Competitions - Closed

Barbie Lovers of the World Unite – She’s Back!


Soar to new heights and discover that there’s no greater power than the power of friendship! Here at Mum Central we’re celebrating the release of Barbie in Princess Power on March 19 by giving away 10 copies of the DVD.

Barbie™ is a modern-day princess turned superhero in her latest action packed, family adventure, Barbie in Princess Power. The first ever Barbie™ movie to have a theatrical release, Barbie in Princess Power is the 30th film in the popular Mattel® franchise.

In this modern tale, Barbie stars as Kara, an everyday girl whose life becomes magical when she discovers she can fly, has super strength and epic agility. Experience Barbie as you’ve never seen her before in Barbie in Princess Power, available on Blu-ray™, DVD & Digital with Ultraviolet™ from March 19, 2015.

Here’s your chance to win 1 of 10 Barbie in Princess Power DVDs. Simply complete the entry form below and you’re in the running. Share with your friends to increase your chances of winning!

To be in the running, simply complete the entry form below, answer as many answers as possible and you’re in the running.

1. Each entry action in the form below gives you one entry into the competition. The more actions you complete the greater your chances.
2. Be sure to come back daily for your daily BONUS ENTRY.
3. SHARE SHARE SHARE on social media using the last entry action – for every friend that enters from your referring link, YOU get another entry too!

Be sure to check out all our other competitions HERE

Good luck!

Win 1 of 10 Barbie in Princess Power DVD Giveaway


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  1. Michelle Green Reply

    I wish I could have the power of Invisibility so I could no one could see me and I could hear everything people have to say about me, both good and bad.

  2. I wish I could have the power of Invisibility so I could no one could
    see me and I could hear everything people have to say about me, both
    good and bad.

  3. I wish I could have a power of finishing the boring chores in seconds.

  4. Have the power to disappear and appear in many places at once , would be able to get things done quicker.

  5. The power to go back to before, so I could correct my mistakes I’ve made.

  6. Chris Arthur Reply

    Would love the power to make all fruit & vegies taste like chocolate 🙂

  7. Janet Martin Reply

    Clone myself so I could get all the chores done whilst having the time to actually sit, play and connect with my kids

  8. Narelle Rock Reply

    I would love to have the ability to clone myself and be in 2 places at the same time, then I wouldn’t miss anything!

  9. Rachel Kriss-Newell Reply

    The ability to walk through walls and objects. The number of times I have locked myself out of the house and car is ridiculous

  10. Ying Ying TAN Reply

    I wish when I am embarrassed I can literally sink through the floor and not let others see me blush in embarrassment.

  11. Ilonka Bruce Reply

    the power to make all my housework magically get done by its self

  12. Sarah Phillips Reply

    I’d love the power to read minds so I’d know what everyone was thinking. I could always stay one step ahead of everyone.

  13. Invisibility – that ‘fly’ on the wall to find out what really happens behind closed doors in politics and in business.

  14. Kelly-Anne Leddy Reply

    Teleportation so I could get anywhere in an instant whether it was 5 minutes away or hours away – would be really convenient being able to visit family

  15. Kristy winters Reply

    Mind power so I could get the kids to do,as I ask without argument

  16. I would have X-ray vision, but not for the rude stuff, I would like to be able to help look and cure peoples ailments broken bones cancers and disease all diagnosed by using my X-ray vision.

  17. My superpower would be the ability to time travel and get to see all of the awesome events that have taken place, in person.

  18. Stephanie H Beauchamp Reply

    Super power to clean, cook and iron so i can spend more quality time with my 5 daughters !

  19. To clone myself so I was able to do 2 things at once & get things done in half the time. Then being able to spend more time family & friends

  20. super speed – no matter how late the kids make me i can still make it to work on time!

  21. To be able to split myself into more of me (at least 10) so that I can finish everything that needs to be done each day!

  22. My superpower would be to have the house clean and tidy in one second.

  23. Alicia Cathrene Kimberley Reply

    To be super fast so I can cook and clean in a flash!!

  24. Invisibility. Sometimes it would be great to not be seen by the kids when I’m in the kitchen!

  25. invisibilty so that i could play peek-a-boo with my kids or always win at hide and seek! 🙂

  26. Charmaine Campbell Reply

    I’d love to be able to stop time while I catch up on everything I need to do, or just a catch up on some sleep!

  27. the power of speed…then i could keep up with my daughter when she rides her bike so fast (i’m normally huffing and puffing behind her saying,”slow down…mummy is really unfit…i may even be dying!)

  28. Id love to be able to fly. To have the freedom and to feel effortless and weightless while breathing fresh air in the clouds… ahhh now that sounds nice! 🙂

  29. Invisibility – so I could see exactly what my kids really get up to at school!!

  30. As a kid I wanted to FLY! As a teenager I wanted INVISIBILITY! Now that I am older
    I want to be able to STOP TIME!

  31. I would like to become my pampered dog for a short time so I could experience her wonderful life

  32. Eleni Fagan Reply

    a superpower that i can be in 2 place at once, so i dont miss a single thing from my childrens life when they have a special event that clashes.

  33. Super speed so I could get everything done, as a mum who works full time there are never enough hours in the day

  34. Ice Powers and weather powers. I would just love to make it snow with my hands and to make any drinks frozen so I can have a slushy all the time. Yum.

  35. Power of persuasion. “Kids, tidy your toys” “Yes Mum”. “Kids, eat all your veges” “Yes Mum”. “Kids, get ready and hop in the car” “Yes Mum”. No more nagging from me and no more whinging from them!

  36. Barbie makes awesome movies. We have them all so far… 3 girls 🙂

  37. Helen Hamilton Reply

    I would love the power of healing to much illness and trauma in the world.

  38. Astrotravel – I cannot afford to travel with kids so if I could satisfy my travel bug through astrotravel, I’d have it ALL!

  39. I wish I had a super power of being a kid whenever I want so I could have more fun with my kids!

  40. The power to see into the future, that way I can stop things from going wrong.

  41. teleporting that way the kids can get to school on time and the ability to go wherever I need to go faster

  42. Jessica Lauifata Reply

    I wish I had the power to control fire… It just seems so awesome!

  43. To stop time for everyone but me … then I would have the time in the day to go to work … get dinner cooked … clean the house … do the washing … walk the dog … and then have the time to spend most of the day with my little bubba bear.

  44. Charl Lowther Reply

    Invisibility so I disappear once in a while and have some quiet time 🙂

  45. Control time!!! then i could get everything done and still have some quiet time.

  46. Tracey Ibbott Reply

    Mind powers – so I could get people to do what I want them to do, without speaking to them.

  47. Valerie Wee Reply

    Stop Time power. So that, I can do anything I want when the time stops.

  48. X-Ray vision, the one I’ve been wishing I had since I realized what girls were 🙂

  49. Intrapersonal communication. For days like today, down with the flu, throat hurts to talk and I can’t be bothered talking or moving. So to communicate via the mind would be bliss.

  50. Cleaning the house with the wiggle of my nose or the swirl of my finger

  51. Maria Braund Reply

    To fly, to be able to see the whole world especially where my parents were born.

  52. click my fingers and time travel to anywhere we want so we can make so many beautiful family memories exploring the world

  53. Invisibility! Who hasn’t wanted to be a ‘fly on the wall’ at some stage?

  54. Louise Patterson Reply

    I’d like to be able to have the superpower of ‘peace’. If I could just wave my hand over fighting siblings, people and countries that would be awesome.

  55. Juanita Thorn Reply

    I would love to have the Superpower of Teleportation. So I can teleport to London any time and be next to my daughter.

  56. superpower of travelling with four girls, with minimal luggage Hotels with rooms for six ,at economy rates Dreams do come true Thankyou

  57. Teleportation because I hate travel soooo much. I wish I could just close my eyes and be anywhere in the world at any given moment!

  58. Karla Oleinikoff Reply

    The power to fall asleep instantly, whenever I want to. No more lying awake at night frustrated!

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