
13 Easy Breezy Parenting Tricks Every Parent Needs to Know


Looking for some next-level parenting tricks? We’ve rounded up some of our very favourite ones from over the past few years just for you!

Some of these you may have come across before and some may be new but all of them come with the tick of approval from mums around the world.

Tech Hack #1: Toddlers 

The iPhone Parenting Trick

mum central

It’s called Guided Access people and it’s a game-changer when passing your phone to your toddler. You see, how it works is they can touch ALL the buttons they want, but it won’t do them any good.

Guided Access looks at the screen so it remains on Peppa Pig or whatever else is playing on YouTube. This means there’s no chance they can lock you out of your phone, get into the camera and take 4 million photos of their nose or message “FGBBDJB” to your boss. Hooray!

To do it: You will need to go into Settings, then General, then Accessibility, then scroll right down to Guided Access.

More info here: Guided Access for toddlers

Tech Hack #2: Teens

The X-Plan


This hack came from a very smart dad, as a way to ensure his son could contact him if he was ever uncomfortable in a situation without looking “uncool” to the people around him.

So, for example, your teen is at a party and she’s feeling anxious but doesn’t want to admit she’d like to go home. Enter the X plan.

How to do it: Simple. Just get your teen to text you with an X. This is the code that you need to call them and make up some story about why you need to pick them up immediately. Aunt June is sick. Or, you can just tell them that “something has come up” and they need to be “out front in ten minutes.”

Teen leaves concerned (but still cool to her peers) and you get the joy of driving to some random party at midnight to collect your child. Win Win.

Read more about it here: Teen’s X Plan

Meal Hack #1: Toddlers

Ice Tray Snack Packs

kmart hacks multi-tasking ice cube trays

A plate of colourful foods? Yah. No thanks. But an ice tray of little surprises? YAS!

Toddlers love little things and this hack is about as easy as it gets. Plus, it actually works wonders for fussy eaters. There’s something about having a little snack pack that is so satisfying for our smallest food critics.

Meal Hack # 2: 

Meal Prep Made Easy

meal planning
Source: Facebook / Amanda Sampson

So we all know those Meal Prep companies, which are super great, BUT. Obviously, such convenience comes at a cost and that’s not something every family can accommodate week in, week out. 

Well, one mum decided to make her own Meal Prep kits – planning out dinner for the week and seperating the ingredients into different containers to store in the fridge. When it’s time to cook, the ingredients are all there, ready to be whipped into a meal. Smart thinkin’!

How to do it: Check out her step-by-step guide here. 

Meal Hack #3: Kids

Mess-free icy poles

mum central
Source: paisley and sparrow.

Okay, this isn’t really a ‘meal hack’ but it involves a type of food (ice blocks ARE food okay?) so there you go. Add cupcake liners to the bottom of your child’s favourite popsicle and you don’t have to worry about sticky hands, fingers, clothing, floors, etc. So simple right!??

Speaking of cupcake liners, these are also really great for road trips and keep cup holders from getting sticky. We’ve got several more car tricks and hacks here. Check them out! 

mum central

Clothing Hack #1: Babies

Onesie funsie

parenting tricks
Image source: The Mummy Bubble and Nubs & Bubs

Hanging itty bitty baby clothes is a job in itself and one that #NoParent has time for. I mean, in the 16 minutes a day that your newborn isn’t clinging to your boob, who really wants to spend it dealing with laundry.

So imagine the joy when we discovered there’s a much easier way to hang baby onesies. Upsidedown! Not only do they dry quicker, but there’s no need for pegs or tons of baby hangers.

Clothing Hack #2: Babies

More onesie funsie

mum central
Source: Sleeping Should Be Easy

Speaking of onesies, another great parenting trick that I only discovered AFTER I had babies was that baby onesies have envelope sleeves so that you can pull them DOWN babies’ bodies rather than over the head. When faced with a giant poo explosion, the downward motion means less mess and less chance of having to clean baby poop out of your baby’s hair.

Sleep hack #1: Babies

The fish slapper

dancing fish toy kmart
Source: TikTok

Now, this one needs a bit of a disclaimer. Using a slapping fish to put your baby to sleep is only okay IF you are watching them. It should also be noted that baby should be turned onto her back for all sleep as this is the SIDS-approved way to sleep. However, if you are desperate for sleep and your baby loves a good pat on the back to go to sleep, then this fish-slapping toy is a winner. 

Okay, now that we have settled that, let’s move on to how this works. You see, this dancing fish is actually a pet toy, designed to make your cat giddy with cat joy. But it also happens to make a very rythmic slapping, similar to a pat, pat, pat, that all new parents are accomosted to.

So, when your arms need a bit of a break, enter the fish slapping toy. But not without you right beside them, of course.

Read all about it here: The dancing fish toy for new parents. And cats. 

Sleep Hack #2: Babies (again) 


mum central

You know how babies always need to be touching you to sleep? Well here’s a parenting trick that will give you a hand. Literally. It’s a fake hand – an exfoliating glove filled with rice. Rest it next to baby to give the sensation that mummy’s hand is still there. A fake mummy hand. A win for all!

For the parent who has a child that requires constant touch to go to sleep, have we found a solution for you! This is seriously the best $2 you will ever spend. Okay, $2.15 (once you factor in the 15 cents for rice).


Sleep Hack #3: Parents

Lettuce sleep! 

Lettuce water sleep hack
Source: TikTok

We’ve also found a pretty wicked sleep hack for all sleep-deprived parents out there who are SOOO TIRED but can’t seem to shut it down when it’s time for bed. Bloody brains!

All you need is a good ol’ head of lettuce. I know. Weird. But it’s actually proven to work, according to TikTok at least.

How to do it: Add washed lettuce leaves to a coffee cup, fill with boiling water and leave for ten minutes. You can add a calming tea like chamomile to the mix too. Take the leaves out and sip. Night!

Read more: Lettuce sleep hack

Bath Hack #1: Babies

Noodles of bath fun

mum central
Image: Courtney Frew

A clever bathtime parenting trick is to use a pool noodle and a pillowcase to create your very own floatable baby bath. Never leave baby unattended, obviously, but this makes a great little floatie for some bath time fun.

Pool noodles can also be used in a bunch of other ways too, like as a stopper for under the couch to keep toys from ‘hiding’ under there. Or place one underneath your child’s bedsheet to keep them from rolling out of bed at night.

Medicine Hack #1: Babies

Bottle magic 

how to get babies to take their medicine

Getting babies to take medicine is not an easy task. But this parenting trick is! Simply place the medicine into a syringe or dispenser, add a baby bottle lid and feed to bubba like a bottle.

Bub is tricked into thinking it’s a bottle of milk. And you’ve got a way to get that medicine down the hatch without your infant spitting most of it back up.

Read how to do it right here: Baby medicine hack

Medicine Hack #2: Toddlers

The Chaser

mum central
Source: Today’s Parent

For toddlers (and babies and kids, heck this works for whinging adults too), try this syringe trick. Place some juice right behind the medicine in the syringe to quickly wash down the icky flavour.

Just make sure you’ve got the measurements correct and that you put the medication in FIRST.

Raising children is hard. And we ALL deserve a few shortcuts along the way. Check out our additional hacks to add to your world, including cleaning hacks and organisation hacks. 

If you happen to have come across any great parenting tricks in your travels, let us know about them in the comments below!


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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