
50% of New Mums Suffer Postnatal Depletion. What Is It and Could I Have It?


Postnatal depletion – it’s something 1 in 2 new mums experience so why aren’t we talking about it more? What is it? Could I be in the 50% that have it? And, what can be done about it?

Postnatal depletion refers to the combination of physical, hormonal, and emotional depletion that a mother can experience after giving birth. It’s the new-mum burnout if you will.

postnatal depletion
Postnatal depletion impacts 50% of new mums so you’re not alone! Source: Bigstock

Postnatal depletion takes all the new mum demands and makes it 100 times more difficult to do them. It basically drains all the energy you do have, leaving you feeling like a wet sock. Inadequate, overwhelmed, exhausted.

It’s terrible but it’s also incredibly common. However, many mums simply brush the symptoms of postnatal depletion off as normal.

Postnatal depletion symptoms include:

  • Extreme tiredness
  • Low energy levels
  • Baby brain or brain fog
  • Hypervigilance
  • Self-doubt
  • Hair loss
  • Sense of frustration, anxiety or feeling overwhelmed

We’ve been told over and over again that these things are simply a part of new motherhood, which is true.

postpartum recovery and postnatal depletion
So tired, so drained, so hungry! #PostpartumLife. Source: Bigstock

New mums are tired, after all. We barely sleep more than 40 minutes at a time. We function on snacks we can eat one-handed, not exactly the most balanced meals, hey.

Then there’s the around-the-clock breastfeeding, hormonal changes, painful recovery, complete lack of routine and that ‘out-of-control’ feeling.

Plus we’ve got a house full of dirty clothes AND we haven’t had a proper shower, not to mention a decent poop in days.

It’s a lot to take on and it’s 100% normal to feel this way. But it could also be a sign that you are experiencing postnatal depletion and missing out on some pretty important nutrients to help balance these new demands on your body.

Postnatal depletion on the rise

Medical practitioner and author of The Postnatal Depletion Cure, Dr. Oscar Serrallach suggests that 50% of new mothers experience postnatal depletion, usually following the birth of a baby. Some mums may experience the effects for years!

Breastfeeding mums are more likely to have postnatal depletion as babies are drinking all the good stuff.  Mums with children close in age (think 2 kids under 2) are also more at risk for postnatal depletion.

While pregnancy and the postpartum period have always been nutritionally demanding on mothers, Dr. Serrallach also suspects that more mums nowadays are at risk simply because our modern lives are so busy and demanding. We’re expected to do it all and, well, our bodies are not getting the nutrients they need to take it all on.

breastfeeding mother postnatal depletion
Breastfeeding mums are more at risk for postnatal depletion. Source: Bigstock

What can I do about it? 

The easiest thing you can do is replenish the nutrients that new motherhood is so kindly stealing from you. Your body is already pretty low in nutrients thanks to nine months of pregnancy, not to mention popping out a child.

And now bub is getting “first dibs” on all your nutrients.

What’s the difference?

Prenatal Vitamins are designed to give you the best possible chances of conceiving and are specially formulated to support the growth and development of your foetus, right up until birth. Make sure you also check out Kin Fertility’s prenatal vitamin which is designed for conception and pregnancy and has proven to be easy on the tummy.

Although Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamins generally have similar ingredients, a Postnatal Vitamin is specifically formulated in the optimal dosage for you and your needs while you adjust to motherhood. Plus nutrients for your baby too if you decide to breastfeed.

So it’s top-up time. And the easiest way to do this? With a postnatal vitamin. Postnatal Vitamins are packed with the nutrients new mums are the lowest on following their birth.  These include methylated folate, selenium, iron, choline, zinc, biotin, calcium and biotin. Plus there are also Vitamins A, B6, B12, D, E, and K. They support daily energy, immune function, red blood cell health, brain health and alertness and even help with hair follicle growth with can postpartum hair loss (yes!!).

What postnatal vitamins should I take?

Our recommendation? Kin’s Postnatal Vitamin. 

Kin’s Postnatal Vitamin has been obsessively designed by dietitians to help look after you, so you can look after your baby and contains 18 essential micronutrients in the optimal dosage to help combat Postnatal Depletion.

Kin Postnatal Vitamins - Postnatal depletion
Kin’s Postnatal Vitamin is also great for breastfed babies as the nutrients are passed onto baby. Source: Supplied

Breastfeeding or not, Kin’s Postnatal Vitamin is designed to boost your nutrient intake, mood, energy and help you feel more like yourself – alert and able to take on the world.  Well, maybe not the world. But definitely, any poo explosions that come your way! Maybe even that mountain of laundry in the corner… maybe.

Oh, and another great thing about Kin’s Postnatal Vitamin is that the iron used is Ferrochel™️, a bioavailable form of iron which is much easier for your body to absorb and won’t make pooping even harder than it already is. Pun intended.

Are there any lifestyle changes to combat postnatal depletion?

You bet there are!

Get more sleep. Eat better. Stress less. Make time for you.

Except, that’s not always possible. Especially the sleep thing.

postnatal depletion
Sleep when baby sleeps isn’t always possible. Source: Bigstock

We can sit back and tell you to do all of these things but the truth of the matter is, sometimes it’s just not happening. Sometimes you don’t have someone hand delivering casseroles to your door. You don’t get the chance to go for a daily walk. Or even have a decent shower.

Sometimes when people tell you to “make time for yourself”, it adds even more mum guilt to your cup. Another thing you didn’t tick off the to-do list today.

If this isn’t your reality right now, don’t stress.

Start with a Kin’s Postnatal Vitamin. Once a day. That’s it. See if that makes a difference.

Kin Postnatal Vitamins help to prevent postnatal depletion
One vitamin a day can help combat postnatal depletion and bring your energy levels back up. Source: Supplied

Perfect for busy, sleep-deprived new mums

Kin’s Postnatal Vitamin is easy to take, easy on the stomach and delivered straight to your door. That’s one less thing on your to-do list and one super simple way to combat the symptoms of postnatal depletion to help you feel more alert, energetic and present each and every day.

Kin offers 1-month or 3-month subscription options, which can help you to save up to 19%!

Plus they’ve got a special deal for Mum Central readers too. SAVE 10% OFF Kin’s Postnatal Vitamin using code MUMCENTRAL10.

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NOTE: Postnatal depletion is not the same as postnatal depression. However, the two conditions do have some overlapping symptoms, including anxiety, mood swings and feeling overwhelmed. If you’re unsure about which condition you might be experiencing then it’s best to seek professional medical advice from a health practitioner.

This is a sponsored post for Kin Fertility

Avatar of Jenna Galley

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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