Competitions - Closed

WIN: Grab the Popcorn and Start Collecting Your Great Night In Family Movie Collection


Get comfy families! Because movie night is about to get a whole helluva lot better, thanks to “The Great Night In Family Movie Collection”. 

We’ve got your chance to bring home 15 classic family DVDs to enjoy over and over again, thanks to News Corp.

News Corp Australia, publishers of the big-selling daily newspapers under the bright Aussie sun, are about to bring families even closer together with their weekly movie giveaway.


Buy the Paper, Get a Movie

From the weekend of Saturday 14 October and Sunday 15 October, you can pick up a classic family film along with your regular weekend paper. The first film, Madagascar is free along with a collector’s album, with purchase of any participating newspaper. The next 14 films (including favourites like Ice Age, Home Alone and Fantastic Mr. Fox), are $2.60 each when you buy a News Corp newspaper.

mum central

Family movie titles include:

  1. Madagascar
  2. Monster vs Aliens
  3. Puss in Boots
  4. Ice Age
  5. Mr. Poppers Penguins
  6. Mr. Peabody and Sherman
  7. Home Alone
  8. Rio
  9. Shrek
  10. Fantastic Mr. Fox
  11. Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trader
  12. Night at the Museum
  13. Turbo
  14. Horton Hears a Who, and
  15. Rise of the Guardians

Have a look at the Great Night In website for a full list of participating newspapers in  your state (The Daily Telegraph, The Courier-Mail, The Advertiser, Herald Sun are among the 20+ newspapers on board).

You can collect the full set of 15 DVDs for just $66.40 with News Corp mastheads instead of the standard price of $150; that’s a saving of more than double the retail value of the collection, plus it’s in a handy (and compact) DVD folder, perfect for travelling or keeping in the car!



Thanks to our friends at NewsCorp, we’ve got five Great Night In Family Movie Collections to give away to five lucky Mum Central families.

Simply fill out the form below, make sure you comment on the blog per the instructions and you’re in the running to win.  NOTE: Winners must be a current Mum Central subscriber so don’t forget to subscribe!

Win 1 of 5 Great Australian DVD Collections


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.


  1. Michelle Ward Reply

    Turbo – we are about to start Little Athletics again and whilst one of my sons is naturally sporty, the other isn’t. He tends to come last or near last in his races so this would be a great movie to watch together to show how things can change.

    • Barbara Fehmel Reply

      “Narnia and the dawn trader, It is one of the series of “Narnia” that the kids have not seen, We all love the “Narnia” stories.

    • It would have to be shriek, I can watch this movie even without the kids but it is more fun with the kids

    • Angela Myers Reply

      I would love to watch Shrek with my daughter Izabella. I havent got any profound reason why other than its a warm feel good fuzzy movie with cute characters and that I love Donkey. I love building little memories with her and the both of us snuggled on couch with some popcorn enjoying this video together would be golden.

    • I realised the other day that my children have never seen Shrek! GASP! How have they missed this amazing experience? Perhaps it’s bad parenting to deprive them of so much fun?!

  2. Em Sanfead Reply

    Shrek is a family favourite here,
    Adventures endless far and near.
    A big green ogre telling a great tale,
    Princess and donkey following a trail.

  3. Ying Ying Tan Reply

    I would love to watch The Chronicles of Narnia with my daughter, she is starting to read the book and this movie would enhance her fantasy experience of the book!

  4. I would love to watch Home Alone. It was my favourite movie when I was a little kid. It brings back many good memories which I would love to share with my family right now.

  5. I would absolutely love to sit with my children and watch Rise of the Guardians because it’s one we all love but all the movies here are awesome

  6. Kate Slack Reply

    Home Alone its a family favourite and we never get tired of watching it 🙂

  7. Tracy hardy Reply

    Home alone! The kids love watching it to get ideas of what mischief to get up to when we are out.

  8. I would love to watch Shrek with my husband & our 4 sons, as it was the first movie their Dad & I watched together over 15 years ago. I get a good happy feeling every time I see that movie & hear the songs.

  9. Lisa Grund Reply

    Home Alone classic kids movie and just in time for Chistmas

  10. Sonia Chang Reply

    My both autistic children love ” Home Alone ” movie because they love to try it. It is a great movie for this coming holiday season. Nothing better than enjoying our family’s favorite movies and sharing delicious popcorn with my family on Friday night, We would love this endless fun movie pack.

  11. Lauren Hunt Reply

    ‘Home Alone’ as it was a family classic for me growing up watching it every Christmas Eve. It’s funny, with a great storyline, a tradition to pass on, I hope it’s well received.

  12. Shrek. He’s the sweetest green ogre I know. It’s a great family moive.

  13. Christine Kent Reply

    Home Alone – thats me at the moment so I would like to see this movie.

  14. Home Alone. Such a good classic and who doesn’t like to see the baddies get hurt in ingenious ways.

  15. kerry mcgugan Reply

    Having a special needs child means you have to think of really innovative and sensory ideas to keep them involved and animated , with Jade we are so lucky she loves watching DVD’s when given the choice she always picks ICE AGE , Good choice Jadie its my favourite too , she watches intently , laughing and verbalises all this puts a smile on our faces .

  16. Rise of the guardians it’s an awesome movie with inspirational themes

  17. christine morris Reply

    I would love to watch any of these movies with my Grandkids, thanks for the chance 🙂

  18. Night at the museum would be fantastic. It’s such a great fantasy, and I love how it gets kids interested in museums!

  19. Perfect for the school holidays when all 17 grand children love to visit. Love Home Alone, it has always been a family favorite!

  20. caroline A'vard Reply

    Monster Aliens is a must for me and my grandsons who love monsters and are even having a birthday party with monsters, coming up…

  21. Narnia – a beautiful, interesting, exciting and imaginative story that captivated my own mind as a child from reading the book alone. The movie vividly brings CS Lewis’s words to life with a poignancy that I believe would resonates with all ages and which I am confident will have my kids utterly enthralled!

  22. Phillip Cunningham Reply

    Ice Age as that’s a classic movie and everything starts with it in the Ice Ages series of movies.

  23. rachel sinclair Reply

    I LOVEEEEE ice age, a huge family favourite in my house! gooo team SID

  24. Marg Chfer Reply

    I would love to watch Home Alone with my kids, as it has always been a family favourite and it still makes me laugh every time I see it.

  25. I would love to watch Shrek with my family,I am a Fiona so get to be the princess and the ugly one in one!

  26. Christine Butler Reply

    I’d have to say Mr Peabody and Sherman, because we’ve been watching it as a family for years, and even my 14 year old nephew will stop playing video games to watch it with us.

  27. Bee Bowdlert Reply

    Ice Age, my little miss is on the ASD spectrum and has a thing for the Scrat the little nut chaser. Shasha laughs and laughs when he does his nut chasing, it’s wonderful to see her so happy.

  28. Patricia Comer Reply

    Rio because every night when Jack goes to bed he wants me to tell him a story about a “little birdie” I think Rio has a big personality like my son, so I think he would be super impressed watching this movie.

  29. Home alone! Oh the memories! ‘Is this tootbrish approved by the American dental association?’!

  30. Shrek is the movie for us,
    My daughters watch it without a fuss,
    Shreks scary persona,
    Doesn’t worry Donkey and Fiona,
    A bit like my 2 year old.

  31. Shrek has always been a favourite with adventures , fun and thrills

  32. Home Alone. It’s such a classic, and the perfect family movie to watch at Christmas time!

  33. samiksha joshi Reply

    shrek is the ultimate favourite of our family, the fairy tale characters that she has ever saw come all in one and the look on her face is amazing, i thing we have seen all the series of shrek movies

  34. Cynthia Hudson Reply

    I would love to watch Rio with my daughter, the animals and music and bright colours will definitely keep the attention of my nearly 9 month old daughter.

  35. I would love to watch home alone with my kids. They love all the movies from my era. I think they willfind it hillariious when he sets the traps for the burgulars!

  36. Horton hears a who is both a great movie, and has a message. If only everyone was as accepting of others as Horton!

  37. As huge Dr Seus fans, I know my children would adore Horton Hears a Who! It would be wonderful fun for the whole family!

  38. We love to watch Toy Story because they can relate to the toys that come to life in the bedroom, so it would be great to watch move movies together as a family.

  39. Please pick me as I can not afford to buy them and it would make a really nice pressie. Thank you for the chance to win this awesome prize. Goodluck to all who enter

  40. Please pick me as I would love to watch this collection of great movies with my family.

  41. Shrek – It’s been a favourite of mine since it came out, and it shows that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover and it also shows that people can change. A great movie to watch with kids to teach them about people.

  42. Puss in Boots would have my little angel in laughter. She love to laugh

  43. I love to watch Rise of the Guardians – it is such a beautiful movie & it makes me cry (ok so my kids don’t like that but I’m a movie crier – I can’t help it)

  44. You kids are finally old enough to sit through an entire movie. First on my list would be night at the museum. It’s one of my favourites

  45. ross powell Reply

    ice age, it’s a rage, the kids love it so,the characters and the visuals are stunning and it’s fun fun fun all the way

  46. Madagascar would be my favourite to watch with our family as it is such a total escape from reality but with a bizarre connection to the exotic location and lovable birds and animals portrayed in the movie

  47. Home Alone… was my favourite growing up, would love to share it with my boys, now that they are old enough to enjoy it.

  48. Mr Peabody & Sherman has been on our list of movies to see for ages. So many old favourites & some new ones to discover

  49. Fionna Davies Reply

    Mr Popper’s Penguins as they are such beautiful but comical animals and the whole family would enjoy watching them

  50. Rebecca Costa Reply

    Love to watch Night in the museum as great family movie and be great to see the great Robin williams again.

  51. I’d love to watch Narnia with my kids as I loved this magical movie when I was a kid.

  52. Would love to watch all of them, but would start with Home Alone – this one makes us all laugh

  53. We love to spend an evening watching Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trader ad we have never seen this film.

  54. Shanelle Drage Reply

    My daughter favourites are Ice Age and Madagascar but I myself am a Shrek fan so I think we will really enjoy all the movies

  55. Lauren Ibbotson Reply

    Horton Hears A Who. The kids and I have been enjoying the book. Now we’d love to watch the movie of it.

  56. I think my son would absolutely LOVE Home Alone. He’d really get the humour. It’s such a classic movie.

  57. Rio, singing and dancing animals is miss 7 go to type of movie

  58. Rosalie Bernacki Reply


  59. Sarah Aspi Reply

    Ice Age was always popular in our house when i was a kid. My son is starting to get invested in the emotions of movies. He thinks its funny when people get hit, or fall, and gets sad when someone gets lost or cries. Ice age has all of that, but mostly silly bits that he would love.

  60. Mr. Fantastic Fox is probably our favourite from the list – we love the animation style! We’d likely most be looking to watch Mr. Poppers Penguins as it’s the main film that neither of us have seen!

  61. Adele Smith Reply

    Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trader as it’s the magic of movie classics like this that we remember as adults and can’t wait to pass on to our kids. Watching them again with the kids feels like you’re giving them something special, a gift to pass onto their kids.

  62. With 10 children it would be difficult to find a movie that they would agree on watching. For all them to be entertained would be Narnia. They love watching adventurous movies. It keeps them all quiet for a few hours. Keeps this Aunty very happy

  63. Sonja Henderson Reply

    Night at the Museum, great movie, exciting, suspenseful and magical

  64. Dale Pearce Reply

    All of those movies are fantastic but our favourite is Ice Age…..just once want to see the squirrel win with the acorn 🙂

  65. Richard Harrison Reply

    Mr Popper’s Penguins – our 2 year old is penguin mad at the moment and I think there’d be something for the whole family in this one

  66. Horten Hears a Who. It is one movie I have never gotten to watch and I would love to watch it for the first time with my young children who also have nor seen it. Dr Seuss is amazing and the storyline has some wonderful lessons in it that I consider important for my children to learn.

  67. Renee Spiteri-Elturk Reply

    I would love to watch Shrek! The best fairytale to teach children that we’re not all perfect, and we come in all differwnt shapes and sizes.

  68. Nadine Hill Reply

    It has to be Shrek – we could watch it over and over a million times and never, ever tire of it! We love all of the characters, especially Puss in Boots!

  69. Louisa Frail Reply

    Night at the museum
    Funny plenty of action and laughs while eating popcorn and having family quality time together.

  70. Mary Preston Reply

    Horton Hears a Who; we are big fans of Dr. Seuss and Jim Carrey. Both the best at what they do.

  71. Horton Hears a Who. I would love to show the kids one of their favourite books coming to life on the screen.

  72. Mr Poppers Penguins because my little boy absolutely loves penguins.

  73. Night at the museum as my ‘kids’ are 28, 22 and 12, but it’s still funny to all of the ‘adults’ and suitable for the kids too

  74. Nicole Woods Reply

    Ice Age because Scrat is the BEST and they’ll hopefully love him as much as I do!!

  75. Susan Banyard Reply

    Home alone, great old movie with lots of laughs for everyone

  76. My son has been asking to watch Rio again because he loves the colour and the music

  77. Lia Kenyon Reply

    Shrek! It was my favourite as I was growing up and I know my son would love it in the cinema as he loves the big screen! ‍‍‍

  78. Shrek!!!!My eldest daughter is almost 20 now but she will still sit with her younger sisters and watch this!!

  79. Annabel Dee Reply

    Madagascar is our fav, providing great entertainment and laughs for the whole family from 5 – 55!

  80. Sarah daley Reply

    Horton hears a who. My son loves Dr Seuss, especially the lorax. We haven’t yet seen Horton but I think it could be a new fave!

  81. It would have to be Shrek! Love this movie and I am sure my son will absolutely love it as much as I do!

  82. Nicole Holaj-Vos Reply

    Shrek, it’s a fun, great family movie-night-in type of movie. One for the whole family to relax and enjoy.

  83. Stacy McKenzie Reply

    Shrek, loved it as a kid and want my boys to love watching it also

  84. My boys and I love Shrek…funny and a little naughty just like my boys.

  85. bronwyn evans Reply

    Shrek i used to watch it with my nephew who is now 20 and still to this day we quote lines from the movie to each other. So i would love to now be able to share it with my girls.

  86. Jessica Ashbrooke Reply

    Ice age it’s the funniest movie and I know the kids and mummy and daddy are a fan of this one

  87. chris mckenzie Reply

    Love the whole collection- will be great to have kids and grandparents in together watching these family fevourites

  88. I would love to show my little one, shrek. The story line is gorgeous , dont judge a book by its cover. These are attributes i want to instill to my daughter.

  89. Kylie Marks Reply

    Rio as we all love birds and it is avery bright and colourful movie

  90. Turbo. Anybody/anything that displays a number and moves get our vote for the opportunity to reach their goals.

  91. We would watch Home Alone so they could see what would happen if they followed through with their threat to stay home when we all go out during one of their tantrums Lol! Xxx

  92. Home Alone! One of my favourite movies as a child, and a classic. Would love to share this movie with my kids

  93. What movie I would love to watch with my stepson from the set would be Puss in Boots because we both love cats and animals of all kind and I love Antonio Banderas so that’s a bonus for me 🙂

  94. Samantha Wiesman Reply

    I think the one I’d love to watch with my family is mr poppers penguins as they are all good family friendly movies I had no idea which one to opt for so I aid to myself which one would you want to watch first and that’s the one I chose as just being heartwarming and such a great movie

  95. Fantastic Mr Fox – we adore Roald Dahl books, especially the dry sense of humour.

  96. Madagascar, she loves animals, and the music is great. She would love this movie I think

  97. Bonnie Tyler Reply

    Shriek. I remember it being the best movie ever when I saw it at the cinema and now that my son is old enough to appreciate it he hasn’t even seen it!

  98. My daughter would be in movie heaven!! Not to mention so would I, who doesn’t love kids movies!!

  99. I would love to watch Shrek with my kids because I remember watching it as a child and would love to recreate that memory with them 🙂

  100. Ice Age is such a classic I’d love to watch it with my nephew to see his reaction.

  101. Night at the Museum was a favourite of my eldest and I look forward to enjoying it again with my youngest.

  102. Melissa Zammit Reply

    My son and I would really enjoy watching rise of the guardians as I think it would really spark his imagination and send our minds on an amazing adventure

  103. I grew up watching Shrek so to be able to watch that with my babies would be the best

  104. Peta Newsome Reply

    We’d love to watch Narnia, it is one of my favourite tales.
    The movie looks truly magical, I’m sure it will amaze. <3

  105. Trudy Spreadborough Reply

    My family love Ice Age. It never fails to get us giggling!

  106. My daughter hasn’t seen Home Alone yet – I can’t wait to sit and watch her incredulous little face take in that mayhem – I think she will find it hilarious!

  107. sharyn williams Reply

    mr poppers penguins as my children are penguin obsessed and this movie looks like something we would all love to watch together

  108. Laura Power Reply

    Ice Age always laugh out loud watching this film the kids would love it

  109. I am actually entering in the hope to win these as a donation to Backpacks 4 SA Kids Inc. please.

    They are in desperate need of DVDs for kids in care.

    ***”Please keep us in mind and spread the word about how easy it is to reduce the stress and anxiety a child endures with a simple DVD when they have been displaced from home.” Backpacks 4 SA Kids Inc. Facebook page. ****

  110. Nicole Kent Reply

    Home Alone it has to be
    A Christmas favourite it was for me
    A tradition to begin on Christmas Eve
    Family fun guaranteed!

  111. Anna Amoroso Reply

    Ice age. Great family movie my 5 &6 yr olds love it. The character that goes searching for the acorn is hilarious, love listening to my girls giggling at him

  112. Michelle D Reply

    I’d love to watch ‘Home Alone’ with my kids. I’d love to see them enjoy the same movie I did when I was their age.

  113. Toy story will never get old in this house hold! With a 1week old baby in the house we have so much educating to do of classic movies

  114. Madagascar, it’s hilarious, teaches you it’s okay to be different and one of my personal faves!

  115. I’d love for my babies to watch and enjoy Horton Hears a Who as much as I do!!

  116. Viny Vabriany Reply

    Night at the Museum. What a great family movie! Love the story and my kids always get excited to see all the people and animal come alive at night

  117. I would love to watch rio , it has such a good story and with bright colours and the music is awesome to it

  118. Michelle Green Reply

    Love to watch Shrek with the kids. It’s a classic and a favourite of everyone in our family. It’s such a beautiful story.

  119. I sould love to share Shrek with the kids because the characters are adoreable and it makes you feel happ and laugh.

  120. The rise of the guardian, I saw it on the plane and it was great, I love how the guardians are santa, easter bunny and tooth fairy

  121. Leonnie Rainsford Reply

    all our family favourites and love grabbing popcorn and making it movie night

  122. I would definitely watch Fantastic Mr Fox as i have reaf that at bedtime with my boys a few times.

  123. kodie McMullen Reply

    I would love to sit down and watch home alone with my daughter and husband. its an all time favourite

  124. I would love to watch Home Alone with my son. It is a movie that I watched as a child with my parents and have very fond memories.

  125. Michelle Budge Reply

    I would have to be Ice Age. We just love it so much. It’s so funny, and we love the story.

  126. Madagascar, i’s a great film and one that this Dad doesn’t mind watching over and over again (unlike Frozen!).

  127. Fantastic Mr Fox – we’ve not all seen it and it looks like a movie we’d all enjoy

  128. RIO, it’s a great movie & I don’t think the kids have seen it yet. They’ll love it even more now that their Uncle and Aunt have a new baby parrot, who’s blue too.

    • amylouise0411 Reply

      Because they are great family movies that can be enjoyed by the kids AND the parents!! 🙂

  129. Turbo, Snail on a mission, ensures we’ll sit and watch as a family (yep, Daddy too!!).

  130. Andreea Nicolescu Reply

    Mr poppers penguins, we love penguins they were the favorite at our recent zoo trip, would love to watch this as a family, great movie for all ages and with a big age gap between kids this will entertain all

  131. What a great set of movies,
    Too hard for me to choose,
    I’d let my kids pick any one of these
    They’re all great so i can’t really lose!

  132. Maria Gillies Reply

    The whole set would be great to watch with the Grandies when they visit!!

  133. Shrek – can’t go wrong with the green machine when families need a great movie to watch

  134. Home Alone as I remember watching it as a child and loving it. I would love to look at the expression on their faces and hope that they smile as much as I did when I watched it as a child.

  135. Abigail Black Reply

    Narnia as we have all read the book and never seen the film so it would be lovely to see what we all make of the adaption and see if it comes anywhere near how good the book is.

  136. Sharon Revell Reply

    Night at the Museum is a fabulous, quirky movie with all the historical figures and of course DINOSAURS. Everyone loves dinosaurs and having fun.

  137. Fantastic Mr. Fox, because we haven’t seen it yet but sooo want to!

  138. Home Alone is my pick I just love old school movies and would love to share this my children.

  139. Night At The Museum. All of us love this movie, very hilarious!

  140. Shrek. I would love to watch it for the first time with my little man. He would just love it and I imagine, giggle all the way through it 🙂

  141. Lisa Eskinazi Reply

    Shrek because it is touching and hilarious. My partner ( big kid at heart) makes cute facial expressions when when viewing

  142. Tess Howard Reply

    We adore Rio. The music in this movie is the best (I highly recommend the soundtrack) and it just makes us all want to sing, dance and smile.

  143. Jaimi layt Reply

    It’s a tie for our favourite family movies from this collection! We love Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trader…our dear friend Tony Nixon had a role in the movie ♥️ And Turbo Because afterwards the kids & I love to play turbo with our hermit crabs and their crazy coloured shells.

  144. sandra nicolle Reply

    my grandkids love watching movies so spending time watching anything with them is a bonus

  145. Home alone to show him all the mischief he is not allowed to get up to

  146. cheerie murnane Reply

    Home alone, I love it and would love the kids to love it as well, it is so funny while being very adventurous and I love the look on his face when he comes up with a plan to divert the bad guys. They don’t get left alone so this is a real novelty for them having a small boy not only look after himself but come out a winner in a really nice way.

  147. Mel Greene Reply

    Puss in boots

    We have a cat and my daughter just loves her, we seen puss in boots on tv before and my daughter just loved watching puss. She’s only 2.5 but nearly watched the whole thing

  148. Night At The Museum. A great movie, one I could watch many times and one the kids are yet to see.

  149. Shrek because it shows that you don’t have to be beautiful to find love. Plus I adore Donkey.

  150. I’d like to watch Madagascar as last week we went to Werribee zoo and went on the safari bus which my twin toddlers loved. So they should really enjoy this movie

  151. james pizzey Reply

    great movies for the whole family to watch love to watch Shrek the big green Ogre who we all love with the grand children

  152. Laurina Ainscough Reply

    Shrek because it has a wonderful underlying story and is always a favourite to watch.

  153. Mr. Poppers Penguins because we all want to have snow/ice in our home…..

  154. Deborah de Geeter Reply

    Home Alone as love that movie and am sure my twin boys will love it too!

  155. Jenny Learmond Reply

    Great selection of movies for the whole family to enjoy ☺
    I’d love to relax with the family and have some BLUE time….we haven’t watched RIO for a long time and its such a fun and colourful movie!

  156. Rio is our family favourite… the music is great and always has the kids up dancing. Little Miss two loves ‘Blue’ and won’t sleep without her plush blue macaw from the movie!

  157. Lisa Fairbridge Reply

    I can’t wait to watch Narnia Voyage of the dawn trader as I read all the books as a child and now my 2 children are starting to read them. The dawn trader was my favourite of all the Narnia series so I’d love to share that with my kids

  158. Vanessa Ahern Reply

    My children and I would have to choose Horton Hears a Who as our first movie from The Great Night In Family Movie Collection as my son is scared of movies and this would be a nice way to start the collection.

  159. Joanne cooper Reply

    Who can go past Home Alone! Such a great family friendly movie for (older )small kiddies and the parents too.

  160. Ice Age – Its full of laughs as well as a good message. My son finds Scrat hilarious.

  161. Johanne Stone Reply

    NARNIA – My Munchkin (7) is the perfect age to see this timeless adventure. A Good verse’s evil fantasy land with many mythical creatures, twists and turns that would keep my daughter fascinated and wide eyed through to the very end
    Thanks Mum Central for an absolutely awesome competition

  162. Wendy Ellis Reply

    I would love to watch Horton hears a who with my daughter as it teaches that helping others is important no matter how big or small.

  163. Fantastic Mr Fox because it’s a great way to learn that life is not always black and white! Sometimes breaking moral laws is necessary. Mr. Fox must steal to feed his family. Although stealing is an immoralunlawful thing, sometimes it must be done for a moral reason.

  164. Shrek -love the music and can listen to it all day while I am working even if I can’t watch it the kids

  165. Chanea Ralston Reply

    Madagascar! It’s a bright, happy, fun movie with great music that my son would love!

  166. Tracey Taylor Reply

    Skrek as a little dance during a home movie is how we rock at our place.

  167. Kirby Mulhern Reply

    I would like to watch ice age as it just a great movie with adorable son would love it.

  168. Caroline Gunnulson Reply

    It has to be Shrek, it appeals to the whole family and everybody loves singing at the end.

  169. Jacqui Lagaluga Reply

    “Ice Age ” as it can be guaranteed to cool things down after a long, hot day of adventuring outdoors.

  170. Cindy Nickels Reply

    I babysit my 6 month old grandson a lot and he is obsessed with all animals, so I can’t wait to watch Madagascar with him.

  171. The kids love the book Horton Hears a Who so I’m certain they would love to see the movie.

  172. lucy dwyer Reply

    We’d love to see Madagascar, we would have a roaring good time with Alex the lion and move it move it with the lemurs!

  173. Sarah Armstrong Reply

    “Turbo” my kids would love this movie, we love creepy crawlies and

  174. We love Rise of the Guardians at our house. And i dont mind it too

  175. I’d love to watch home alone with my kids cause it’s a classic movie that i don’t own yet

  176. Home alone!

    My fav movie as a kid and It just might stop my son from running off at me when we are shopping if he sees what can happen!

  177. Sacha Pech Reply

    I would love to share my childhood favourite (Home Alone) and rewatch with the kids.

  178. Rosemarie De Bari Reply

    Home Alone, the prefect Christmas Eve family movie night!

  179. I love watching Madagascar! It’s even more entertaining watching it with children. Time to get out the popcorn!

  180. Fiona Dixon Reply

    I love to watch Horton hears a who with my boy because a persons a person no matter how small

  181. Becky Palmer Reply

    I would love to share the magic of Narnia with them, to show the battle of good versus evil

  182. Turbo, it’s one we haven’t seen yet and I’m sure my son would love it.

  183. Susanna Martin Reply

    Horton Hears a Who… I have secretly watched this on my own…. ssshhh HAHA! I loved this movie and I have since watched it with other littlies. This collection is great and perfect for rainy days or nights where she can’t sleep or even because she’s a little sick.

  184. Narnia as this is a great family movie. The kids have been too young for this movie before.

  185. Samantha brown Reply

    Home alone. I loved this movie as a child and I’m sure my kids would pick up a thing or to on this movie

  186. Kristie Tanner Reply

    Home Alone because it will be the perfect movie to show at Christmas time and give them the tools they need to deal with the season!

  187. Charisse C Reply

    I’d love to watch Night at a Museum with my kids,
    They love history and dinosaurs too,
    It’ll be a good laugh,
    And educational too!

  188. julie morton Reply

    mr poppers penguins, i loved this movie and would love my kids to see Jim carrey traipsing after penguins in his lounge, so cute and funny

  189. Joanne Cardamone Reply

    Would love to watch Ice Age, it’s a long time favourite of ours

  190. Fantastic Mr Fox as the kids have already seen it and said it was great but I didn’t get a chance to watch it with them before it needed to go back

  191. Ange Fletcher Reply

    Madagascar – they have seen a couple of the songs from the movie and don’t understand why the animals are so sad (What a Wonderful World clip), so we need the full picture!

  192. Catherine Howard Reply

    Turbo – our 4 year old loves anything that is car or race related plus you can’t go wrong listening to Ryan Reynolds

  193. Puss in boots, as Antonio banderas accent is da bomb, to make you laugh your socks off!!!

  194. My kids and I are huge Dr Suess fans so ‘Horton Hears a Who’ would be ideal for the kids and I to watch together.

  195. Madagascar. It’s one of the few movies to entertain all my kids and a good excuse for me to eat popcorn 🙂

  196. Harry Cornish Reply

    Mr Poppers Penguins as the kids adore these lovable friends.

  197. Jess Fairess Reply

    Madagascar as it has great humour for both the kids and myself

  198. It would have to be home alone. I grew up watching this movie and I would love to share part of my childhood with my son.

  199. gail davies Reply

    I would love to watch Mr. Peabody and Sherman with my gorgeous granddaughter, Stella because she loves any movie with a dog in it !!!

  200. Narnia – I have always loved the books and movies and would enjoy getting to know them all over again with my daughter

  201. Louise Hopper Reply

    It’d be a dbate at my house between Madagascar and ice age or maybe Mr poppers penguins or turbo lol too meny awesome titles to choose from xx

  202. Paul McCallum Reply

    Home Alone. All time classic and plenty of laughs for all ages!

  203. Narnia is one we haven’t yet seen and I’d like to watch with the kids.

  204. Whether young or old, SHREK has got the lot – transporting us away from the daily grind – to thrill, romance and laugh the night away!

  205. Jessica Morris Reply

    Madagascar because my little one has been obsessed with Lions since we visited the zoo so I think watching her watch the movie will be such a heartwarming night for the whole family

  206. Rebecca Tompsett Reply

    Home Alone – here is one that I remember from my own childhood.

  207. Jan Capomolla Reply

    Love watching Shrek with my grandchildren. They look so surprised when I laugh because they don’t know why.

  208. Valerie Wee Reply

    RIO is funny movie with full of colorful scene. I love to watch it with my family.

  209. katrina stubbs Reply

    i love watching Shrek with the family. I used to watch it with my niece and now I watch it with her baby.

  210. Horton hears a who is a favourite in our house as all my kids love Dr Seuss books.

  211. Amanda Evans Reply

    I would love to watch Mr Popper’s Penguins. My eldest daughter is Autistic and absolutely LOVES penguins. She would be so excited

  212. Abbey-Louise Dodd Reply

    Turbo!! My daughter LOVES snails especially super fast snails

  213. I’d like to watch Narnia with the kids. They’ve never seen it and I think it will blow their minds and I’d love to be there to witness that.

  214. turbo Because it’s the best movie and has lots of bright colours very entertaining

  215. Jacqueline Cunningham Reply

    Madagascar as sometimes the original movie is better than its sequels and that is the case with Madagascar.

  216. Fantastic Mr Fox would have to be our favourite. I loved the book when I was a kid and my boy loves the movie.

  217. Mr. Fantastic Fox is probably our favourite but this pack will keep our kids entertained for hours.

  218. who can say no to good old Shrek and Fiona a bit like hubby and me

  219. Fantastic Mr. Fox sounds like fun considering my son has a toy fox he absolutely loves.

  220. Narnia as I wait for all the ooo’s n ahhhs as they see them emerge into different world thru wardrobe

  221. Catherine Hope Reply

    SO hard to choose between this lot.! So many great titles. Shrek has got to be one of the best sing-a-long movies – my kids love getting up and dancing along. We also love Rise of the Guardians around any of the holidays 🙂

  222. Gurpreetminhas Reply

    Home and alone , loved watching it as a kid . It will be so great to relive those moments again with my kids .

  223. Kim Campbell Reply

    Home Alone this is a classic I enjoyed when I was young and I think my family would love it just as much as I did.

  224. We would love to watch home alone such a funny movie & he has some pretty smart ideas to deter an intruder they get a thrashing

  225. S H Beauchamp Reply

    Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trader. Movie suits all ages in our family

  226. Sharon Markwell Reply

    Ice Age never fails to make us all laugh like crazy critters. The characters are all similar to our family members too!

  227. Narnia! We have been reading the books and would love to sit and watch the movie together!

  228. i would love to win this for my grand daughter as a christmas present when mydaughter flys over at christmas from queensland my grand daughter gets so excited

  229. Courtney Foster Reply

    It would definitely have to be Home Alone, it was one of my favourite movies growing up as a kid and can’t wait to watch it with my sons 🙂

  230. Fotini Christmass Reply

    Mr Popper’s Penguins because I love any movie with Jim Carrey in it. He’s hilarious!!

  231. Shrek it always made me laugh Si would love watching and laughing watching it with the kids.

  232. Maree Gray Reply

    Shrek is our family favourite. Donkey is such a funny character.

  233. We’re Roald Dahl “tragics” and the current bedtime story is “THE FANTASTIC MR FOX” – such a crafty fellow! We’d all love to see that movie as we’ve nearly finished reading the book.

  234. I cant wait to watch Shrek with my kids – such happy fun memories!

  235. Chantal Luvara Reply

    Shrek I love that movie especially the donkey and I’m sure my daughters would enjoy it too!

  236. Without a double Monsters vs Aliens- two thigns my kids are petrified of and I want to show them – they dont have to be! We’d all enjoy some time out and a good chuckle. xx

  237. I have seen all these movies many times with my 9 & 12 year olds but now we have a new bub (10mths old) I’m looking forward to watching them all over again. Most looking forward to Turbo as its the one I’ve seen the least number of times, but I also love Shrek & Ice Age.

  238. Megan Marot Reply

    Fantastic Mr Fox!
    I have just finished reading the book to my son,
    watching the movie together would be so much fun!

  239. Russell McLeod Reply

    Ice Age because young or old it puts a smile on your face.

  240. Madagascar! I grew up watching that and knew all the lines to it. I would love to introduce it to my little sister. I know she would adore it because she loves animals.

  241. Ice Age. Its my sons favourite and we no longer have a copy of it.

  242. Shrek – SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME in a land FAR FAR AWAY that Shrek, Fiona & donkey would make the kids smile with their adventures.

  243. Home Alone was and still is my favourite move plus I am a Christmas fanatic! I’m a little nervous about watching it with my boys for the first time though, I hope they don’t get any ideas… Actually they even look a bit like Kevin McCallister…

  244. Heidi O'Day Reply

    Dr Seuss was my favorite when we were kids. I would love to share all the crazy with mine and my nephew especially who is a little naughty and awesome. He needs a laugh right now so: HORTON HEARS A WHO for us!

  245. Jessie Chibber Reply

    Shrek – I love the comedic banter for the kids and even a few lines for the adults – a great family movie.

  246. Amy Motherwell Reply

    Madagascar because it’s just a brilliant movie that the whole family can enjoy.

  247. For me, ‘SHREK ‘ at it’s best,
    really does appeal, compared to the rest.
    Especially like my hubbys Aroma,
    He treats me like his princess Fiona.

  248. My kids have not seen Home Alone, and I know that they would love the slapstick humour.

  249. Samantha Sullivan Reply

    Shrek, Because once upon a time in the kingdom of Far, Far away there was an ogre (dad) and princess (mum, of course!) that wanted their little prince and princess to escape into a wonderful fairytale style movie full of fun and excitement!

  250. Narnia. Trying to introduce the kids to the classics, and seeing the movie encourages them to read the book.

  251. Fantastic Mr Fox as my kids love movies and have a thing for foxes

  252. Home Alone – this could become our Christmas watching tradition. It was the movie I remember so fondly watching ever year at Christmas time growing up. It wasn’t the Christmas season without it.

  253. Home Alone because I loved this one when I was younger and my kids haven’t seen it. I know they will get plenty of laughs from watching it

  254. Danielle Tassan Reply

    My kids are huge fans of Home Alone and we especially love watching it on Xmas Eve.

  255. That’s hard …my daughter and I love chilling out to all the animated movies….maybe Ice Age…we will laugh ourselves stupid at that movie no matter how many times we watch it… 🙂

  256. Sherek!!! Fun for kids and funny for adults. A clever animation with colour and entertainment.

  257. Tina Hopkinson Reply

    Narnia, A great movie with an awesome message. Definitely makes me a little sentimental also,reminiscing of days gone by.

  258. Rio, my kids have seen Rio 2 and absolutely loved it but haven’t actually seen the first one haha

  259. The Chronicles of Narnia because I want to introduce my children to the magic of this series.

  260. Ice Age – my husband’s poor attempt at being Sid has my children cringing whenever he talks. They need to be introduced to the exciting world of John Leguizamo!

  261. Elizabeth Anderson Reply

    The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. It’s about time I passed on my old books and my kids learnt how much better than movies they are.

  262. Home Alone – lots of fun and perfect for the Christmas holidays!

  263. Night at the Museum! Such a fabulous story, which makes museum visits more fun than ever with us all wondering when the exhibits will come to life! Such a magical film!

  264. I’d love to watch Rio with my son; we have birds and he loves them and is so fascinated by them so i think he’d really enjoy this movie

  265. Bethany Allen Reply

    My mother read me Narnia as a child, and it inspired my imagination, strength and courage. I’d love watch to watch the film with my children, and hope it could do the same for them.

  266. Cheryl Crumblin Reply

    I’d love to watch Home Alone with my family because it’s a cracker of a movie that I enjoyed as a kid so would love for my kids to get a good laugh as well!

  267. Lauren Boulton Reply

    Shrek – it was one of my favourites when i was child so would be special to watch it with my son.

  268. Rise of the Guardians – the keep the wonder of childhood alive.

  269. Stacey Shailer Reply

    Night at the Museum, we’ve recently just visited our local museum, but having it come to life would be amazing!

  270. Any movie… as my kids grow I really enjoy watching anything with them!

  271. Kelly Julian Reply

    I would love to watch Ice Age with my daughter, she is an avid fan amd we moved over to Australia and have not replaced her all time favourite movie yet

  272. I have only seen 2 of the movies in full and parts of about 3 others so any and all of them would great to watch, but I’d have to Narnia. My hubby has seen them and liked them so I’m jealous I haven’t yet

  273. Rita Dwenger Reply

    Home alone is a big fan at our place.
    It’s definitely a movie that’s on repeat!

  274. Matt Allen Reply

    Home Alone perfect time of the year to watch it, coming in to the festive season.

  275. Alan Parratt Reply

    Shrek as this was my child’s first book, She loved the story and the Shrek look.

  276. Shrek! A fantastic movie for both adults and kids and one that can never be watched TOO many times!!!!

  277. Tiffany holschier Reply

    Definately would love to watch home alone to show my children one of mums favourites as a child

  278. Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trader! I grew up loving the books and the old BBC series, this would be perfect for my kids to share the love!

  279. Veronica Christensen Reply

    Rise of the Guardians because we haven’t seen it yet

  280. I would love to watch Home Alone with my son as it was one of my favourite movies to watch when I was a kid, and I’m sure he would love it too!

  281. Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trader because my kids love fantasy movies

  282. Definitely Home Alone all the antics he does especially to Mr Wilson my grandchildren think it’s hilarious

  283. Roslyn Spawton Reply

    Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trader. We all love the Narnia movies, but haven’t seen this one yet. It’s so lovely to watch and see the brothers and sisters getting along and working together -mostly! Spectacular scenery and characters too.

  284. I’d love to own all these fantastic movies especially “Shrek” because it’s my kids’ favorite family movie because of it’s beautiful and colourful characters which are growing in the movies as my family is growing. Thank you.

  285. lynnette bull Reply

    Fantastic Mr Fox as it is the only movie I haven’t see or read the book

  286. Jennalee Ratley Reply

    Shrek, Rio and Madagascar because they have lots of singing and music! We love to dance and move when we are having family time movies on a Saturday night

  287. I’d love to introduce the magical world of Narnia to my girls, and Fantastic Mr Fox as I haven’t seen it yet.

  288. I’d really like to watch ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. I read the book years ago and really enjoyed it.

  289. what a great selection, all perfect for the kids, feel good movies without the death and destruction so common these days

  290. Laura Scriven Reply

    We haven’t seen Madagascar as yet,
    And with the songs – I’m sure it’s one w won’t forget!
    Animal lovers here,
    So they will cheer.

  291. Mr Poppers Penguins!! It’s positively perfect for a big night in with my princess and prince.

  292. Narnia–I love the subtlety of the good old-fashioned messages of morality, fairness and looking out for family. Plus the kids all identify with characters in the film.

  293. Melissa Edwards Reply

    Night at the Museum! It’s hilarious and a great movie and I love Ben Stiller!

  294. Patricia Harkin Reply

    Madagascar because I love animation and I love animals so this is the best of both worlds!

  295. It would have to be puss in boots as its a movie the kids have never seen and i know they would love it

  296. Tmeeka Henricks Reply

    Rise of the Guardians, my little ones are in love with everything magical and mythical and I’d love to sit with them and watch their faces light up watching this.

  297. Narelle Walker Duffill Reply

    How to choose several we haven’t seen here yet but I think the fantastic Mr fox would be a great starting point 🙂

  298. Turbo! My son last anything to do with fast racing cars… in this case, a fast racing snail!! He will love it for sure!!

  299. Rise of the guardians

    I think that’s the only one we haven’t seen but watching them over again you realise you miss so many bits

    This is a pretty cool prize pack

  300. Eva Kiraly Reply

    The only one we haven’t seen is Horton wears a Who and looks really funny too!

  301. Night at the Museum as i my kids havent seen it and i think they would enjoy watching a museum come to life.

  302. I’d love to watch Fantastic Mr Fox with my daughters. We are all big Roald Dahl fans 🙂

  303. Narnia because my daughter is obsessed with the books and she’s watched The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe & she absolutely loved it!

  304. Alison Hillier Reply

    Home Alone, so I can relive my love of this movie from my childhood with my kids!

  305. Janelle Dowton Reply

    Monsters vs Aliens is the one to see,
    A movie for the whole family,
    Faves of course are Mike and Sulley,
    Cause they epitomize funny!

  306. lyn nottage Reply

    Home Alone – kids love the mischief and mayhem and I love all things Christmas.

  307. Puss in Boots – my daughter just saw shrek 2 and thought Puss in boots was soo cute!

  308. Kelly Doecke Reply

    I haven’t seen Mr Poppers Penguins so that would be first to watch and then Rio gotta love Blue.

  309. renata glavan Reply

    Ice Age, we love thee,
    Delivers happiness and total esprit,
    Packed with fun action,
    Joy and satisfaction,
    The Ever comical “sideline” star Scrat,
    An acorn loving squirrel that makes us laugh,
    Ending up in humorous or painful situations, yet never gives up,
    Watching Ice Age with my family would be a pleasure,
    A moment that we as a family would love and treasure,
    Mummy becomes a kid once more,
    Creating special memories with my little ones that I love and adore.

  310. Creative I may not be, but love watching Ice Age and Night At The Museum, yes that is us! They are our absolute favourites and everyone loves the characters in them! Thanks!

  311. Home Alone, was a family favorite with our children when it was first released, actually our son memorised it word for word! Now a firm favorite with our 17 grand children. A movie that can be enjoyed by all ages.

  312. My children love magic and mystery so Narnia would be the winner in our home

  313. Joanne Currie Reply

    I love the movie Madagascar and so do my kids. It’s a movie you can watch over and over again.

  314. Vicki Fraser Reply

    Ice Age is such a cool movie. It delivers big chills and has my whole family frozen in their seats.

  315. Melissa Rogers Reply

    Home Alone is my all time children’s movie and my little man is going to love it. The tricks, the pranks and lots of laughs.

  316. Karen Edwards Reply

    With Christmas fast approaching we’d love to watch Home Alone. Great family movie for a night in with pop corn.

  317. Fantastic Mr Fox, we watched it on a big screen in Myer whilst waiting for the toilets – kids loved it!

  318. Ann Sculley Reply

    Turbo , We haven’t yet seen this Movie and it looks like a great family movie we are missing !

  319. I would love to win some awesome dvd’s as my little ones get bored because we don’t have many dvd’s for them to watch and this would keep them entertained while I can clean the house and we can also have a family movie night

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