
Target Launches Fashionable Clothing Range for Kids With Disabilities


If you need another reason to love Target, then their latest clothing endeavour is sure to warm your hearts. 

This weekend Target USA plan to unveil a brand new line of kids’ clothing, designed especially for babies, toddlers and children with disabilities.

The Target line Cat & Jack is already one of the biggest brands over in Target USA stores. But their latest line of apparel isn’t designed for the masses. It’s designed for the little ones who need a little extra consideration, especially when getting dressed.

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Designs have side and back snaps, zip-off sleeves, footless sleepwear, zipper closures and hidden abdominal openings. So the clothes are not only cute and comfortable, but take the stress out of the daily dress routine.

Making mornings easier for mums and kids

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The Target team have put a lot of thought into their adaptive line of apparel which includes onesies, pyjamas, puffer jackets, sweatpants, printed t-shirts, jumpers and more. Made from cotton, the clothes are durable and extra soft. Oh, and they are super affordable and fashionable too. Because #targetrules.

There are 40+ different items of clothing to choose from, starting at just $5 up to $40.

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For children who need feeding tubes or access to a certain area, these outfits are a dream come true. And not just for the kids. The mission behind the line of apparel is to make things easier for both kids AND parents. After all, mum and dad are often responsible for dressing and undressing their little ones every day. And the fewer the tears and tantrums, the better for everyone.

“There’s a need for adaptive clothing for kids that is both fashionable and affordable, so we set out to create exactly that,” says Julie Guggemos, senior vice president, Product Design & Development, Target.

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Principal technical designer, Target, Mari Anderson adds, “Our team met with real kids to understand what their needs are in different types of apparel. Without a doubt, this has been the most meaningful project that I have been a part of.”

Fashionable step forward for kids with disabilities

Target clothing range for children with disabilities

This isn’t the first time Target has wowed us with their innovative product line. Earlier this year the Cat&Jack design team released a line of sensory-friendly apparel  to minimise discomfort for kids, including those with autism.

No word if the Target clothing range for children with disabilities will make its way into Australian stores, but we sure hope so! In the meantime, you can check out the full range at their online store in the US.

Bravo Target for thinking outside the closet and giving kids of all abilities a chance to feel comfortable and confident in their clothes!

For more stories celebrating all abilities and inclusiveness, check out the Font to Help Dyslexic People Read.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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