BREAKING: Stage 1 COVID Restrictions to be Lifted. What it Means For You.


We’ve been good little Australians and our PM has signalled today we will be easing restrictions across the nation in a three-stage approach.

Yep, that’s right – we’ve done a killer job of flattening the curve and as a result, we get restrictions lifted and Scomo is giving us our freedom back.

This is great news on the back of the airlines announcing $19 flights will be on offer sooner than we think!


Okay, so not all of our freedom but baby steps people, baby steps. Prime Minister Scott Morrison gave the green light today to reopen restaurants, cafes, and shops, but it’s up to each state to decide if now is the right time or not.

We are also allowed to have itty bitty baby parties in our homes – up to five visitors, and be in groups of 10 outdoors.


ScoMo also shared:

Today, National Cabinet agreed a three-step plan and a national framework to achieve a COVID-safe economy and society,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.

“It is our goal to move through all of these steps to achieve that COVID-safe economy in July of this year.”

mum centralSo let’s take a look at each of the stages as they pan out.

STAGE ONE: Party on (in groups of 10!)  

Happening now: 

  • 10 people and 5 visitors in your home (1 person per 4 square metre)
  • Working from home if it works for you and your employer
  • Children back in classrooms 
  • Playgrounds and libraries open
  • Swimming, golfing and outdoor bootcamps back on
  • Retail and small cafés and restaurants to open
  • Intrastate (local and regional) recreational travel starting again
  • Funerals up to 30 people outdoors and weddings up to 10
  • Home sales & auctions back on

mum central

STAGE TWO: The return of Saturday sports’ games

Happening soon

  • Larger style gatherings up to 20 people
  • Cinemas and galleries to open
  • More retail opening on sector-based with COVID-safe plans
  • Organised community sport back on
  • Beauty parlours and gyms to open 
  • Some interstate travel allowed

mum central

STAGE THREE: Get Your Day Drinking Pants On… Bars to OPEN 

Hopefully by July

  • Allow gatherings up to 100 people.
  • Workers back in the workplace
  • Pubs and clubs and gaming venues to open
  • Interstate travel will likely resume

mum central

Can you smell the freedom? We certainly can! Now, the only question remains, what will our state leaders say?


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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