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Which Carrie Bickmore Are You? Insta-perfect Nap Goddess or Exhausted Mumma?!


INSTAGRAM versus REALITY! Carrie Bickmore proves she’s one of us by posting two VERY different pics on her insta account. 

Caried shared the split=personality photo today. Taken in December a few weeks after her baby girl Adelaide was born, she shows us what tired mamas REALLY look like. And this is why we love her!

It’s easy to see other mum’s photos on social media and compare yourself. But just remember! Behind every stylish glamour shot is a LOT of filters, props and tried and tested camera angles.

Newborn haze

Celeb mum Carrie Bickmore gave birth to her third child in early December. A gorgeous little girl called Adelaide.  (She also has another daughter Evie, aged three, with her partner Chris Walker, and an 11-year-old son Oliver from her previous marriage to Greg Lange).

A few months on, she’s now shared two photos from when Adelaide was two weeks old in a hysterical Instagram post. They show her having some much-needed snooze time with her bub, and all us real mummas can relate.

Stylish mumma

In the first picture (see below), the host of Channel Ten’s The Project is stylishly napping on the couch with one arm casually above her head which is mostly covered by a hat. Cutie Adelaide is tucked under her other arm. So beautiful, so blissful. Makes motherhood look so darn easy. But are things really what they seem?!

“INSTAGRAM verses REALITY (swipe right) 🤣 1st pic was taken on a flattering angle, with some props, some casual hand positioning, some clever cropping and a nice little filter added,” Carrie wrote in the beginning of her caption.

The styled shot of Carrie and Adelaide. Image source – Instagram

Reality bites for Carrie Bickmore and her baby

And then the truth comes out… Apparently this was actually the SECOND shot taken that day. And it had a bit of a helping hand!

“The 2nd was the real moment captured without my knowledge a couple of weeks after Adelaide was born before I woke up and suggested we take a nice shot. 😜” The 38 year-old added.

The original photo (see below) is totally raw, exhausted newborn haze #mumlife. And we love it!

The real before shot when Carrie was caught unawares. Iimage source – Instagram

Keeping it real

We’re not the only ones who think down-to-earth Carrie is the bees knees either. Her funny post has had over 43,000 likes and tons of comments. Here is just some of the praise from her followers:

“So goooood 👏. I hope that sleep lasted a while too.”

“This is BRILLIANT!!! Good on you Carrie for sharing. You made us 😂 and love you even more!! 🙌🙌”

“YES!!!! We are all wearing vomit and snot covered clothes. Just strategical shot photos. Once a mum always a mum.”

“Keeping it real! Awesome job – thanks for making mothers everywhere feel normal!”

Way to go Carrie! Keep on keeping it real for all the other mums out there doing it tough 🙂

So which Carrie are you?! Tell us on Facebook! If you’re also in the newborn-sleep-deprived-zone like Carrie, check out these energy boosting foods to keep you going.


Susan is a Sydney based writer and mum of three highly energetic boys who keep her firmly on her toes (and slightly bonkers). When she’s not writing or trying to keep it all together she’s probably reading, watching Netflix or having a sneaky massage.

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