
Scratched Plates Fixed! The $8 Wonder Cleaner Mums Rave About


I LOVE my stoneware plates but that love started to fade fast when we started using them and cutlery started leaving very annoying scratches on every single one of them. Short of making my family eat with their fingers, I’ve discovered a way to make those annoying grey marks pretty much DISAPPEAR. AND YOU CAN TOO!

Mums are going crazy for an $8 product that is a complete game changer in the cleaning game. Little to no elbow grease required. #SCORE

And not just plates, might I add, sinks and shower screens too. The mirror finish sink is merely the tip of the iceberg of cleanliness. This holy-grail cleaning powder pretty much cleans EVERYTHING. Just ask the people of the internet, they’ll tell you.

So what IS this wonder cleaning product I hear you ask? It’s Bar Keepers Friend, that’s what. And you’ll find it right there in the cleaning aisle at your local Woolworths for $8 a tin. Which might make you think twice about throwing it in your trolley but I assure you, you’ll have zero regrets.

Scratched plates, be gone!

For plates that are easily (and annoyingly) scratched by knives, forks and cooking utensils, Bar Keepers Friend is flying its cape and coming to the rescue. I tried it on my stoneware plates (see before image above) and I’m thoroughly impressed by the results – the scratches practically disappear!

2 easy steps to remove scratches from stoneware plates:

  1. Apply Bar Keepers Friend powder to the WET plate.
  2. Using a wet cloth, scrub in a circular motion over the surface of the plate using a small amount of pressure. Rinse clean and dry!
bar keepers friend
Step 1 and 2 – Bar Keepers Friend removes scratches from plates in MINUTES.
bar keepers friend
Step 3 – VOILA! The scratches are mostly gone!

Bar Keepers Friend is everyone’s newest BFF

Yes, Bar Keepers Friend is destined to become your cleaning BFF. Peruse through Facebook cleaning groups such as Mums Who Clean and Hinch Army Cleaning Tips and you will find rave reviews for Bar Keepers Friend – all tried and true.

Bar Keepers Friend
BEFORE: just your regular hard working kitchen sink Photo: Instagram/Foxwoodcleaning
Bar Keepers Friend
AFTER: Shazam! Bar Keepers Friend shines it to showroom standard. Photo: Instagram/Foxwoodcleaning

The multiple-use cleaner to clean ALL of the things

After all the sink shining, you can also use this wonder powder on clearing soap scum from shower glass, toilets, chrome taps, chrome light fittings, ceramic sinks and baths, rust removal, oven glass, oven racks, stove tops, shining stainless steel appliances, burnt pots and pans. It’s been said to also work its magic on cutlery scratched plates and bowls and even erases those annoying brown marks you get on top of your toaster. It truly is your most MAGIC FRIEND indeed.

mum central
Burnt pots be gone! Photo: Instagram/katiescleanings

Elbow grease be gone – Bar Keepers Friend the ultimate cleaning hack

How you clean with the powder varies depending on the job. You can give a light sprinkle followed by a wipe over and rinse for a quick refresh or for tougher jobs, make a paste and apply a scrubbing brush. Either way, prepare to be dazzled with this cleaning tip game changer!

Disclaimer: it’s worth mentioning that there are occasional comments from people who comment about the smell. Some love it, some.. not so much. But the reflective sink is worth it. Remain focussed on the big picture here people!

mum central
SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. Photo: Instagram/bfk_nz
Bar Keepers Friend
Dulled surfaces polish to perfection with Bar Keepers Friend! Photo: Facebook/Bar Keepers Friend Australia

Easy to get, easy to use – even as a devout Gumption user, I’ll be popping Bar Keepers Friend in my trolley this week for sure. Who’s with me?! #SHINESHINESHINE

In the mood for more cleaning? Read here for 10 must-have cleaning hacks for busy mums!


South Australian mum and self proclaimed foodie, Lexi can most days be found in the kitchen, apron tied firm and armed with a whisk or wooden spoon!

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