
33 Amazing Book Week Costumes For Your Kid


Book Week is a blast for kids. And while creative parents get to show off their amazing talents, some of us really struggle in the costume department.

Haven’t yet got a creative bone in your body? Here’s a  look at some hugely successful Book Week creations from parents who went above and beyond (or, actually got their sh*t together and ordered a costume before it was too late).

Come and have a squizz at past Book Week costumes that launched a thousand social media reactions – and steal their ideas for next year (or this year, if you’re quick).

Without further ado… let’s start 2019’s Book Week Parade with some of our favourite Dr. Seuss books.

The Lorax

mum central
Image source: Instagram @lmack38

The Cat in the Hat

best book week costumes
Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Or, you could opt to simply go as a Dr. Seuss book, like this clever Mum Central family did.

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Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Some parents opted to stick to the classics when creating their kids’ costumes. And don’t they look awesome?

The Wizard of Oz

best book week costumes
Image source: Mum Central Facebook

book week costume ideas

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

DIY best book week costumes for kids
Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Where’s Wally

book week costume ideas
Image source: Instagram @thekendallgirls
easy book week costume ideas
Image source: Mum Central Facebook

The Magic School Bus

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Image source: Instagram @bonnielees

Six Lovely Ladybugs 

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Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Robots, Robots Everywhere

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Image source: Instagram @muppys

For the older crowd, these characters based on novels and novellas may be more their style.


easy book week costume ideas
Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Billie B Brown

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Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Fly Guy and Charlotte’s Web

fly guy costume and charlotte's web costume
Image source: Instagram @nikkitandy

Anne of Green Gables

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Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice in Wonderland is another popular choice when it comes to Bookweek inspiration. We’ve got Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum, Alice (in her house) and even a crazy cat/Alice crossbreed. Parenting wins right here.

Alice in Wonderland 

alice in wonderland dress up
Image source: Mum Central Facebook
book week tweedle dum costume
Image source: Instagram @nic_and_co

And it’s just not a Book Week parade without Roald Dahl!

Fantastic Mr. Fox (and Malery Towers)

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Image source: Instagram @bookweekcostumes


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Image source: Mum Central Facebook
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Image source: Instagram @maxandharri

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Then we’ve got the books that are inspired by movies, which still count in our eyes, especially when they are this clever!


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Image source: Supplied

Edward Scissorhands

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Image source: Instagram

The Neverending Story

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Image source: Mum Central Facebook

Looking for more information?

And don’t forget to check out Instagram’s #bookweek2019 and secure your position at the top of the class in next year’s parade.

Top image source: Instagram @pobke


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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