
APPLY TO REVIEW: Real Nappies for Cute Little Bums and Eco Conscious Mums


If you have a little one (or are expecting one in the not-too-distant future) then you’ve probably done the toss up between cloth nappies vs disposables.

Sure, disposables are considered more convenient, but they are also a lot more costly over the long run. Plus, they clutter up our landfills and can even cause problems for tiny tushies if bub has sensitive skin.

So take the leap into cloth nappies with this pretty sweet opportunity from our friends over at Real Nappies.

If you have a newborn (or are expecting one shortly), infant, crawler or toddler, then join us to give these cute-as-a-boot eco-friendly nappies a go.

Try them, keep them, and let us know what you think! Making the transition to cloth nappies has never been easier or more affordable! Want a chance to be a Mum Central nappy tester? Then read on!

Real Nappies modern cloth nappies

WHY Real Nappies?

Real Nappies is a small family run business. The husband and wife team have kept countless new parents stocked with cute, convenient and eco-conscious nappies for several years now.

They have heaps of different packages online, including a handy $25 Intro Pack, the Essentials Bundle for $210 and their deluxe Birth to Potty package for $700.
Check them out now and make the switch to nappies that are better for bub, less mess for the environment and easier for you.

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Real Nappies cloth nappies

What Makes These Real Nappies So Great?

1. Better for Baby

Soft material: One of the things that makes Real Nappies stand out is they are as natural as possible. Made from 100% cotton, the prefolds are plastic-free and the wraps are soft and snuggly.

Snug fit: There are four different sizes to choose from so you get a snug fit without the extra bulk.

Safer for sensitive skin: All Real Nappies are Oko-Tex certified and exceed CPSIA safety standards meaning they comply with all applicable children’s product safety rules. They are rigorously tested for over 100 harmful substances and free from irritants that may harm sensitive baby skin.

Real Nappies modern cloth nappies apply to review

2. Safer for the environment

Less washing and quicker drying: The Snug Wraps and Prefolds are separate so there’s less washing and much quicker drying than you may find with other nappies. This is great for parents, especially mums like me who hate laundry. But it’s also better for the environment.

No more smelly nappies in the bin: There’s not much worse than the lingering smell of poo in your house. Cloth nappies ditch the dramas of disposables and keep our landfills clear.

Real Nappies modern cloth nappies review

3. Easier (and cheaper) for parents

Save over $3,500 per child: The average cost to use disposable nappies for one child (for an average of 2.5 years) is about $4,500. The average cost to use cloth nappies from newborn to potty? Only $930, which includes the nappies and laundry costs!

Two child guarantee: Real Nappies are designed to work under pressure. Even poonami pressure. In fact, they are the only cloth nappies to come with a two child guarantee, meaning their nappies will last through two kiddies without breaking under poopy pressure. If you do plan on having another baby, you can double your savings to around $7,900 with a switch to cloth nappies.

Less mess and stress:  With super strengthened and leak free PUL covers and extra strong Velcro, Real Nappies are also baby and toddler-proof. You don’t have to worry about tots ripping their nappies off in the cot or the Velcro coming loose while bub is crawling around.

Seriously so easy to use: Their cloth nappies have won a slew of awards and come with great testimonials from parents around Australia, especially when it comes to ease of use.

Now we want to see what you think! 

Real Nappies modern cloth nappies

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We’re looking for six mums to test out the Real Nappies with an Essentials Bundle Deal, valued at $210.

Each of our reviewers will receive:

  • 7x Snug Wrap Covers (one in every colour)
  • 24x Cloth Inserts (in four packs of 6)
  • 2x Rolls of 100 Liners

*For reviewers with crawlers and toddlers, you will receive 7x Snug Wrap Covers, 18x cloth inserts, 1 pack night boosters and 2x rolls of 100 liners.*

review real nappies

You can choose the size that suits bub and will have enough cloth nappies to use the product full time. So apply to test them out today and tell our Mum Central audience what you think.

Fill out my online form.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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