Competitions - Closed

Roll up, Roll up! Here’s 15 Chances to Win Tickets to the Royal Adelaide Show


Roll up! Roll up! With the Royal Adelaide Show just around the corner, we’re giving you the chance to Win Tickets to the Royal Adelaide Show with  5 Family Passes up for grabs! 

This year the show runs from 4th to 13th September (over 2 weekends!) and together with Adelaide Baby Bargains, we’re giving 3 lucky Mum Central readers a Family Pass to get them through the gates and into the magical adventure that awaits!

royal show


[mc_block_title custom_title=”Competition 1 – Win 2 Family Passes”]

To enter, simply COMMENT on the Facebook post below and TAG a friend who’d like to go to the show That’s it!


[mc_block_title custom_title=”Competition 2 – Win 10 Family Passes”]

Thanks to our friends at BankSA, we’ve got 10 Family Passes up for grabs in our Colouring In Competition. Enter here!


[mc_block_title custom_title=”Competition 3 – Win 3 Family Passes”]

Win 1 of 3 Family Passes to the Royal Adelaide Show!  Simply enter all the info into the competition form below and you’re in the running!

Want to increase your chances?

1.  Each entry action in the form below gives you one entry into the competition.  The more actions you complete the greater your chances.
2.  Be sure to come back daily for your daily BONUS ENTRY.
3.  SHARE SHARE SHARE on social media using the last entry action – for every friend that enters from your referring link, YOU get another entry too!

Be sure to check out all our other competitions HERE

Good luck!

Win 1 of 3 Family Passes to the Royal Adelaide Show


Terms and Conditions:

Entrants must be current ‘Likers’ of the  Adelaide Baby Bargains Facebook page at time of draw. Prize is not transferable, nor redeemable for cash or any other prize of any kind. Winners will be selected at random and no further correspondance will be entered into. Adelaide reserve the right to change these Term and Conditions at any time. This giveaway is only open to South Australian residents aged 18 years or over.

Competition commences at 8pm 25th August and ends at midnight on 31st August.

Facebook Disclaimer: Entrants must understand that this promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by Facebook.


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  1. Dani Franklin Reply

    We have not been to the show for years, but I love seeing my son (now 12) light up when holding the little ducklings! Also I remember him skipping singing “Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road, Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow-brick road” as we did the Yellow Brick Road showbag!

  2. Gardening Mum Reply

    My favourite show memory would have to be the first time I went on a scary ride. My parents never let me on scary rides but when I was about 9 my Auntie took me to the show and let me ride the Matterhorn. I have never been so terrified in my life!! It took a while before I was game to try another scary ride but now I love them! my 5 mins of terror on a Ride that would be considered soft now days set me up for a life as a adrenaline junkie! Bungee jumping, sky diving….what next? Perhaps some of the new scary rides in this years show if I can win tickets. Thanks for the chance guys 🙂

  3. Loved going to the show with my parents and siblings growing up. Best memory was the first time on the double ranger when dads keys fell out of his pocket and i was able to move out of harness and pick them up
    Look forward to taking my family there and starting our own tradition

  4. Matthew Clark Reply

    Going on the ghost train as kid and there was always that guy that jumps out at the end

  5. LilMiss Kibby Reply

    taking my nanna on the ghost train and she told me she wee’d her pants lol

  6. Samantha Pastro Reply

    I remember going to the show for the first time with a group of friends without parents and spending about an hour huddled up with my 2 besties in a phone booth because it was pouring with rain!
    Still an amazing time had at the show as always

  7. The first time we took our little one, her face was my favourite thing! Can’t wait to show our youngest the show and see her precious face when we play on the side shows and watch the kids corner 🙂

  8. I remember going on the big slide with my Dad (I was too little to go on the Mad Mouse). And of course the fireworks, I loved the fireworks, I remember being transfixed looking upwards at the amazing display. xx

  9. Vanessa Lampre Reply

    Going on the madhouse for the first time & my friend screamed in my ears all the way down!! Definitely something I won’t forget lol

  10. Monique Louise Reply

    My favourite show memory is my Papa taking me for the first time as a kid in 1992. I was so excited, I went on the Ferris wheel, got show bags and really felt like a little princess! We even bought my baby brother a showbag and dressed him in the crazy wig when I got home.

  11. Michelle Halusko Tsimouris Reply

    I loved the ghost train. It was so scary especially when the ghouls jumped out or touched you. I’d scream myself hoarse!

  12. Melissa Sharland Reply

    The mad mouse was always a favourite when i was a child but now its the smile on my children’s faces with each year.

  13. Belinda Hislop Reply

    Always loved the build up, getting the showbag guide, writting the list then we’d have to wait till the end of the day before we were allowed to buy them. But the best bit was going through them while watching the fireworks. Now I get to enjoy all this again with my own children

  14. Nicole Woods Reply

    It would have to be doing the Yellow Brick Road showbag with my Nana. It was our special thing to do together every year and we always had soooo much fun!

  15. Jenny Woods Reply

    Taking my kids when they were young & loving the look on their faces when they were trying to take everything in & collecting their showbags. .

  16. Going with my grandma she still loves it now, she can’t walk as far anymore but now she gets to go with my kids.

  17. I loved taking my daughter for her first time 2 yrs ago and to see her amazment and joy was enough for me to get excited. We are yet to take our son to see his excitement and enjoy it with him.

  18. Line Cathrin Myklebust Reply

    I’ve actually never been, but we went to a small country show in nsw where my daughter fell in love with the ponies and cried when she ha to leave it – now she wants one!:)

  19. Nicole Leedham Reply

    We are planning on taking our six year old to her first Adelaide show this year. She has no idea 🙂

  20. My favourite memory was the first year we went to the show when I was 6 (up until this point my parents had always told me the Royal Adelaide Show was in New Zealand but it miraculously, came to Adelaide when I was 6) and my father won me a giant blue bear on the can throw in side show alley. I still have that bear. xx

  21. Adele Bedford Reply

    We go every year and watch the stage performances, go on show rides, see the animals. This year i plan to take my daughter to see the fireworks now that she is old enough to stay up a little later.

  22. Samantha Walters Reply

    My fondest memory was finding a fairy pig (a toy pig with a skirt and wings), I was about 7 years old at the time.. I’m now 32 and I still have him! Yes it’s a him 🙂

  23. Belinda Skilling Reply

    I have fond memories of the show as I would go every year for my birthday. I loved doing the Yellow Brick Road, holding the baby chicks, hot cinnamon donuts watching the fireworks, Showing our dog and having everyone in the dog pavilion sing happy birthday to me. Now t’s about watching my kids have just as much fun as I did doing the Yellow Brick Road.

  24. Berrenson Thai Reply

    i have never taken my kids and would love this opportunity and would love to see their excitement on their faces.

  25. Mu Mum was a nurse who worked night shifts. My Dad used to take us to the show while Mum slept and then she’d meet us there in the afternoon to watch the fireworks. I always remember the pig racing and my Dad coming home with random gadgets. The one we still giggle about was the time he was sucked into buying an amazing knife sharpener. My Dad was a butcher so knew how to sharpen knives properly already. I don’t think it was ever used!

  26. Emma Fitzgerald Reply

    Going to the show was one of the only times we got to stay up late as a kid. Being able to sit on the grass at the show grounds and watch the excitement on the arena and then finish it with the fireworks was always a highlight of our year. Would love to do the same for our kids now we live back in Adelaide.

  27. My birthday is always during the show and for as long as I can remember it’s been the way we celebrate it. I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way. So much to see and do.

  28. Being exhausted at the end of a long enjoyable but very wet day, standing at the entrance to one of the halls, and a security guard brought me a crate to sit on. I’ve never been more grateful to someone in my life!

  29. Hannah Colhoun Reply

    Going to the show, makes for such a fun day!
    As a kid I love watching the cows moo, the chicks cluck and the horses neigh.
    Another favourite is the woodchopping,
    But on a day at the show, there is no time for stopping,
    with so much to see and do,
    and lots of yummy food to chew.
    Now I can’t wait to take my daughter for her first time,
    I hope to make it as exciting as mine,
    and I will definitely endeavour,
    to make wonderful memories that she will remember forever!

  30. Kirstin Trehan Reply

    I always loved the fireworks and shouting to the commentator which colour was going the highest. Still the best end to a lovely day

  31. Krystal Davies Reply

    I’ve never been to the Adelaide show! But my favourite memory of our local show, is looking out over the whole show on the Ferris Wheel with my dad and sister

  32. Tara Nikelis Reply

    I love watching the wood choppers with our family, picking our chopper for a round and barracking hard.

  33. Marianne Douglas Reply

    Baby animals, toasted cheese sandwiches, trying to just choose one show bag, sore feet and massive smiles at the end of the day!

  34. Taking the kids into see the baby animals is a highlight for us.

  35. I have just moved to SA with my partner and son from Tassie and in the past my son has loved the animals. This would be our first “big city” show and I am looking forward to seeing my 2yos face in the animal nursery and on some of the smaller rides.

  36. I have never been to the Adelaide show and would love to go. I think it would be so much fun

  37. Eleni Fagan Reply

    the first time we took our son to the show and he tried a dagwood dog. the grin on his face was priceless.

  38. The baby animals i love watching my daughter get excited and have a massive smile on her fae when she sees them 😀

  39. My 12 year son keeps asking me, can we go, can we go? I have to say, winning a free ticket would really help with the expense of the show. We try to keep the spending down by visiting all the free things. It’s great to see the show advertising these freebies. They are fun and certainly help the family budget. Thanks Mum Central for helping families. 🙂

  40. My 4 year old won a massive minion on side show and gave it too my 2 year old because he would live it.

  41. Patricia Tahitahi Reply

    Working at the show when i was 19 and getting to spend all day and night at the show with fellow workers, side show alley, rides, entertainment and of course food glorious food to sample…thats the best memories of the show

  42. Its the first time i am planning to go and hope would get lucky… think the animals would be great fun for us and our little 18 month old son

  43. Tash Golding Reply

    The kids love seeing all the animals at the show and watching the events in the main arena

  44. Brad Fischer Reply

    I love the Royal Adelaide Show, my parents used to take me every year! Would love to continue this tradition with my newborn Son

  45. I have a lot of favourite memories from the show but I think taking our daughter there this year and seeing her enjoy the day will top the memories

  46. Deanna Douglas Reply

    I love taking the kids and doing the yellow brick road, seeing the animals and the motorbike stunt shows! A few rides and extra showbags, and top it off with the firework display 🙂

  47. Dianne Childs Reply

    Watching my son’s face light up as we reached the top of the Ferris Wheel at the Royal Show last year!

  48. Rachael Rowberry Reply

    I would like to take my son for the first time this year he is 7. My favourite times at the show were the big rides, you would have to be MAD to go on the MADMOUSE but it was my favourite as a kid. I also loved the treats you could get there but nowhere else like Fairy Floss. FUN TIMES!

  49. Suzie Farley Reply

    I dont have a favourite memory yet! i have not been able to take my kids yet, i am saving my pennies to do it this year hopefully!!!!

  50. Collecting all the money that would fall out of people’s pockets when they were on the pirate ship!

  51. Spending HOURS at the show and going on every ride humanly possible all while your parents pay for everything hahaa!

  52. Jessica Walters Reply

    I havent been since 2009 and then it would have been seeing all the dogs and the ferris wheel. Now having a 3yo and a 10mo it would be great to take them to see the animals!

  53. LOVE show time!! Would absolutely love to take my son, niece and nephews!! Fun for the whole family 🙂

  54. Michelle Green Reply

    My favourite show memory was back in 2009 when I got to go out in one of the V6 Hilux Heroes precision driving team cars. Something I will never forget.

  55. Michelle Groves Reply

    buying fairy floss right before leaving at the end of the day

  56. First time on the rides , I felt so excited and scared at the same time.

  57. Went past the Showgrounds today with kids – I still get excited every year!!

  58. I still remember eating my first dagwood dog at the Adelaide Show, so good!


  60. Christopher Mark Cochrane Reply

    My 2 young Children love the show as its a world of excitement where they can soak up the atmosphere and escape the troubled times that they endured in the early years of their lives, the show has become a new family adventure for myself and them where they can be like every other child and visit the displays, animals and most importantly the showbag hall and the fireworks.

  61. Went for the first time last year with the family. Husband loved the huge turkey leg and 3 year old got a kick out of the teacup ride

  62. Chetan Trehan Reply

    I took my parents from overseas a couple of years ago and loved seeing my mum’s face on the rides, she scares easily

  63. When I was a little girl I loved going on the carousel…..would spend all day on there if I had the chance.

  64. Wandering through the showbag hall swamped with choices…. so many amazing goodies to choose from!

  65. my favorite memory is when we waited forever for a ice cream, when we got our ice cream we went to the show bag hall and i dropped it so my mum ended up giving me hers and the flavor she gave is now my favourite flavor 🙂

  66. I loved the puppeteers – a Mother and Son team (I believe) back in the 80’s…AMAZING!!! “PopCorn” was my favourite song they did.

  67. I get my horse ‘fix’ for the year. I visit the stables and give lots of pats and get nudges and slobbery kisses in return!

  68. Natalie Serafini Reply

    my daughter is in it for the show bags, but the animals come a close second

  69. Sarah Middendorp Reply

    My favourite memory is when I was a child and would ride on the mad mouse along side my dad <3

  70. Kyley Smart Reply

    Looking at all of the show bags!! I can’t wait to take my 2 little girls for the first time this year 🙂

  71. Shannon McDonnell Reply

    I have only been a couple times but I remember when I was little waiting up for my uncle to get back with all of our show bags each year as e lived in the country

  72. Alicia Morris Reply

    I have only missed the show a handful of times since being very young and want to continue the tradition with my children. I love everythinb about the sjow

  73. My favourite memory would have to be doing the yellow brick road with my mum. We didn’t go very often but when we did, the YBR was always a highlight!

  74. As a kid I loved doing the yellow brick road with my parents and siblings but as a parent I love doing everything with my kids and seeing their faces light up at each new experience.

  75. Nicolle Andermahr Reply

    taking my oldest to her first show and winner her a big pony

  76. Jane Somerville Reply

    Dagwood Dogs. The only time I ever was allowed to eat them!

  77. Elsa Rankin Reply

    Favourite memory is doing the Yellow Brick Road with my family and how fun it was searching the show grounds for things. Still do it every year! ☺️

  78. Would love to take my girls to he show but it’s soo expensive. They love show bags and animals

  79. Clutching the money I saved all year; wandering through the showbag hall trying to decide what I was going to buy!

  80. Lauren Geier Reply

    My dad agreed to go on the Double Ranger with me. He bought tickets, we lined up and as it was our turn he reveals that he only bought one ticket! I had to brave it myself! I loved it though and then went on it every time since!

  81. I remember the sky lift chairs which aren’t there anymore! I used to love having a birds eye view of the whole show!

  82. Michelle Tagg Reply

    Choosing what showbag I was allowed to buy with the $5.00 we were given as kids. We spent hours going over the items in the showbags which were displayed in the Advertiser (long time ago I might add)

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