Playgrounds are the epitome of childhood fun. Innocent, carefree, childhood fun.
Well, except these playgrounds and parks, which look like they came out from the gates of hell.
From crazy looking statues to inappropriately placed slippery dips, these are the world’s worst playgrounds that are sure to ruin any child’s day. We even found a park full of penises. Because parks and penises clearly belong together.
Most of these playgrounds hail from Sweden, Germany, Russia and South Korea, where children obviously don’t scare as easily as ours do. Perhaps the term ‘child-friendly’ means something entirely different over there…
Fairy Tale nightmares
Oh look, kids! This park has a giant gremlin crawling out of the sand, ready to eat you. And the thing has already managed to trap a child in its claws. What a lovely place to stop for a picnic and a play!
Banana rider
Two happy thumbs up for phallic playground equipment!
Clownin’ around
Slide into even more fun with this cheerful clown, who is delighted to have your kids climb into his pants and take a ride on his equipment.
Nothing inappropriate about this slide. Nothing at all.
Sky high fun
Who wouldn’t want to play at this park, conveniently located on top of this tall building? Fencing not included.
A park full of penises
Only in South Korea would you find a park that is dedicated to dicks. No jokes. Lie on them, sit on them, take a selfie with them. There is no limit to what you can do at Penis Park.
Circle of fun
Some playground architects like to stick to the traditional equipment when designing their parks. You know, like monkey bars, and slides and swings. Then there is this park, which includes a circle of creepy creatures with steel bars coming out of their butts and mouths.
The fact that the people are naked really adds to this architectural masterpiece, don’t you think? It’s like bestiality meets playground porn.
Leap frog gone wrong
Oh wait, it gets worse on our list of world’s worst playgrounds. Because here we have a lovely statue of children playing with each other.
Face your fears
Let’s move away from the inappropriate and into a new realm of fear with this array of playground equipment that just screams “fun”. Run away, children, RUN AWAY!
Little Boo Creep
Perhaps after you stop off at the soul-stealing playground above, you would like to make friends with this lovely lady in the bright blue dress.
Never mind the black eyes and freaky smile. Or the bleeding heart on her chest… she’s really nice. We promise.
Dying to play
Or head on over to this delightful dome, where you can combine your love of human remains with the thrill of climbing.
Monkeying around
Don’t worry. We’ve saved the best for last. Because nothing says ‘creepy playground’ quite like a swing set complete with beheaded monkeys.
Whatever happened to normal-looking playgrounds? They do exist, just not on this list! Have a look at the Glenelg Foreshore Playground which hits the mark for kids of all ages.
Top image source: Reddit