How do you understand when your teen calls your cooking ‘mid’? Here’s a quick guide to teen slang so you can look ‘fire’ in front of the kids.
Dear parents of teens. This is what your teenager wants you to know. This is what they want to tell you if they could find the words. If you’ve got a teen at home, then please, take the time to read this. It may help explain a few things.
#25. I reminded him that “Deez nuts” is not something to scream at the top of our lungs so his impressionable three-year-old sister can repeat it at daycare.
Teenagers and sleep – it’s a tricky balance! Here’s the low down on how much sleep a teenager needs, why they sleep like they do AND how to help them get more!
A dire vaping warning for teens as more young Australians take up the habit with no idea what they’re inhaling or the lasting damage it does to their body.