies for the First Time


The moment you first lay eyes on your baby is pretty indescribable, isn’t it?

There are plenty of words that can be used to explain how you felt – exhausted, elated, surprised, proud – but there isn’t one specific word that can truly encapsulate the power, the force, the rawness, the enormity that comes from the moment you first see your baby. 

mum central
Source: Cat Fancote

Thankfully, there are birth photographers who are able to capture this moment in all its emotional beauty.

No words needed. 

mum central
Jennifer Mason Photography

Over the years we’ve shared hundreds of stunning birth photos of labour, postpartum and more. But these 16 photos above and below focus on just one moment – mums meeting their babies for the very first time. 

And aren’t they amazing? Most of these images are award-winning birth photos and it’s easy to see why! 

Waterbirth wonders

A lot of mothers choose to invite not only a birth photographer but a doula into their homes to help them give birth and water births are becoming more and more common. 

bbh birth photography contest birth
Image: Dominique Lamontagne Photography

What we especially love about these images is how surprised and shocked the mothers look. Their faces say it all. 

water birth
Jennifer Mason Photography

 And how about this stunning picture of an en caul water birth? A kiss from mum as bub is gently lifted out of the sac. 

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Source: Instagram/janabrasilfotografia

 First hellos

One of the things we also love about birth photography is that these very talented photographers are able to capture the growing bond between a mother and her baby.

Birth photography
Image: Toni Nichole Photos

You can see the absolute love pouring out of these photos as a mother holds their babies in their arms, not their bellies, for the first time. 

mum central
Jennifer Mason Photography

C-section births

Meeting your baby via cesarean is just as beautiful, and, again, thanks to the magic of birth photographers, mothers are able to stop time and keep these moments forever. 

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Jennifer Mason Photography

We especially love the use of a clear drape during c-section births. You can see even more stunning images of clear drape c-sections here. 

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First Bump for Mom by Neely Ker-Fox


Family love 

In some instances,  giving birth is a family affair and many mums choose to have their younger children by their side. We’ve shared a gorgeous story of a nine-year-old boy who helped his mum through her labor – you can see all the images here – they are truly beautiful. 

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Art by Jessica

The moment you realise you’re going from a mother of one to a mother of two, well, it’s a pretty powerful feeling.

Birth Photography
Image: Northern Light Photography


So much emotion. So much love. These moments after giving birth, no matter how or where are just so powerful.

We are so grateful for birth photographers around the world who are able to capture these moments with such clarity, to stop time for mums who are often too exhausted to remember clearly and to freeze these first hellos forever. 

More birth photography


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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