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BREAKING: Queensland, South Australia & Western Australian Schools Close Early

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Parents across Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia have been holding their breaths for the announcement that schools will be going ‘student-free’ to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Well, today that announcement came from QLD Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and SA Education Minister John Gardner. Despite Scott Morrison keeping schools open, both state leaders have gone against the grain and closed the schools to most students. 

ALL Queensland schools to close starting Monday

  • All schools – state, private, Catholic – across Queensland will be “student-free” from Monday.
  • The Term One break will now begin on Monday 30 March. Five student free days have been declared for Monday 30 March to Friday 3 April 2020.
  • Schools will remain open to children whose parents are deemed, essential workers.
  • Staff will begin their term 1 break on Monday 6 April. 
  • During the regular school holidays (Monday 6 April to Monday 20 April), schools will be shut for all students and staff.

South Australian state schools to close 3 April 

  • In South Australia, state schools’ doors will be closed, except to students whose parents work in “essential services” from Friday, April 3.
  • Monday 6 April to Thursday 9 April will be pupil free days in South Australian government schools and preschools. This will help educators to plan and prepare for new models of school-based and home-based learning, ready for term 2.
  • OSHC and vacation care should continue to operate for students who need it during the pupil free days and school holidays.
  • Catholic Education South Australia confirmed this is also the case for Catholic schools across South Australia. The last day of the school term for students will now be Friday April 3.
  • During the regular school holidays (Friday 10 April to Monday 27 April), schools will be shut for all students and staff.

Western Australian state schools to close 3 April 

  • Next week Monday March 30 to Friday April 3, children will be able to go to school as normal, but the Government is urging parents to keep them home if you can.
  • The following week Monday April 6 to Thursday April 9, parents who cannot make alternative arrangements can still send their children to school, but teachers will only provide supervision, not structured learning.

Victoria and the ACT have also moved to start their Easter holidays early, with pupil free-days at public schools, but other states have kept schools open.


Homeschooling? We’re here to help

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If your kids are off school, then join us as we navigate the wavy waters of homeschooling. While many schools will offer online learning to help us out with this unexpected new role, our Home Schooling Mums Australia Facebook group provides educational resources, tips, advice and so much more.

Our group offers a place where we can go to celebrate our wins and laugh at our failures. After all, we are all in this together.

This won’t be a forever thing. But, it’s a for-now thing. So let’s make the most of it, one home-schooled lesson at a time.

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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