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Is This the Quickest Birth Ever as Mum Gives Birth in Under a Minute!


A UK mum has wowed us all with her incredible birth story. She managed to give birth in just 27 seconds, which is quicker than it takes me to pee. Unbelievable! This may be the quickest birth in the history of ever! 

Mum-of-three Sophie Bugg was 38 weeks pregnant when she got up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. Low and behold, she had a baby less than a minute later

So unexpected

As she tells The Daily Mail, she didn’t feel a single contraction in the lead-up. 

I had no pains and my waters hadn’t broken. There was no realisation I was having her at all. It sounds really crude but it just felt like I needed to go for a poo.

I had messaged my friend saying I don’t feel great, then put the phone down from where I was sat on the loo and went to get up from the toilet.

As I went to lift myself up, my body just got that feeling like I needed to push for a poo. I put my hand between my legs and her head was completely out. It was four in the morning, it was just so unexpected. 

I shouted to my partner for help, went from the toilet to outside my toilet door on the top of the stairs, did one push and she was out!”

A family affair

Sophie’s partner, Chris managed to get to Sophie just in time to catch his daughter. Chris called the paramedics who arrived just 12 minutes later. Meanwhile, Sophie’s other two girls had woken up in all the chaos. 

I had my eight year old poking her head round her bedroom door asking ‘Mummy, are you ok?’ I’m like ‘yeah, I’m ok darling, just stay in your room for a minute!’

When the paramedics arrived, they cut baby Millie’s cord and helped Sophie deliver the afterbirth. She was then rushed to hospital and released just two hours later.

Once she was over the initial shock, Sophie admits that the quickest birth was actually a lovely experience. 

It was just me, [Chris] and all the kids, so it felt special. It says on Millie’s medical paperwork that she was ‘delivered by Chris spontaneously at home’ so it’s really nice.”

Not her first or quickest birth

Sophie has always been a master of quick births. Her first daughter was also born in the middle of the night in just 12 minutes.

My first baby was quite an experience – you don’t expect anything like that with your first labour, to just be at home and then all of a sudden you’ve got a baby.”

With her second daughter, Sophie was booked in for an induction to ensure she actually made it to the hospital. Her second daughter was born just 26 minutes after being induced. 

Baby Millie was also booked in for induction but arrived two days earlier. 

I couldn’t believe how quickly she arrived. My body doesn’t give me the signs of labour. My midwife and my consultant told me that I go from zero to baby. I don’t dilate like every normal person does.

I hear people’s stories and I know several people who have been in labour for 72 hours and I can’t possibly imagine that!”



Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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