The greatest cake hack there ever was, plus a sure-fire way to save hundreds on your wedding budget. Yes, you really can have your beautiful celebration cake and eat it too – you just have to head to Costco.
When planning a wedding, we try to save dollars wherever we can – does Aunt Maude really need to come? Should I only have two bridesmaids? Is an entrée necessary?
Well, thanks to Costco bakery, Aunt Maude CAN come because you can save a butter-cream load of cash with this DIY wedding cake hack.
Yes, you heard that right. A wedding cake hack.
The Cake Cost How Much?
There’s no denying that professional cake makers are artists and their price is indicative of their skills. But aye carumba, it’s a lot of money for cake. One proud sister is breaking the internet with a few images showing off her brother and sister-in-laws fabulous wedding cake – all for under USD$50. Not for one second would you think this multi-tiered, pale-pink-rose-decorated cake hatched from our favourite warehouse of all time, Costco.

Big Cake Means Big Money. Or Not.
Jessica wowed us all on Instagram with a few snaps of her brother’s big day, captioning the post with “My brother and my whole family are very hands-on DIY and save money wherever we can. Jeremy and Gosia love to travel (they met while touring Chernobyl!) and wanted to save for their honeymoon (they ended up honeymooning in Rome!) and not spend too much on a wedding. Their flower budget was zero. Their cake budget was “let’s make cupcakes and freeze for the wedding”.
The Cake Hack To Top All Cake Hacks
Not that there’s anything wrong with cupcakes for a wedding. Any kind of cake is delicious, right? Jessica further explains she talked her brother into “just getting Costco cakes and throwing some real flowers on it”. They ordered two of the $18.99 sheet cakes with cream cheese filling and picked them up on the way to the venue before the rehearsal dinner. With the help of Gosia’s brother-in-law, @chefjwarley (who happens to be a chef in England), the cakes were cut into tiered squares, stacked, re-iced, and made pretty with a few of the real flowers from the piles of flowers used for decorating (About $10 worth).

DIY And Save. All. The. Money.
We bow down to you Jessica and your convincing DIY ways! For us Aussies, we can TOTALLY replicate this idea using a couple of cut and stacked Costco Blank Cakes ($29.99, serves 48 finger slices, chocolate or white sponge with raspberry or chocolate filling and a whipped cream icing). Swing by Spotlight for a cake topper and the supermarket for flowers and you’re well on your way to being a wedding-cake-creating goddess. Just think, you could get away with your wedding cake costing under $100! SWEET.
Plus, A Cake Hack Tutorial To Come!
Feeling inspired? Jessica mentions she’s keen to film a cake hack DIY soon, so be sure to follow her on the ‘gram. And if you DO by chance cake hack your way to a fabulous wedding cake, do let us know, we’d love to see it!

Yearning for even MORE cake hack inspo? Check out the work of these awesome cake hacking mums!