
Get your Goo on with NEW Personalised Cadbury Crème Egg Tins at Myer


Cadbury Crème Egg diehards, prepare for an exquisitely-individualised sugar rush. This latest gooey Easter indulgence has your name all over it. Literally.

Geniuses that they are, Cadbury have launched personalised Crème Eggs. The iconic Easter treats now come in a tin with your name blazoned across the front.

It’s an undeniable declaration to friends and family that the eggs contained within are yours. ALL yours.

While the recent launch of the Crème Egg block delighted many sugar junkies, the implied share factor was a little annoying. Everyone wants a piece, because, well, it’s a family block mum!

Myer has rectified the problem with these cute personalised tins, each containing a 39-gram egg and two 130-gram bags of mini crème eggs. They’re just the right size for stashing in cupboards or under mattresses, no sharing required.

Up to 11 letters can be included on the personalised tins. (Sucks to be you Christabella and Elizabethann.) Tins are available from all Myer Giftoriums for $19.99 … a small price to pay for a trip to chocolatey heaven.

mum central
The personalised Cadbury Creme Egg tins can be purchased for $19.99 at Myer Giftoriums from 14th March.

mum central

You do you, when it comes to goo

There are many ways to devour a Crème Egg (we love the slam-it-down-fast-so-the-kids-don’t-notice petrol station option). But according to a Cadbury survey, 53% of people bite off the top, lick out the cream, then eat the chocolate. A no-nonsense 20% simply bite straight through. While 6% use their (presumably unwashed) finger to scoop out the cream. (Hey, you do you, no judgment here!)

Other options include creating a boozy beverage using Crème Eggs as a shot glass. Simply suck out the filling and replace with Baileys. You can bake ‘em into brownies or even serve them deep fried as they do in popular London restaurant Mother Clucker.

Also in the UK, you can enjoy them baked into a pie and served with a side of fries (hold onto your arteries!). While, James Jiggs from Lancashire, holds the world record for the fastest eating of a single Creme Egg. He did it in just 8.65 seconds (our guess is he was at a petrol station and the kids were waiting in the car).

Fun Crème Egg facts

Cadbury sells more than 500 million Creme Eggs each year. In the 1980s Cadbury made the cult candy available all-year round but sales dropped so they returned to Easter-only availability (and by Easter, we mean as soon as the Christmas tree is down until the end of April).

More than 25 flavoured Crème Eggs have been launched including orange, mint, berry and Oreo. Cadbury caramel eggs are almost as popular as the original Crème Eggs, but didn’t hit the market until 1994. We’re a little jealous and frankly thinking of launching a protest that Caramilk eggs were only offered to Canadians.

Warning: overindulgence can be painful

Each egg has around 180 calories and about six teaspoons of sugar. But on the up side, it provides two percent of our recommended daily allowance of calcium.

As anyone who has eaten more than three of these eggs in one sitting knows all too well, the key to maximum enjoyment is, moderation. A concept that has been confirmed by a Cadbury spokesperson.

“This Easter treat is loved by consumers around the world and can only be snapped up in the run up to Easter,” the spokesperson said.

“As with all of our delicious Cadbury chocolate, Cadbury Creme Egg can be enjoyed as part of a healthy, balanced diet.”

So there you have it, they are healthy! Or something like that.


Jillian Berry is the exhausted mother of four spirited daughters. Once a journo and editor, she now enjoys torturing her children with zucchini. When she’s not searching for her phone charger, she can be found trying to remember her password, which she only reset yesterday. She fantasizes about escaping to a remote island with her Kindle and a giant jar of Nutella. She’s also a (provisional) psychologist who’d love to make the world a better place, if only she could find the energy.

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