Talk about a wild girls’ night! 23-year-old Lavinia Stanton, who had no idea she was pregnant, gave birth last month after a night out with the girls.
First cocktails, then labourÂ
Lavinia, who lives in Wales, headed out for dinner and drinks with friends last month after lockdown restrictions eased in her country.
She started to experience cramps at the restaurant and mentioned it to her friends but didn’t think much of it. They left the restaurant around 10pm and Lavinia was in a fair bit of pain by then. She went to her mum’s house, which was close by to have a lie-down.
At her mum’s house, Lavinia’s pain got worse and worse so her mum called 111.
They were told to go to the hospital if the pain got any worse. At 2am Lavinia and her mum, Amanda made their way to their local ER. At this stage, Lavinia suspected she might have appendicitis or had some sort of infection.
You don’t have appendicitis. You’re having a baby.Â
In the ER doctors did a urine test and, SURPRISE! Lavinia discovered she was not only pregnant but in labour.
She was moved to the labour ward where she gave birth to baby Willow, weighing 6lbs, 1oz at 8:54am via c-section, just a short 10 hours after enjoying cocktails with her friends.
How did she not know?Â
Turns out, Lavinia was around 8 1/2 months pregnant. But she had no idea! She describes giving birth to Willow as the “shock of her life” and explains to Wales Online that she continued to have periods throughout the pregnancy.

She experienced no morning sickness, no baby kicks and no typical pregnancy symptoms. She even took two pregnancy tests, both negative.
She did go up a dress size but thought her baby bump was “lockdown weight”.
Lavinia and her partner, Cameron Wroot, 25, have had a few weeks with baby Willow now and are starting to wrap their heads around being first-time parents.
A few weeks have passed now and I’m slowly getting into the swing of things.
At the start of the pandemic I wouldn’t have thought I’d have a daughter near the end. But she’s here and Cameron and I are in love with her.”
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- VIDEO: Mum, Who Didn’t Know She Was Pregnant, Gives Birth on a Plane
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- Mum Who Did Not Know She Was Pregnant Gives Birth