
Don’t Want People to Touch Your Baby? These Signs Should Do the Trick


How do you politely tell people to step away from your brand new squishy baby? 

You can tell them straight up and risk the rudeness that follows. Or, you can attach one of these cute no touching baby signs to your infant’s pram, which lets them know they need to kindly sod off.

It’s a common concern all new parents have – their newborn getting sick. And rightfully so. Parents lose their little ones every year to preventable infections like whooping cough and the flu.

A sneeze, a cough, a cuddle, even a kiss, might result in bub returning to hospital with a serious infection.

This is why tags4tots designed their “back away from the baby” signs. These colourful little tags stick to prams, carriers and capsules, alerting touchy feely people that their germs are not welcome near bub.

no touching baby signno touching baby sign for babies

Oh he’s so cute… can I hold him? No, snotty stranger in the supermarket. You cannot.

No one wants to be THAT mum who is seen as crazy and overprotective. But, sometimes it’s necessary. Especially when people can’t seem to stop themselves from wanting to touch a baby. Or kiss a baby. Or cough all over a baby.

Yes, we get it. Babies are soft, squishy and simply irresistible. And babies love cuddles, right? Sure. But babies also love personal space. And not being groped by germy strangers.

no touching baby signs

Hands off the baby!

Although these no touching baby signs are great for all parents with newborns or kiddies that may already be battling an illness, they are especially awesome for parents with premature infants whose immune systems may not be quite ready to handle all that extra exposure.

no touching baby signs premmie babyno touching baby signs

There’s heaps of different messages and patterns to choose from too, all bright, colourful and funky. And all relaying an important message – don’t even think about touching my kid!

Check out Three Little Tots for the full collection of signs. They even stock cute “Don’t Touch Me” dummy clips. A passive aggressive message to go away on a pacifier? Yas!

mum central

Looking for more unique and much needed gift ideas for a new mum? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out these super handy Shittens, this new mum vibrator and these condom ice blocks that are sure to come in handy post-birth.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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