FIFO worker Adam was so excited to become a dad but when his and his wife lost their twins at 21 weeks gestation, the pain was too much. Adam was his wife’s rock as they grieved their babies’, all the while suffering immensely on the inside and often alone.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily grind and let our own health suffer. Here are some expert tips for getting your health back on track without dipping into your weekly budget.
“I was filled with years of shame and self-loathing. This beautiful child deserved the best of the world. How could I give him the best when I believed I was the worst?”Â
If you are interested in natural health, wellness, and nutrition, then taking a Short Course is such a valuable way to discover more and potentially turn this passion into a rewarding career. And for just $240, it’s 100% worth it!
“I never had the feeling that I wanted to harm my child, but I didn’t want to spend any time with her. There was just this gray colour in my life.” We applaud Hayden for bravely opening up about a devastating battle with addiction and depression and her heartbreaking decision involving her daughter, Kaya.
“I remember it in the pit of my stomach when signing for the loan to renovate our house. In my hands, when giving a presentation at work. In the lump deep within when staring at the ultrasound and hearing no heartbeat. You would have noticed it in me if you looked up. It would be found in the absent days from work. The tired eyes and the shaking hands. At times you would have seen the tears.” This is a must-read, mums. Trust us.
Tired of feeling stressed, lonely and fearful of the unknown? The ‘Kick Fear in the Butt’ 30-day empowerment challenge is for YOU! YAY for reclaiming yourself!
Carve out some time to put your health first with this offer from Fernwood Fitness, the women only gym that offers support, childcare & FREE brekky
“Crusts off sandwiches get cut off. The green cup is replaced with the blue cup before a tantrum ensues. A favourite shirt is hand-washed over and over again every night so it’s ready to wear the next day when they wake up. But nothing gets said.”
Just wait, mums, one day, the words will come. To the mums who feel invisible, this is for you.
Perimenopause is known to be the worst time of a woman’s life. Not even joking. Here’s what we all need to know about perimenopause and how we can power on through what we like to call the ‘PerimenoWARS’
The first time I heard the word perimenopause I thought I was dying. I’m not…
Last Sunday it was Father’s Day. On Sunday night a friend of mine posted a…