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We Unveil Babylove’s Fresh New Look and New Products – Amazing!


If you’re in the small-children phase of your parenting life then you will definitely know the much-trusted brand, Babylove. In fact, you’ve probably got a couple of their products in your home and/or car right now.

Known for their quality and strict adherence to Australian safety guidelines. Babylove is a household name when it comes to baby products such as child restraints, strollers, portacots, rockers and more.

But even our most favourite brands need a re-fresh every now and then and we are delighted to announce that Babylove has a brand new look.

What does that mean? Well, aside from having a spunky new image they have also added 13 NEW products to their range!

Here’s six of our favourites:

[mc_block_title custom_title=”1. Ezy Fold Travel System Stroller”]


Ezy Fold makes running errands and getting around with your child simple and any parent knows that simplifying life with a child is a daily goal! It includes Snap’n Go travel system compatibility, a compact, nimble fold and easy adjust multi position back rest.

[mc_block_title custom_title=”2. Urbanlite Travel System Stroller”]


You’ll also fall in love with the practical features making the Urbanlite Travel System Stroller your perfect mix of fashion and street smarts which is very important when hitting the streets with your offspring! Plus the reversing seat let’s you face your child so you can interact with them and make sure they’re not spilling food all over their ‘going-out’ clothes.

[mc_block_title custom_title=”3. Snap’n Go Safety Carrier”]


A Snap’n Go baby safety carrier is extremely convenient when it comes to transporting a young baby without disturbing them. And if this is your first rodeo, believe us when we tell you that you DO NOT want to disturb a happy/sleeping baby! The Snap n’ Go is also ideal for connection with the Babylove Ezy Fold and Urbanlite Travel System Strollers. Using them together will give extended use, convenience and flexibility. Tick, tick and tick!

[mc_block_title custom_title=”4.  Ezy Switch EP Convertible Car Seat”]


Safety of your little one is paramount and the integrated Babylove Ezy Switch Protect (EP) technology is revolutionary. Extra side impact protection can be provided for your child by adjusting the Ezy Protect headrest as they grow.

[mc_block_title custom_title=”5. Aura Hi Lo Highchair”]


With a brushed aluminium frame and innovative seat liner, Aura Hi Lo Highchair’s modern design looks great. But our favourite feature is the removable tray with second tray. If you’re new to the ‘experimental finger food stage’ then you will quickly learn how invaluable this twin-tray phenomenon is. The adjustable seat recline and leg rest for support is perfect for accommodating a small child who’s just starting to snack and experiment with food right up until they are ready to sit with the rest of the family.

[mc_block_title custom_title=”6. RockABaby Rocker”]


Baby rockers are fantastic when you need a break from being the baby rocker yourself and the clean lines and sleek curves of RockABaby will make it a welcome piece in your home. It not only looks good but it’s perfect for keeping your little one rockin’ while you’re sippin’… a well-earned cuppa!


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  1. these are all great products for sure! i love the porta-cot as you can use it around home and for travelling

  2. The new Babylove high chair is my favourite product it looks easy to use, move and clean!

  3. kathy clark Reply

    Am a fan of the Baby Rocker perfect to get unsettled bubs off to sleep

  4. Sarah Phillips Reply

    I love the Aura Hi Lo Highchair because of the adjustable height and removable tray. What an innovative product!

  5. Mandy Gebhard Reply

    I LOVE the Aura Hi Lo Highchair. I’ve never seen one that will adjust to allow your child to sit at a normal table height. Brilliant!

  6. I love the Ezy Fold Stroller. So convenient… looks like it would make life a breeze!

  7. susan stanley Reply

    Ezy Fold makes running errands and getting around with your child u disturbed. It includes Snap’n Go travel system compatibility, a compact, nimble fold and easy adjust multi position back rest.

  8. Time is of the essence and I know the Ezy Fold will help me run daily errands easily. With a new baby on the way the Ezy Fold will swap time fussing and with more time to play. 🙂

  9. Quickie time out with coffee and cake while bub enjoys the curves of RockABaby

  10. Vija Leitis Reply

    Ezy Fold Stroller. Minimises the stress of getting out and about

  11. Sam Minshull Reply

    The Ezy Fold, being a busy mum on the go, I want to enjoy every precious moment, not waste it away… this is perfect <3

  12. Nicole Rollo Reply

    How great the Aura hi lo chair would be for my little guy! I can’t feed him fast enough he could feed himself in that baby and I’d just wash it after! Easy….

  13. Karen Turner Reply

    The Instant Carrier looks fabulous, easy to carry which will come in really handy.

  14. Brooke Parker Reply

    The Portable Cot. I love how it has mesh sides so baby can breath and so you can peak to see if they are awake ore not. I also love how their are wheels on one side so if you want to move it you can. Would be nice to put next to the bed when bub first comes home from the hospital.

  15. Jenny Woods Reply

    The Urbanlite Travel System Stroller looks great & I love the reversing seat that lets the baby face you.

  16. LOVE THE ROCKABABY puts baby to sleep easy so I can just relax a bit THANKYOU

  17. The Ezy Fold Travel System Stroller – would make getting around so much quicker and easier

  18. Snap’n Go Safety Carrier makes transporting baby so much easier

  19. Sarahmary92 Reply

    Ezy fold stroller. Strollers can be so frustrating especially when you’re in a rush (most of the time)

  20. Tracy Andreatta Reply

    The Snap n’ Go baby carrier , so convenient for transferring a sleeping baby to the Babylove Ezy Fold stroller .

  21. The baby rocker can take away the pain,
    When my little baby boy wants to play,
    With the house a mess, I have to clean,
    The RockABaby would be a dream!

  22. Ying Ying TAN Reply

    I am currently LOVING the New BabyLove Cosifit nappies, it is so comfortable for bub, no more leaks and red marks on his bum, amazing product!

  23. the Ezy Fold Stroller, easy to use and transport for the busy Mum or Carer.

  24. disqus_LR5JJ2Fh9R Reply

    My favourite new BabyLove product is definitely the Babylove Ezy Switch Protect (EP).

  25. Aura Hi Lo Highchair’s is awesome! To be able to remove the food tray completely or use the second smaller tray to quickly take away leftovers is such a great idea, obviously designed by a mother 🙂

  26. Pamela Singleton Reply

    My favourite is the Ezy fold stroller, designed by someone that has experienced the difficulties of trying to fold a stroller hassle free, This is a great product for mums to take and use anywhere.

  27. amandagorton Reply

    Fantastic……..The Ezy Switch EP Car Seat – to the age of 4 we’ll require no other and we are spoilt for choice with a range of colour

  28. Wow which mother wouldn’t want these amazing prizes. My favourite thing is
    the Ezy Fold Stroller, looks so easy to use and transport would be a breeze for the busy Mum.

  29. Aura Hi Lo Highchair looks brilliant. The second tray is very useful. Less mess on the floor means less headaches in my brain.

  30. The Aura Hi Lo Highchair is perfect for any table! With an adjustable height and seat recline, baby can sit comfortably with the adults

  31. Adore the Urbanlite Trave System Stroller. It offers plenty of room for my shopping and its design is funky.

  32. Louise Patterson Reply

    I love the Urbanlite Travel System Stroller. Being able to reverse it is a wonderful feature enabling interaction and sometimes avoiding direct sunlight. 🙂

  33. Kathy Anne Storer Reply

    I love the light weight system and the easy fold and oh and the high chair wow its just what I need Hi Lo feature is awesome

  34. The BABYLOVE SPRINT 2 in 1 walker/pusher would be perfect and safe for our “speedy Gonzales” .

  35. Kerri Pettigrew Reply

    I love the high low highchair with the extra tray for experimental finger food eaters.

  36. Yunii Young Reply

    The high chair looks super comfortable for baby with cushions and the tray table- perfect for any type of eating! Would love my baby to have one of those!

  37. Nicole Kent Reply

    The Ezy Switch EP it is for me
    Lightweight, colourful and six point safety
    Perfect for a newborn and all the way til 4
    This Babylove car seat has everything and more!!

  38. Debrah Bassett Reply

    i love the Aura Hi Lo highchair the adjustable seat that reclines and the second tray is a fantastic idea its great

  39. EzyFit Booster Seat is perfect for when they get a tad older and too big for a baby seat

  40. Denise Cullinan Reply

    love the carrier & stroller makes life easier leaving baby asleep & putting straight out of car into stroller

  41. Snap’n Go baby safety carrier- to transport baby without disturbing him, hell yes! They should come stock standard with all babies, issued at the hospital.

  42. The Rockababy rocker, love the mink fabric also love that it can be laid flat for easy storage and easy enough to slide in the car for trips away.

  43. The versatile Aura High Lo Chair would be perfect for our little one in our little apartment!

  44. Hands down the Snap’n Go baby safety carrier!!!
    New Mummy Secret Rule #76…NEVER wake a sleeping baby!

  45. Snap n Go baby carrier!
    Would make things so much easier as it takes soooo long to get baby to sleep

  46. Andreea Nicolescu Reply

    Snap’n Go baby safety carrier such a great and useful product to keep baby safe, sound and comfortable

  47. Claire Thrower Reply

    Love the Stroller looks absolutely amazing, love that it sits up so high, easier to have contact with baby. The design is so sleek and modern.

  48. jody buhagiar Reply

    MAXIMA LAYBACK. I love that its self locking and compact fold is designed for ease of use and compact storage.

  49. Amelia Jane Reply

    Hi-Lo high chair. It’s not easy to find a high chair with adjustable heights, but this looks like it has quite a height range. The best extreme!

  50. The Ezy Fold Stroller, easy to fold, makes life simple, no arguing with a stubborn stroller!

  51. shantell thomas Reply

    I love the Ezy Fold stroller, having a small car this is simply a perfect item for my lifestyle

  52. Ezy Fold Stroller, hopefully it is as easy as the name says, as a dad some strollers are quite hard to fold up

  53. Suzanne Ware Reply

    The Ezy Switch EP convertible carseat looks awesome. I’ve found it an extremely hard decision on what car seat to buy and even if I don’t win this fantastic prize I will be buying one.

  54. Kristy Emilia Michelson Reply

    I have used both the carrier and ezy switch and they’re wonderful car seats!

  55. Richelle Egan Reply

    Tha Aurora Hi Lo chair looks amazing and will make a huge difference to meal times in our house!

  56. Xandra Mei Abulencia Reply

    The rockababy rocker looks amazing and it will make it easier to put my baby down for here nap on one of this.

  57. Hannah Beazley Reply

    Ezy Fold Travel System Stroller – love that it’s able to be fully reclined. This is INVALUABLE for sleeping little ones and toddlers.


    they all look awesome and with my first grandchild on the way I would spoil them rotten especially with the ultimate baby love package

  59. Rachael Dickenson Reply

    I would love a new set of Baby Love gear for my soon to be babt number 2, due in January 🙂

  60. Kerrie Tullipan Reply

    The portable cot. I travel a lot, so this cot would have so many uses for me.

  61. Nicole Knight Reply

    The portable cot we travel interstate a lot to visit family so the portable cot would be so handy

  62. Baby Love bundle a dream to win, with six jam packed items that caters for everything. My Baby Love Baby will be spoilt

  63. Emma Knight Reply

    Infant carrier makes it easier to get the baby In and out of the car.

  64. I can’t decide if I like the Ezy Switch EP Convertible Car Seat, Snap’n Go Safety Carrier or the Aura Hi Lo Highchair. The’re all amazing

  65. Beenish Mumtaz Reply

    i like the Aura Hi Lo Highchair because it has 2 position option which i haven’t seen in any other brand .

  66. Jennifer Denney Reply

    I can’t decide, they all look great and would come in handy for the birth of our first child in February.

  67. Margaret lennox Reply

    I’m loving the high chair, light and compact. But still can’t go past the capsule system from car the stroller.

  68. Kerrie Lawson Reply

    The baby rocker! What an awesome little item that is quite portable and might just be my lifesaver when trying to get ‘baby’ off to sleep!

  69. I love the baby rocker! Such a life saver for shower time, when the husband is out, or to be able to eat when you’re by yourself!

  70. I love them all anything that makes taking the grand kids out and knowing they are safe is awesome

  71. Lisa Frankel Reply

    The Aura Hi Lo High Chair, how easy and streamlined it looks, plus a great height for feeding

  72. I love the Ezy Switch EP Convertible Car Seat, great that it can accommodate newborns to 4+ years! And the thoughtful inclusions are just that.. Thoughtful!

  73. Emma Guimaraes Reply

    I love the infant carrier as i do need a new one with bubs 2 coming within the month!!!!

  74. 12500km around Australia,
    slept in 9 different beds in 1 week,
    Cyclone Casey rips through Australia on her whirlwind tour,
    no relative left unvisited,
    travel bags = bed rails but wait there’s more,
    dads tool clamps = bed sheet pins,
    wiggle wiggle try not to let her fall,
    all by age 2.

    Just imaging what she could accomplish with a Mascot Portable Cot.

  75. The ezy fold stroller makes getting out with a little one so much easier for a first time mum!

  76. Laura Adams Reply

    Love Babylove! This would be perfect with bub number 3 due in Feb. The aura hi lo high chair looks fantastic 🙂

  77. The Ezy Switch EP Convertible Car Seat. It has everything, safe and compact.

  78. Kirrah Louise Reply

    They’re all so great but my favourite would have to be the snap and go safety carrier, I wanted one of these for my first bub but never had one do id love the convenience for my second, due in Feb 2016 <3

  79. The Aura Hi Lo Highchair is awesome. Love the look of it plus so very handy.

  80. Elsa Rankin Reply

    Love the look of the new BabyLove products including the RockABaby Rocker – a must have! They all look amazing!

  81. Trudy Scott Reply

    Highchair, great design and with height adjustment and wheels makes it versatile and easy to use

  82. Patrice Fernandes Reply

    The Aura Hi Lo Highchair looks amazing and so versatile! But whole package would be an amazing gift for my sister due with her first baby!

  83. The highchair because it’s more than just a highchair! A feeding station, makeshift pram, babysitter while mummy does a few things. The adjustable recline and leg rest will make sure bubs is comfy.

  84. Rosalie Bernacki Reply

    Love the baby rocker great to take to family and firends with our first angel being able to have play time anywhere….

  85. Simone Nelson Reply

    The carrier would be so handy! As a mum of 5 this would make life 100 times easier

  86. Kristy-andrew Wakely Reply

    The travel system looks amazing especially handy when you also have a toddler

  87. Matt Harrison Reply

    that new travel system looks super portable and simple to use

  88. The Babylove snap and go safety carrier would make life so much more convenient! There’s nothing worse than a sleeping baby that has to be woken to be moved into a pram!

  89. christine morris Reply

    The Aura Hi Lo High chair, this would be perfect for Daughter-inlaw , im not real happy with the one she is using, and she is trying for another child.

  90. Aura Hi-Lo Chair (you can adjust the height so can feed them while you are sitting on the lounge)

  91. Shivonne Alison Reply

    Love the stroller. Will be fantastic when we have a new baby.

  92. Love the EZ Convertible car seat! The fact that it has all the padding to protect a newborn and is comfy for when they are older is perfect!

  93. Aura Hi-Lo Chair as it’s an excellent idea, my mum could have done with one of these when I was a baby.

  94. The rockababy rocker looks amazing and a lot sturdier than ones I have used in the past.

  95. Gabby Anderson Reply

    I love the Ezy Switch EP Convertible Car Seat I really like how it grows with the child!

  96. The Aura Hi Lo Highchair – it’s so easy to clean, is easy to move to and from the table and it looks good too!

  97. The Urbanlite Travel System Stroller with the flexibility of the reversible seat and the compatibility with the carrier system makes it a must.

  98. Emily Tynan Reply

    The high low chair! I love how it can be high for easy feeding or lower to pull upto the table when eating as a family!

  99. Katie Le Miere Reply

    The Ez switch seat – need something super comfy and flexible for our little man 🙂

  100. Marilyn Long Reply

    The RockABaby Rocker is my favourite as its sleek and modern with out looking too babyish.

  101. Jessica Charles Reply

    The high chair would be so helpful when I want to give my 1 year old fresh food for lunch but there’s still old porridge dried on the tray from breakfast!

  102. Natalie Passmore Reply

    I would love the Snap’n Go Safety Carrier for the boy I am expecting in November

  103. Lesley Needham Reply

    Wow a highchair with twin trays, awesome. It seems so common sense. I must admit this could be very handy for disorganised mums like me.

  104. 78DaysofSummer Reply

    Snap’n Go Safety Carrier for easy transfers to and from the car, saves on the back too!

  105. Milly Howells Reply

    I love the sound of the Urbanlite Travel System Stroller. It’s lightweight, so easy to manoeuvre and get in and out of car, I’d love the reversable seating so I could chat to my little one and keep an eye on her, I’d seriously appreciate the east of the Snap’n Go Travel System and I would love the puncture-free tires, just one less thing to worry about.

  106. Carolyn Gough Reply

    The BabyLove Ezy Grow EP is a brilliant child car seat for a safety conscious Aunty and Grandma who regularly minds their ‘specials’ and wants security up to 8 years of age.

  107. Julia Burford Reply

    My new favourite is the hi lo high chair, because my little boy is at the stage where everything gets smooshed in the process of eating, and easy removal and cleaning would be amazing!!

  108. Barbara Fehmel Reply

    The “Hi Lo high chair is a great invention, it makes it so easy to change from highh to low.

  109. Wow – I love them all but if I have to pick one then it would have to be the rocker. It is a world away from the rocker Mum used for me and my brother when we were babies! What a lovely design.

  110. Wow they are all great I especially like the stoller how you can have either bub facing you or facing the other way while you go for a walk around the street or a stroll around the shops

  111. Aura hi lo high chair would be fanastic to own. The adjustable height means you can have it at any table and hub will be the same height. Great idea

  112. Bianca de Lima Reply

    The Aura Hi Lo chair
    Would look fantastic
    Absolutely anywhere!
    Adjustable heights that are stable
    For picnics on the floor
    Or meals at the table.
    Perfect little table for one
    The Aura Hi Lo chair
    Makes meal times fun!

  113. Heyley Marett Reply

    The Ezy Switch EP Convertible Car Seat would be my ultimate! Perfectly safe, comfortable car seat for when baby comes 🙂

  114. The new RockABaby Rocker is my favourite. It looks really sleek and like it doesn’t take up too much floor space – which is a major win to me with our very small house were in and already having two older girls (4.5 and 2.5) who are not likely to give up their small play area to a new baby siblings rocker!

  115. Belinda Belinda Reply

    The Ezy Fold Stroller because it’s quick and makes life easy!

  116. All the products are fabulous, especially the stroller & how you can just clip in the car seat without disrupting baby..

  117. I love the rocker it provides a little oasis of rest and sweet dreams!

  118. The Portable Cot has come so far from the old days & it’s now become an necessary rather than ‘a throw in the back of the car’

  119. Nazesh Kanwal Reply

    Urbanlite Travel System Stroller becuase its a perfect package. I can face my child when she gets angry


  121. I love the RockABaby Rocker because any mum knows rocking the baby for an hour plus is a workout on its own.

  122. Elizabeth Davey Reply

    I love the adjustable height high chair – perfect for anyone to help with feeding times

  123. Jon Donovan Reply

    Snap’n Go Safety Carrier – would make life so much easier to take our little one in and out of the car

  124. Julie Hodsman Reply

    The rocker certainly looks much better than the ugly one we had. And it looks very comfy for bub.

  125. The Aura Hi Lo High Chair looks amazing! Certainly didn’t see many like that when my first was born over 6 years ago!

  126. Marianne Douglas Reply

    The Urbanlite stroller as I love that it can be used with the baby carrier as well as a normal stroller. Seems much more convenient than lugging around the carrier or trying to fit it into a shopping trolley!

  127. salvatore greedy Reply

    I like the The Aura Hi Lo High Chair. Many great features that only Babylove has.

  128. The rockababy rocker would be a fantastic addition to our home from our new baby on the way 🙂

  129. The Rockababy rocker (and everything else!) would be perfect for us with a new baby on the way. It would sure make our lives a little easier

  130. Tamara Soccio Reply

    The rocker. My dd loves being rocked to sleep and this mumma is tired!

  131. The rocker is a dream. Hours of entertainment give me a little time to do the fun stuff.. Like tidying up..

  132. Connie Christensen Reply

    the urbanlite travel system stroller such a great invention for not disturbing bub on a very functional stroller I can get my bub in and out of the car or around town without waking him up!

  133. Kate Marconi Reply

    My favourite new item is the urban lite travel system stroller. I love the idea that you can easily turn Bub to face you whilst walking or out and about.

  134. The “Ezy Switch EP Convertible Car Seat” – the safety features & adjustments are great.

  135. Kelly Ashton Reply

    I like the rockababy rocker – looks nice, more supportive than other rockers and has a mobile attached.

  136. Jasmine Stanford Reply

    I love the portable cot, it looks so comfortable and is so handy

  137. staceyshailer Reply

    I love the highchair, great design and I love that the height is so easily adjustable!

  138. Geometric Fro Reply

    ALWAYS looking for a great portable cot – really makes the difference when going out for a weekend!

  139. Scott Crumlin Reply

    The rocker so simple and effective. Just to think of baby rocking and giggling is fun!

  140. I have so many friends pregnant wouldn’t it be nice to spoil these new angels!

  141. The Snap ‘n Go Safety Carrier. Easy, secure and baby doesnt get disturbed, perfect.

  142. Jill Hamilton Reply

    THe Snap n Go Carrier, perfect for out and about with bub, I dont need lots of different things to carry him around…

  143. BabyLove Easy Switch Protect Convertable Car Seat! SSS for Safety – Snugness – and Sshhh… quieter Bub!

  144. Irene Fernandas Reply

    Aura Hi Lo Highchair’s modern design looks great.My favourite feature is the removable tray with second tray.

  145. Catherine Burns Reply

    The Babylove Ezy Switch Protect (EP), its technology is revolutionary. Safety is number one. Babylove has the best!

  146. Ashlee Ford Reply

    Oh I love the Babylove Ezy Fold Snap’n Go travel system compatibility, a compact, nimble fold and easy adjust multi position back rest., LOVE!!

  147. Sharon Markwell Reply

    Rockababy Rocker from Babylove is the love of our whole household. Such a handy wonderful design.

  148. Angela Rhodes Reply

    Urbanlite Travel System Stroller perfect for my family Babylove.

  149. Maria Stone Reply

    The RockABaby rocker !! Love the stylish look – and yes would love some hands free time to get housework done or relax with a cuppa! 🙂 thank you !

  150. Krissy Butler Reply

    The urbanlite Travel System Stroller looks stylish and so easy to push!

  151. Megan marett Reply

    The Aura Hi Lo Highchair would be perfect for me for my first expected grandchild! I love the height adjustments and the modern design!

  152. Kitty Belle Reply

    Convertible car seat, it means i don’t have to wake my sleeping baby just because we get to where we are going!

  153. snap’n go safety carrier as they are so practical with a little one. no need to to get them in and out of a car seat and wake them up!

  154. The Aura Hi Lo Highchair, I like that it has wheels and is adjustable with the height.

  155. lisa conolley Reply

    Rockababy Rocker from Babylove. Everything works for b aby and mum.

  156. Love a the baby love infant carrier,would certainly make transporting Bub a breeze.

  157. Love the Hi-lo chair. So inovative and practical. Great quality. Great product x

  158. Rachel Wilson Reply

    love the aura high low chair’s removable tray with 2nd tray looks easy to clean too.

  159. Lucy Fracassi Robins Reply

    I love the high chair. Love the folding feature and the wheels!

  160. Bub will be starting solids soon so I’ve been looking at highchairs. The Aura Hi Lo looks fantastic, can’t wait to check it out in stores!

  161. Rockababy will keep my Snorfling entertained while I take a breather and focus on my 3 year old

  162. Laura Heart Reply

    I have never really used baby love before cause I’m having my first child. But I have heard some really good things about baby love so i can’t wait to try out the products you have and looks like they are such a life saver to use and easy to use as well.

  163. Great Ezy Switch EP Convertible Car Seat for both parents and kids. I admire your safety protection and convertible technology!

  164. Loving the high chair – simple structure, easy to use and it’s on wheels!

  165. Kaz Purtill-Wright Reply

    The urbanlite travel stroller for sure, we do lots of travelling, but don’t have much boot space, but we still don’t want to compromise on quality and the urbanlite allows us to face our baby which is hard to find among travel strollers.

  166. The safe and go safety carrier, a great thing to have so you can let bub sleep when getting out and about with the car

  167. Snap’n Go baby safety carrier , let sleeping babies lie, usually as soon as I move bub from the car or carrier, he starts to cry!

  168. The Ezy Switch Car Seat is super practical. Compact in size so it fits easily into small cars or with multiple seats. The special clips to hold the seat belt out of the way while you pop your child in the seat will prevent a lot of tantrums and parental wrist injuries from trying to find those elusive little straps underneath your child!

  169. Urbanlite travel stroller I have a massing big heavy pram that take up all my boot space something small and compact is the way to go

  170. The Ezy Switch Car Seat looks like it solves the issues of getting in and out of cars.

  171. The Urbanlite Travel System Stroller is fantastic, so many functions and adaptability for all stages. It also looks really classy but still modern. Would be proud to walk everywhere with my baby in this. I also love the Aura Hi Lo highchair as it is compact, looks really comfortable for baby and most importantly looks super easy to keep clean and hygienic, All the products look amazing!

  172. Angela Persello Reply

    Snap and go safety carrier, capsules are the most helpful item with a newborn/small baby, being able to get them in and out the car without disturbing them

  173. Bronwyn Kelly Reply

    I love the baby rocker, lightweight and portable, a safe way to put baby down without the worry.

  174. Nicole Zoia Reply

    Hard to narrow it down but I think the rocker is the ideal product for me. I can see my 6 yr old entertaining baby while he sits back relaxing in style.

  175. My fave is the high chair – the twin tray idea is fabulous and it looks easy to keep clean!

  176. Bonnie Wallace Reply

    I love the Snap’n Go Safety Carrier system. This will be absolutely ideal for any newborn baby. A + on any mum to be’s list.

  177. Stephanie H Beauchamp Reply

    Ezy Fold Travel System Stroller – Need this when running around with 5 kids!

  178. Favourite product Urbanlite Travel System Stroller,
    Suitable from newborn to toddler.
    Parent-facing makes bonding, smiling and eye contact easier,
    Infant carrier makes transition effortless from car to stroller.
    Versatile, adjustable, adaptable, compact and durable,
    Lightweight, stylish, sleek and comfortable.
    Safe and outstanding, in Urbanlite we trust,
    For our newborn it is a must!!

  179. Holly Simpson Reply

    Easy Fold Travel System Stroller – great for people like me with dodgy backs!

  180. hannah baxter Reply

    Easy Fold Travel System Stroller = amazing one of the best strollers to use in the market today

  181. easy fold travel system- have a light easy to fold pram after a c section is a god send

  182. The rocker – I love the colours. We need a new one with now having twins on the way.

  183. Love the high chair! We got a second hand one with our first and its wheels don’t even turn!

  184. Kasey Evans Reply

    I love the Urbanlite Travel System Stroller, it’s super sleek & converts so I could see bub when she’s little then later on convert it the other way for her to see the world!

  185. Nicole McMichan Reply

    I love my capsule that can go from car to pram so easily without waking anyone up!

  186. Peggy Wilson Reply

    I love the urbanlite travel system…i love the idea of keeping baby asleep from the car to the shops while shopping etc.

  187. The babylove rocker looks fantastic for helping with settling a unhappy baby..cant wait to try it

  188. Simone Callis Reply

    I love the convertible car seat – it is slim line, nice and padded and easy to wash.

  189. Nicole Williams Reply

    I love the high chair, how convenient that it can be used at different levels and it still quite basic…not bulky and hard to clean

  190. I love the urbanlite travel system! The access to the basket looks fantastic! And of course being able to transfer baby from car to pram without disturbing is essential in my opinion.

  191. aura hi lo highchair
    love the second tray love love love the adjustable seat recline and leg rest

  192. sars_angelchik Reply

    I love the rocker because it is the perfect place to put bub while we are eating dinner so that he can still feel a part of things and I can bounce him to help settle him. It is also great for giving him his very first tastes of food.

  193. Andieharrie Reply

    URBANLITE TRAVEL SYSTEM STROLLER is perfect for our family, Light and usage is easy peasy, facing front or back, great BASKET and storage rack

  194. Maria Stringer Reply

    Rockababy rocker, these look so comfy and have come a long way from the earlier versions I had for my babies.

  195. Teri crowhurst Reply

    I really love the idea of the Aura hi Lo high chair – adjustable heights and second tray are very appealing

  196. Lauren Hodgson Reply

    I really lover the new look and would love to win. I love the Highchair.

  197. Keely R G Brandon Reply

    The RockABaby Rocker looks amazing! Never found a rocker that could soothe my little guy, maybe this one could do the trick for my next!

  198. Karla Oleinikoff Reply

    The Aura Hi Lo Highchair. Neat, compact, and SO practical! Adjustable heights and twin trays are fantastic features!

  199. Mel Milliken Reply

    The high chair looks great. I love that it is height adjustable so I can keep bub at the right height for what I’m doing at the time of feeding (or just keeping them off the floor!)

  200. definitely the cosifit nappies! easy to use and no red marks

  201. Kodie Gibb Reply

    the ezy fold stroller ,best stroller to fold up and put in the boot with ease

  202. Dawn Taylor Reply

    The Rock A Baby Rockef. My babies loved the bouncer we had for them many years ago, but oh my goodness, the almost falls, and the couple of falls my husband and I had with the parts of the frame theatre stuck out. This bouncer looks like there will be no falls for my now grown babies, with my daughters in law, and brand new grand baby.

  203. Melanie Battistel Reply

    The Rock A Baby Rocker is exciting, I adore the Mulberry
    colour, its functional and stylish. I am also fond of the 2 position back rest,
    so many times I wished I had that option with my first bub. Folding away flat
    is also an awesome space saver.

  204. Lauren Attwood Reply

    The Urbanlite Travel System Stroller looks lightweight and easy to use. I love that you can use it as part of a travel system with the car seat capsule too!

  205. I love the RockABaby Rocker from Babylove! The colours are just fabulous and the style has a royal feel to it. Simply amazing.

  206. The travel system stroller that you can just snap the capsule into and keep going without waking baby (hopefully! )

  207. Alison Henderson Reply

    The Ezy fold stroller. 5 kids anything with ezy in it is a winner

  208. The Ezy fold stroller for sure!!! Going out wouldn’t be such a chore if I had a stroller as easy to use as that!!

  209. Julie Hearn Reply

    The Snap n Go System looks like it would make life so much simpler! Didn’t have one for the first 2, but think it’s going to be essential for this one, with all the running around!

  210. Amy Berich Reply

    Love the snap and go system, anything thst makes life easier is a winner.

  211. Samantha Dalby Reply

    I love all of these products so much my baby has hand me downs from his other 5 siblings lol new stroller would be wonderful 🙂

  212. The urbanlite travel stroller. Perfect for my small car and easy for me to use!

  213. Tracey Ralph Reply

    The new look rockers are a must. A great place to put down bub.

  214. Nicole Trustnoone Reply

    Snap’n go carrier would be a dream to use as I’ve only used the older style car seat where you have to get bubs out

  215. patti milfort Reply

    baby love products is what my friends have and rave about im expecting in november this bundel woulod be a dream

  216. Danielle Parker Reply

    I love all the products the prams look nice and easy to lift in and out of a boot

  217. Tegan Watson Reply

    All the new range looks fantastic & funky! Love the colours of the RockaBaby rocker too.

  218. Naomie Nolan Reply

    Great looking range – I like the versatility of the hi-lo chair.

  219. teressa clark Reply

    all babylove products they a very easy to use, stylish and very reasonably priced!!!

  220. all products look really good and would make a great addition to my household

  221. Regine Kong Reply

    They all look good but i never had a high chair with my first so that would be my favourite 🙂

  222. Mel Bickley Reply

    The snap and go system looks amazing and would make getting on and out the car so much easier with a toddler and new baby!

  223. I love the look of the Aura Hi Lo Highchair! Can’t wait to give this a go!

  224. I love the look of the rockababy rocker and it comes in my favourite colour

  225. TanyaCrerar Reply

    The compact size and safety features of the BabyLove car seat make it the best choice for my family.

  226. love love the rockababy rocker and it comes in a great colour too!

  227. Vanessa Ahern Reply

    My favourite new Babylove product is the rocker as it is stylish and looks comfortable for babyl

  228. The RockABaby Rocker is one of the most awesome products ever!!!

  229. I love the car seat, it looks very comfortable and I love the fact that you can adjust the Ezy Protect headrest as your child grows

  230. Leanne Campbell Reply

    I love the EZY SWITCH EP CONVERTIBLE CAR SEAT a the compact size, safety features & the fact that it is convertible makes its ideal for me to use for my grandchildren when they are in my car.

  231. Jennalee Izzard Reply

    I love the Ezy Fold travel System Stroller, its everything the name says!! Its easy to fold, conpact for easy storage in the boot, I can adjust the back rest to the needs of my son whether he is eating, sleeping or just being social. Its got heaps of basket space fpr storage and its easy to access and overall i love the look and design of the stroller

  232. Amanda Pope Reply

    The ezy switch car seat with it’s clever clips to keep the buckle apart when putting baby in the seat. Perfect for squirmers and makes that awkward dig under a seated child unnecessary.

  233. Debrah Bassett Reply

    The stroller so easy to fold and its compact and light weight just what you need when you are on the go with a baby

  234. Justine Hordyk Reply

    Love the high chair high low setting no metal bits sticking out very safe and yes it has wheels no more lifting

  235. antoniaodwyer Reply

    The Aura Hi Lo Highchair, so incredibly versatile, perfect for babysitting duties of my many grandchildren.

  236. Kathryn Radford Reply

    Love the high chair on wheels that bub can sit up and watch us wherever we are in the house.

  237. Michelle Roberts Reply

    rocker, these are awesome, bubs can watch the activities happening and be entertained whilst trying to get meals and do the essential tasks, they are so versatile and transportable.

  238. Phillipa Harman Reply

    The BabyLove Bundle Package has everything that Matthew & Dani need for their first baby which is due early next year. The stroller and infant carrier were going to be their first purchases.

  239. Jessica De Feudis Reply

    I like the idea of the porta cot would be good when my bubbas are visiting there nanny and grandpas workshop to have a nap after all there playing.

  240. Alexandra Horvath Reply

    This would be a blessing to not only me but my best friend whos heavily pregna t and without a pram! This would be a god sent

  241. Sara Johnston Reply

    Woop woop, Babylove has such a wonderful range of quality products!! ❤️

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