The best New Year’s resolutions are the ones that you can keep. So, without further ado, we share our top New Year’s resolutions that will have you looking back in 12 months’ time and realising that yes, you achieved something in 2025. You stuck to your goals, followed through and best of all, you didn’t sign up for the gym, and never go again. Go you!
This year, as you sip your champers and reflect on a rather interesting 2024, keep these best New Year’s resolutions for mums in mind for next year.
Join me as we make 2025 our YEAR to shine (minimal effort required).
Best New Year’s Resolutions: This Year I Will…Â
1. Learn Something New
Last year I learned what the term Skibidi means. This year, who knows what new life skills I’ll take on. But in all seriousness, learning a new skill is a great way to give your brain a refresh and prove to yourself (and your kids) that you are not too old to learn new tricks.
2. Teach My Kids Something New
Something practical. And something I can easily pawn off to them to do instead of me. Like how to clean the toilets.
3. Buy Myself New Underwear
Seriously, the 6-year-old maternity bras and almost see-through undies aren’t cutting it anymore. Rather than focusing on just updating my kids’ wardrobes, this year I’m going to lash out on some new undies. Maybe even buy the hubby a new pair too because his jumbo-stretched jocks are giving serious droopy-balls vibes.
4. Refrain from Seeing How Long I Can Drive with the Fuel Tank on EmptyÂ
This has been a fun game I have played for years now and it caught up to me last year when I lost and ran out of fuel on the side of the road. This year, I’m going to do something CRAZY and actually fill up the fuel tank (all the way to the top) and not see how many kilometres I can go with the Low Fuel Button on.
Fun Fact: We looked into how many kilometres you can drive with your fuel light on last year and found that the answer is generally around 67 kilometres. But I’m pretty sure I’ve done at least 80!
5. Give Myself 10 MinutesÂ
Every day. 10 minutes. My 10 minutes. No one else’s 10 minutes. I will use my 10 minutes how I like,. whether it’s lying on the bed staring at the fan or running around the block. Some days I may use my 10 minutes to pluck my chin hairs. Other days I may do some squats and maybe even a plank or two. But whatever I do, it’s my 10 minutes and I don’t want to hear a single “Mum” during this time.
6. Create a Designated Car Key/Sunnies Area in the House
This year I will NOT waste 10 minutes every morning searching the house for my car keys.
7. Refrain from Adopting Any Sort of Animal
2021 – Dog
2022 – Cat
2023 – Cat
2024- THREE guinea pigs
Note to self: Unfollow ALL Animal Rescue Pages from Facebook.
8. Buy 8 GAZILLION Hair Ties at the Start of the Year
And probably still end up asking my daughters, “Where are all the hair types?” by the end of January. Seriously, where do they go??
9. Find the Missing Remote Control
It’s only been 5 and a half years… I really feel like 2025 is THE year for this.
10. And Finally, This Year I Will Let Go & Let Them
This is a new theory floating around that we need to simply “let them”. This goes for everyone around you. If you let go of trying to control what others do, you will find a sense of peace that’s really quite unexplainable. Or at least this is what I’m told. I’m still a huge control freak but hey, 2025 is all about Letting Them.

Let them be upset. Let them judge you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you, Let them ignore you. Let them be “right.” Let them doubt you. Let them not like you. Let them not speak to you. Let them run your name in the ground. Let them make you out to be the villain.
In terms of parenting, the Let Them theory is also a game changer, allowing us to step back and let our kids be. Let them learn. Let them fail. Let them get angry. Let them be upset. Let them grow. Let them go. But just be there in the background to let them come back when they need.
As a mum of a teen and tween, this one is a big one for me.
To end, we wish a Happy New Year to all the mums and dads out there! Let us know if you’ve got any New Year’s resolutions that you plan on making, breaking or keeping for 2025.