I never thought you could die from it. If I knew that could happen, she wouldn’t have been taking it. I couldn’t save her, that’s the hard part. She shouldn’t be gone, you know. It’s just not worth it, it’s not worth it at all.”
“Anyone who knew Ally will know that there are no words to describe the widespread devastation that is being felt with the loss of our beautiful girl.”
The suspected drowning is the second one in just three days in South Australia.
Social media influencers are being called out for sharing their dangerous secret to the ‘perfect…
“All of her friends were vaping. I hated it because she was on it all the time. I believe she became more addicted to vaping than she was ever addicted to cigarettes.”
A sleeping 7-year-old had her finger feasted upon during QLD’s mice plague, resulting in an infection and potentially risking the loss of a finger.
A dire vaping warning for teens as more young Australians take up the habit with no idea what they’re inhaling or the lasting damage it does to their body.
A five-year-old boy has been hospitalised after vaping at school. It’s time we realise how harmful vaping is for young children. It’s absolutely NOT harmless!
On Monday morning, four-year-old Miley went to wake up her mum, Bekka. She assumed she was having a sleep-in. This wasn’t the case.
If you haven’t heard of needle spiking before, then please take the time to read this! Share with your mates and kids, if they are old enough to go out! So scary!
A Melbourne mum wants to warn other parents about the dangers of eating sour lollies after her 4-year-old daughter suffered chemical burns to her tongue after eating the popular Warheads lollies.
Just days after Maddy turned 19, she died from toxic shock syndrome. Her mum shares her story to remind women just how dangerous mTSS can be