
WIN: Laser Tag in a Box Party Delivers DIY Birthday Awesomeness


If you have school aged kids, then you probably know all about the joy that is Laser Tag. 

And if your kids haven’t entered the Laser Tag phase yet, just you wait… it’s coming.

Ask my son what he wants to do for his birthday, on the weekend, during school holidays or pretty much ANY time, and I guarantee the answer will be laser tag.

Why? Because laser tag provides an adrenaline pumping, fast-paced outing like no other. And because he really enjoys playing it. If that sounds like your kid, do we have a competition for you! Keep on reading to find out what it is!

Yep, kids love laser tag. 

The game itself is actually pretty fun. But let’s be honest. Each round at a laser tag centre is expensive, booking a time is annoying and hanging out in a crowded laser tag arena is stressful (and loud) to say the least. And if you happen to visit on a weekend when the entire place is booked out with birthday parties… let’s just say you will probably need ear plugs to get through it.

Or vodka.

But we’ve uncovered a way to bring laser tag to your home, without all the drama and headaches that usually comes with it.

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Welcome to Laser Tag in a Box

If your kids like hide and seek, then they will LOVE Laser Tag in a Box. And you will officially receive the title of Best Mum Ever for letting them tackle hide and seek with their mates the high tech way in the comfort of their own backyard.

That’s right. Laser Tag in a Box lets you bring laser tag to your house (but without the added costs and the carloads of extra shrieking children).

How it works:

Laser Tag in a Box comes with EVERYTHING you need to set up your own arena wherever you want – at a park, in the backyard, in the house, at grandmas.

Each party package includes:

  • 10 phasers (5 red and 5 blue)
  • 10 headwraps (5 red, 5 blue)
  • 2 medic boxes (1 red, 1 blue)
  • 2 keys
  • Game box
  • Master controller
  • Battery charger
  • Info DVD

Suitable for kids aged 5 and up, the phasers use harmless infrared with sounds and effects. The laser tag technology tags sensors worn by each of the players to keep track of the scores. You can play in two teams or a round-robin format so more people can join in.

Ready… Aim… BYO Birthday Fun! 

Laser Tag in a Box Australia

This high tech game of hide and seek is ideal for kids’ birthday parties. But it also can spark any celebration, from backyard BBQS to family gatherings. You can play indoors, outdoors, day or night. And the gear includes long lasting batteries for multiple uses and hours of play.

Want to play?

Laser Tag at home


Here’s your chance to bring a game of Laser Tag home FOR FREE. Thanks to our mates at Laser Tag in a Box, one lucky reader and their extra lucky little ones will experience a free party pack rental. Valued at $500, the prize includes the party pack, camo and scrim nets for extra fun, plus daytime delivery and pick-up afterwards when you’re done (or you can collect from the shop in Underwood, QLD).

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To enter, simply complete the entry form below in full and tell us, in the comments at the bottom of the page, one game that the kids can play with a laser tag party set. (Hint – you’ll find the answer over at Laser Tag in a Box).

Entry is only open to Mum Central readers in Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales.  Make sure to check the competition Terms and Conditions and the hire terms and conditions for the winner.

Fill out my online form.

Good luck to all our mums! Competition ends 26 October, 2017. If you can’t wait, check out Laser Tag in a Box to have yours delivered today!


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.


  1. Nini Watty Reply

    King of the Hill. Think a few grown up kids will be wanting to play this too!!

  2. ‘Defend the Base’ is what Laser Tag in a Box call it, but my master 10 likes to call it, All Out War!

  3. Fiona Rowlands Reply

    “Defend The Base” my two teenagers would absolutely love this!! Good luck everyone 🙂

  4. Sarah Spalding Reply

    Yes! Red vs Blue in a Team Elimination Match would be hilarious to watch! What a great prize, good luck everyone!

  5. Rebecca Maclean Reply

    King of the Hill sounds like the game my kids would love to play

  6. Definitely can see my son and his mates on top of our hill playing “King of the Hill” all day up and down the hill

  7. Tamara Juliet Robinson Reply

    Team Elimination Match for sure! All the kids down my street usually end up rallying together and playing all together, we have a huge paddock and park right behind our homes and would be amazing to set up a Laser tag in a box party for the whole street to participate in, parents and children! Now that would certainly be something to remember and talk about in years to come! Good luck everyone

  8. Without a doubt a few games of Defend the Base will be played at my sons 10th birthday if we win this awesome prize.

  9. King of the hill! What a fabulous idea this is. Absolutely love it. Perfect as the adults can get involved too.

  10. Defend the base or king of the hill. Although I want to do a night version with my teenagers. We are heading to QLD and will be there for my daughters 15th birthday. Would be a fantastic portable birthday celebration at a local park. She would love it!
    Crossing my fingers!!

  11. Amanda McEwan Reply

    Defend the Base! Mum and Dad will be in on this vs the kids! We live out of town so the arena us enormous. Game on!

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