Sleep & Settling

SLEEP CHARTS: How Much Sleep Do Your Kids REALLY Need?


Are you putting your little ones to bed at the right time? Are they clocking in enough zzz’s every night? 

Sometimes it can be tricky to tell.

After all, most kids aren’t inclined to let us know they are tired and ready for bed, especially when there’s a movie on telly or they are in the middle of an awesome LEGO tower.

It’s up to us parents to set the sleep standards and then convince them to stick to it. So how can you tell if you’re putting your kids to bed at the right time?

Easy! Check the sleep chart.

Sleep charts for babies/toddlers and preschoolers

bedtime schedule infants

Sleep charts for school aged kids

bedtime routines children

Of course, these are just the basic guidelines to sleep. Some kids need a lot more. Some kids need a lot less. But if you are concerned about your child’s sleep, then it’s always a good idea to consult the chart and see if, perhaps it’s time to switch up your bedtime routine and waking up time slightly.

HELP! My kids WON’T sleep

There are heaps of reasons why your baby, toddler or child won’t stick to the sleep routine. Some of the common concerns parents have include:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Night terrors
  • Bed-wetting
  • Refusing to sleep without you

Have a read of our guide to bedtime routines for kids of all ages for tips on helping your child settle down at night.

If you have an infant, toddler or preschooler you may also benefit from using a swaddle, sleeping bags or sleep suit (depending on your tot’s age). Have a look at ergoPouch’s awesome range of sleep products – and best of all, Mum Central readers can get 15% off for Sleep Week!

mum central

Use the code ‘SLEEPWEEK2018’ at checkout and enjoy 15% off until Sunday, 18 March, 2018 for Sleep Week.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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