
Hey New Parents! Apply Now & Be Rewarded for Having Your Say


Researchers at Deakin University are seeking parents of babies 3 months and under to join them in their Growing Healthy program.  

It’s a new app developed for new parents and aims to offer you practical advice and tips to help you feed your baby, whether this is breast or formula feeding, mixed feeding or introducing solids.

The program also helps you understand your baby’s sleep patterns, find help when you need it and to make sure you look after yourself.  Sounds perfect right!?  Keen to join in?  They’re offering a limited number of places to new parents with babies under 3 months to join the program.

HOW:  The Growing Healthy Program will provide you with access to their free app and/or website containing expert information and support on feeding your baby.  The program has been developed by experts at the University and University of Technology Sydney.  Each week you will receive 3 text messages on these topics relevant to the age of your baby with links to more information. You will be able to refer to the app/website when you need to and connect with other mums on the Growing healthy Facebook page.
WHO:  Mothers or caregivers of babies 3 months of age or less living in Australia,  at least 18 years of age and can speak and read English are invited to participate. Must have a mobile phone (doesn’t need to be a smart phone)
WHY:  The purpose of this project is to better understand how parents feed their babies in the first nine months of life and why.
JOIN:  To participate, click here and complete the survey to apply.

As a thank you for your time in each survey, you will receive a $20 Gift Card to compensate you for your time. There will be one survey at application, one three months later and a final survey 3 months after that.  Total 3 surveys, for 3 x $20 gift cards.

Click Register Now to apply for the program but be quick, spaces are strictly limited and if it’s like last time, they’ll go FAST!


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