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The Weight Loss Program That Works: This Mum Lost 37kg in just 24 Weeks!


Fluctuating weight, fad diets, constant hunger and emotional eating. These are the realities of weight loss. And let’s not forget that sick-to-your-stomach feeling when you get on the scales.

Anyone who’s ever struggled with their weight knows how those unwanted kilos can knock your confidence, dampen your self-esteem and keep you from living your #bestlife.

But what if we told you there was a weight loss program that understands the challenges of weight loss—and ACTUALLY works?

Brooke Thompson managed to drop an incredible 37kg during her maternity leave! Crazy, right? But this amazing mum did it! And she’s got quite the story to tell!

Before and after weight loss Jenny Craig

Brooke’s Incredible Weight Loss Story

Like many women, Brooke struggled with her fluctuating weight. She would lose weight, only to put it back on again. We’ve all been there, right? And we all know how incredibly easy it is to gain weight. But we also know it’s SO. MUCH. HARDER to lose it.

Then, when Brooke became pregnant, the weight piled on even faster. She began to lose her self-esteem and found herself constantly worrying about her weight. It became so bad that her confidence took a major nosedive.

So much so that the Victorian mum-to-be didn’t even feel comfortable enough to take those much-anticipated weekly baby bump photos to document her pregnancy journey.

A lot of my pregnant friends were documenting their pregnancy with photographs and doing maternity shoots. That was just something that I wasn’t comfortable doing because of my weight,” explains Brooke, who now has an eight-month-old daughter, Selena.

In fact, missing out on tracking this momentous journey was one of the key reasons that prompted Brooke to take action.

After seeing a friend achieve amazing results with the program, Brooke turned to Jenny Craig – one of the largest and most trusted weight management programs in the world.  As she tells Mum Central,

I decided to join Jenny Craig because I wanted to feel more confident with myself again. And I wanted to do something about my weight, so that if or when I become pregnant again I will be able to take photos and have those milestones along the way.

I wanted to be able to document memories with my family and show my daughter photos of when she was a baby without being embarrassed by the person in the photo with her. I just wanted to do something about it.”

Check out Brooke’s video below to see the full story on her weight loss success and keep reading to find out how she lost weight and how you can too with an exclusive offer from Jenny Craig.

Bring on the skinny jeans!

Brooke needed a weight loss program that was simple and easy to follow, included her very own Consultant and would show results quickly. And that’s just what she got from Jenny Craig. She began her weight loss journey at six-weeks-postpartum and started to see positive changes straight away.

It was really daunting getting on the scales the first time but my Jenny Craig Consultant made me feel so relaxed and comfortable,” 

Brooke Thompson Jenny Craig weight loss

For Brooke, accountability was really important. She explains that if she had a bad week or slipped up a little bit (as we all do!), it showed on the scales. So this prompted her to take a positive approach and simply start the next week from scratch.

For me, it was really important being able to check in every week. If I was having troubles or I knew a certain situation was coming up where I wouldn’t have my Jenny Craig food, they were able to help. We’d have a chat and decide on the best option. Having the Consultants there to help really was invaluable.

As every week passed and her baby grew, so did Brooke’s confidence, energy levels, and self-worth. However, her waist size shrank! She was able to go out for walks with baby Selena, her dogs and her partner Lochlan and began to feel like herself again. Best of all, Brooke managed to lose an incredible 37kg in less than 6 months!

I never thought I could lose that much when I first started. I thought I would just lose the baby weight. Then once I lost that, I just kept going. I’m actually shocked by how far I’ve come. 

I am more confident being Selena’s mum and Lochlan’s partner. I feel proud to be standing next to them and I think they feel the same as well.”

Brooke admits that if or when baby number two happens, she will most certainly be tracking her pregnancy and snapping photos of her growing belly. She won’t miss out on tracking her pregnancy stages the next time around, that’s for sure.

I enjoy life now. I’m not held back by that weight barrier anymore.”

Brooke Weight loss Jenny Craig

How Brooke lost weight & found her confidence 

Weekly Consultations

Brooke worked with Jenny Craig Consultant, Renee, to design a program specifically for her. Having weekly one-on-one Consultations with Renee was a great motivator, but it also added a bit of adult interaction into Brooke’s weekly routine, which as any mum knows, can be a saviour.

I couldn’t have done it without Renee. It’s just great going there and seeing someone other than your partner! They’re there and they acknowledge what a good job you’re doing. Sometimes you just need that.” 

This is not your typical meal program

What really sets Jenny Craig apart from other weight loss regimens is the meal program. The meals are quick to heat up and delicious. This is essential for busy mums, especially when you’re trying to balance a baby on your hip and sort out dinner!

You don’t have to think about what you’re going to eat. I put my menu on the fridge, check it, grab the meal out and pop it in the microwave. It’s simple and I was never hungry at all.

Plus, the food is delicious. It doesn’t feel like you’re restricted at all. Who thought you could be on a diet and still eat a meat pie or chocolate chip cookies? I was never hungry. I always had plenty of food and loved it.

jenny craig meals

Healthy lifestyle habits

After Brooke reached her goal weight (and then kept going!), she admits she was worried about keeping it off. But this is the beauty of the program – it gives you all the tools you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle even after you’ve finished the program.

Members learn how to prepare their own recipes, plan their menus using everyday foods and manage their weight in the long term.

I think that’s almost the best part about it – that it’s not just a fad diet, it’s something that I’ll be able to stick with now. It’s really setting the foundation for me to maintain this weight for the rest of my life and stop that yoyoing.”

Jenny Craig meal plan

Weight loss for mums is made easy with Jenny Craig

Want to lose weight? It’s super important to choose the right program for you and to ensure you receive support from someone who understands the additional challenges of motherhood.

Jenny Craig is the perfect weight loss program for busy mums, working mums, new mums, and breastfeeding mums. It offers unparalleled support with weight loss Consultants that will guide you through your weight loss journey every step of the way. You’ll be given meals to suit your lifestyle, including snacks to have throughout the day.

Jenny Craig even offers a tailored program for new mums, which has been specially designed to meet the additional nutritional needs of mums who are breastfeeding. The plan will help you to lose weight at a safe rate for you and your baby. Note: Jenny Craig suggests brand new mums wait for at least six weeks before joining the program. See, they’ve got mum in mind!

For Brooke, Jenny Craig was the perfect program to help her achieve her weight loss goals. With over 70 delicious dietitian-designed meals, over 100 Jenny Craig centres in Australia and New Zealand, plus the option of the ‘Jenny Craig at home’ service, if you can’t make it to a centre, and a weekly one-on-one Consultation, you will literally have everything you need to lose the weight.

There’s no pressure, no crazy fad diets and no strenuous exercise involved.

What’s more, Jenny Craig clients can lose three times more weight than dieting alone1 and the Rapid Results program has helped members lose up to 5kg in the first 4 weeks!2

Brooke’s message to other mums

Brooke is only one of the countless mums in Australia who have given Jenny Craig a go and seen great results.

Of course, there’s a lot to consider when embarking on a weight loss journey. The cost, the commitment, the fear of failure, the lack of time. Yes, all of these things exist, but do you really want these things to be the reasons you didn’t even try?

Whether you’re still on maternity leave or your baby days are a distant memory, there is an easy way to get your weight back on track and gain your confidence back.

As Brooke says,

If I could describe Jenny Craig in one word, it would be ‘life-changing’. It’s given me my confidence back.

These days we’re all so busy looking after everyone else. But I say, take the time out and do something for yourself. There’s no better time than now.” 

This is a sponsored post for Jenny Craig.


1. If you want to read more about how Jenny Craig clients can lose 3x more weight than dieting alone, we invite you to read the 2-year study undertaken in the United States and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) – see JAMA Study also available upon request. Members following the Jenny Craig program, on average, lose 0.5-1kg per week. For details of Jenny Craig’s programs and pricing, see

2. Average weight loss, based on Jenny Craig study, was 5.27kg in the first 4 weeks for those who completed the Rapid Results Program (including full weekly menu, with consultations), versus 3.87kg on our Classic Program. Individual results may vary.



Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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