
TAKE MY MONEY: Spa Offers Free Childcare and NAPPING Rooms for Mums


Spa Le La is the place to be if you happen to live in Los Angeles and have kids.

Why? Because it offers onsite childcare for your little rugrats.  And, ready for it? Nap rooms for you! Hell, yeah!

That’s right, mums. You can now leave your kids in a creche and take a proper, peaceful nap. One where no one is touching you. Or requesting snacks.

Where do we sign up?

America: The land of the free and home of the napping mums

The swanky LA-based spa is not only known for its lux treatments (facials, waxing, massage, manis and pedis, etc) but also its unique services catered especially for desperately deprived mums.

First off, there’s a whole heap of pregnancy and post-natal treatments including labour-inducing massage. But it gets better…

Spa Le La offers a safe, comfortable and soundproof creche for the kids to chill out while mum is indulging in some much-needed me-time. And, from the pics on their Insta page, it looks pretty lush too!

napping rooms and childcare spa le la

The first kiddo is free and the second is just $6 which is pretty much the cheapest childcare out there. You can leave your kids for TWO solid hours before checking up on them. And then you can go on back to chilling the eff out without them. BLISS.

Bring your baby and we’ll watch her while you relax 

Of course, creche is nothing new, but they are normally attached to gyms so mums can burn calories while their kids are being cared for. Pfft. Exercise is great and all, but you know what a tired mum whose been up half the night with a baby wants? I’ll give you a hint. It’s not a spin bike.

It’s a gool ol’ fashioned nanna nap. One where there isn’t a toddler sticking pieces of apple up your nose beside you. Or a baby squirming in the cot next to you. Or a husband trying to get sexytime out of you while the kids are watching Paw Patrol in the room.

spa le la napping rooms

Spa Le La’s nap room looks ace too. It’s all cosy and calming without a single pile of laundry or stack of dirty dishes in sight. You can enjoy a 25-minute nap for $30 or make it a longer sleep for a little more cash.

Of course, you don’t have to just sleep. You can read a book, get some work done or simply scroll through Instagram. There’s bathrooms and sauna rooms and massage rooms. Oh MY!

They even have Kids’ Classes after school where the kids can get help with their homework or do art and craft while you get pampered.

spa la la chlldcare

While you would have to endure a long-haul flight over to LA to get in on this napping action, it does sounds divine! Can we please make this happen over here? Pretty please! Because this mumma could use a cheap creche AND a nap. No activewear and trainers needed.

Looking to take a nap in the office? There’s a gadget for that. Check out this Hello Kitty Nap Tent Lets You Sleep Anywhere. 


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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