Featured Review and Giveaway

The following terms and conditions apply to featured product review and giveaway bookings made with the Mum Central Network.

  • Please advise us of your preferred date as soon as possible.
  • We recommend publishing your post during the week (M-F) at a time allocated by Mum Central’s editor.
  • Creative is due three weeks before the live date. Penalties apply for late delivery, and may result in a change of date or additional fees. See terms and conditions for details.
  • First round creative to be sent to client one week before the post live date, and client feedback must be provided within three days.
  • Any changes to the overall campaign message two weeks prior to the editorial live date will incur a penalty fee.
  • Branded posts are written by a member of our editorial team.
  • Images should be as high quality as possible and one image is to be provided at 1000 pixels wide (landscape not portrait).

Please complete the booking form below:

mum central